
I know a bunch of people on here are either currently serving in the military, or have served in the past, my question is directed at you.

What do you think of civilians wearing camo gear?  Tryhards?  Do you not care?  Depends on...whatever?
The Cereal Killer
+201|6971| United States of America
it looks cool?
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6992|Broadlands, VA
I was not in the military, but I wear BDUs becuase they are comfortable and offer great protection when camping or riding the motorbike.

However, I too have wondered how the military folks feel about it.
+2,187|6881|Mountains of NC

I don't care ( I'm an US Marine ) if they want to wear camo thats fine by me bc the new digitals that we have has the E.G.A. ( eagle globe anchor ) stitched in and you can't buy those kind ( with the stitching ) anywhere but on base but anyway it doesnt' bother me bc I know how comfortable they are and durable now if they try to wear them properly and with rank and badges thats when I get pissed - I have seen numerous times civilians trying to pass themselves off as some kind military, buying BDUs and placing the wrong rank with the type of BDU's with the wrong badges in order and out of placed
Δ > x > ¥
Before the days of Glasnost and Perestroika, my brother went on a school trip to Moscow/Leningrad and, on a trip to a black market, purchased a full Russian Army (tank regiment) uniform, plus some other unit badges for the hat.

Now living in Scotland, he says the Russian great coat now comes very useful in the winter.  Best coat he's ever bought.  And the uniform goes down well at fancy dress parties.
2142th Whore
I don't mind as long as they aren't trying to present themselves falsely as a veteran or a current servicemember.
Connoisseur of Fine Wine
I like clothes, you know. I dig fabrics. One of my favorite clothing patterns is camouflage. Because when you're in the woods it makes you blend in. But when you're not it does just the opposite. It's like, 'Hey, there's an asshole'. But when you're in the woods you're like, 'Is there an asshole out here?' They look like trees.

Last edited by Fancy_Pollux (2006-07-21 09:12:38)

Do One Ya Mug !!!
yeh they wanna be squaddies
I don't think I've ever actually seen a single person wearing camo. But I know they're out there. They've got to be. Sneaky bastards.
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6992|Broadlands, VA

cablecopulate wrote:

I don't think I've ever actually seen a single person wearing camo. But I know they're out there. They've got to be. Sneaky bastards.

KtotheIMMY wrote:

I don't mind as long as they aren't trying to present themselves falsely as a veteran or a current servicemember.
well said, but if they wanna wear it go for it... wont catch me wearing it as a civilian...

Last edited by TXVeteran512 (2006-07-21 10:36:45)

I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7032|Melbourne, Australia
i wear it all the time nothing matches like wood camo pants and a plane black t
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7084|AUS, Canberra
i got some camo pants but i only wear them while hunting, they are tough, comfy and have good pockets. but if you were camo pants around the place here in everyday life and are not in the forces you are either a junkie on welfare or a single teanaged mum.
Member Member
Wow, most of you sound like herbs...

Only someone who feels like an asshole while wearing camo would ask a question like this...

Thanks for letting us know you are a well of insecurity!


I don't care ( I'm an US Marine ) if they want to wear camo thats fine by me bc the new digitals that we have has the E.G.A. ( eagle globe anchor ) stitched in and you can't buy those kind ( with the stitching ) anywhere but on base but anyway it doesnt' bother me bc I know how comfortable they are and durable now if they try to wear them properly and with rank and badges thats when I get pissed - I have seen numerous times civilians trying to pass themselves off as some kind military, buying BDUs and placing the wrong rank with the type of BDU's with the wrong badges in order and out of placed
You can get the USMC marked MARPAT off base...

And I agree with you on the idiots who dont do research before trying to emulate thier ego booster...

Have you reported these people? Its very simple... And they will get cracked down on...

If you havent reported them, then shame on you...

Last edited by |-LoNgHiLL-| (2006-07-21 11:35:59)

+68|6992|Reefersyde, CA
only time i wear camo as a civ, is playing paintball.   or hiking, camping.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7093|Great Brown North
handy while hunting, both man and beast. other then that
+2,187|6881|Mountains of NC

|-LoNgHiLL-| wrote:

Wow, most of you sound like herbs...

Only someone who feels like an asshole while wearing camo would ask a question like this...

Thanks for letting us know you are a well of insecurity!


I don't care ( I'm an US Marine ) if they want to wear camo thats fine by me bc the new digitals that we have has the E.G.A. ( eagle globe anchor ) stitched in and you can't buy those kind ( with the stitching ) anywhere but on base but anyway it doesnt' bother me bc I know how comfortable they are and durable now if they try to wear them properly and with rank and badges thats when I get pissed - I have seen numerous times civilians trying to pass themselves off as some kind military, buying BDUs and placing the wrong rank with the type of BDU's with the wrong badges in order and out of placed
You can get the USMC marked MARPAT off base...

And I agree with you on the idiots who dont do research before trying to emulate thier ego booster...

Have you reported these people? Its very simple... And they will get cracked down on...

If you havent reported them, then shame on you...
hmmmmmm didn't know that ...... now are sure they are the digtals with the ega stitched in ,,,,,, if they are thats good to know ,,,,,, and reporting the civilians well who would I report them too, I see civilians "trying" to wear issued BDUs with army rank on USMC digtals and using Army and/or marines badges - I see them in my home town not off base - I usually go up to them when they are with there parents or GF and ask them couple of simple questions about the military and why they trying to act like a solider or marine - most apologize and take off the rank and badges but I had 1 take a swing at me, at ME - well blocked with my left arm - right hand palm to the nose - stepped into him hooked his right arm underneath my left arm and then chocked him with my right hand -------- but anyway it doesn't bother me seeing civilains  wearing camos just don't wear military rank/badges ---- even I wear some camo when they call LIBO but the camo I wear are the camo shorts ( soooooo comfortable ) I got woodland digtal, desert digtal, tiger stripe, tan, black, 3 color desert camo shorts
Senor Duck
+0|6803|North Carolina
i like wearing camo and going to the mall and hiding in their potted trees and various other shrubberies.

aardfrith wrote:

Before the days of Glasnost and Perestroika, my brother went on a school trip to Moscow/Leningrad and, on a trip to a black market, purchased a full Russian Army (tank regiment) uniform, plus some other unit badges for the hat.

Now living in Scotland, he says the Russian great coat now comes very useful in the winter.  Best coat he's ever bought.  And the uniform goes down well at fancy dress parties.
I have an old Russian issue tank commanders hat and jacket. Bear skin. I swear I cant walk more than 10m in
-15degree C without breaking a sweat.
I have camo kit because I often sleep in hedges when drunk. It is the best made clothing there is.

Last edited by JahManRed (2006-07-21 13:39:29)

i think its fine by me, since most ppl in taiwan who work in the farms or live in mountains wear camo pants, not shirts though... but if any of you see a civi start calling a service men a jarhead, zoomie/flyboy, grunt or squid, kick them in the ass

This is about the dumbest thread I've ever seen. I wear cammo and BDU's everyday that I don't have to work. It is the most well made clothing in the world. Ever heard of ripstop? Yeah, it stops the rips. I'm abusive to my clothing. As far as what color I choose to wear is completely up to me. It's also a great way to start a conversation with the people who are in service whom I respect to the fullest. I also like all the pockets that BDU's have. Ummmm and why do you care again? Why in fuck am I replying to this ridiculous question? hmmmm...
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA
i wear the camo cuz you can't see me watching your mom shower
o wut?

kr@cker wrote:

i wear the camo cuz you can't see me watching your mom shower
wow lol
Phorum Phantom
Alot of emo kids wear huge baggy camo clothes to school.
its great because you can ignore them and piss them off and pretend you just cant see them

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