Hey i'm Israeli and this is what i think of this all conflict.
First i'm sick of everyone saying Israel is overracting and Israel is just as bad as the Hezballoh well i'll start of by saying this.
Collective pusnishment not very nice and no one likes it being done to him or doing but in this case it's the only way. (can u think of any other way if yes post i would love to hear it)
I know it cruel that we are bombing civillians and civillians building and i do feel very sorry for those people losing their faimly (i know whats it's like i lost my sister about 2 years ago) but what else are we (israel) supose to do i mean the Hezballoh are hiding in the civillians and it's not like we aren't trying to bomb Hezballoh staff, just 2 days ago we bombed 3 Hezballoh taining camps and that bunker thing we bombed. We do hope that maybe this will teach Hezballoh and furture civillians thinking of joining Hezballoh that if they bomb us soon or later we will have enough and it wont end up pretty i sure do hope they've learnt and that we want see another conflict for at least 10 years.
O and btw i swear if someone says that bombing their airfield was pointless i will go nutes because it wasent pointless it was stop Syria and Iran from suppling Hezballoh (and same thing with the roads and bridges)
First i'm sick of everyone saying Israel is overracting and Israel is just as bad as the Hezballoh well i'll start of by saying this.
Collective pusnishment not very nice and no one likes it being done to him or doing but in this case it's the only way. (can u think of any other way if yes post i would love to hear it)
I know it cruel that we are bombing civillians and civillians building and i do feel very sorry for those people losing their faimly (i know whats it's like i lost my sister about 2 years ago) but what else are we (israel) supose to do i mean the Hezballoh are hiding in the civillians and it's not like we aren't trying to bomb Hezballoh staff, just 2 days ago we bombed 3 Hezballoh taining camps and that bunker thing we bombed. We do hope that maybe this will teach Hezballoh and furture civillians thinking of joining Hezballoh that if they bomb us soon or later we will have enough and it wont end up pretty i sure do hope they've learnt and that we want see another conflict for at least 10 years.
O and btw i swear if someone says that bombing their airfield was pointless i will go nutes because it wasent pointless it was stop Syria and Iran from suppling Hezballoh (and same thing with the roads and bridges)