haven't you had enough of arbitrary cliques in your high school lunchroom?
lol I do like my carebears squad. It's like brought on by "The Colbert Report." Because it was number one on the threat down months ago, which means there really danagerous.
"cause I'm a loner dotty, a real rebel" and Kr@ckers one also. Actually anyone who wants in can, I just got to figure out how to make so sigs and we'll be good to gocyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
we stop threads by derailment, then it gets closed. we can close threads, we got 4 mods in our team. bears wont kill me, i kill bears (except for polar ones).cpt.fass1 wrote:
I thought you where just hijackers and derailers, we're actually thread stoppers, I know have the thread I've ever posted on either myself, or Kr@cker are the last ones posting.cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
thats our job kthnxbye
to krappy: heres what happened, alpha started penguin squad, then i started ninja squad, then sum n00b started pirate squad and they disapeared after defeat, and fass created carebear coz he wants a squad of his own
well we do need a ho-bag bear, any takers?Nessie09 wrote:
Yeah me too! Can I join? plzzzzMadhadda1 wrote:
i'd rather be a carebear than some pirate or ninja anyday
Nice see we're gaining members.
I found the pink bear

Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
you cant have that.. i can see weiner!
Enemy Carebear Spotted!
Enemy Carebear Spotted!
Enemy Carebear Spotted!
Enemy Carebear Spotted!
Enemy Carebear Spotted!
Enemy Carebear Spotted!
Enemy Carebear Spotted!
Blocked for 31 second(s)
Last edited by RDMC(2) (2006-07-25 13:47:04)
That's Hobo bear, he like long walks in the ghetto sipping on gin a juice.
Do you see how dangerous we really are...
Do you see how dangerous we really are...
ptt, penguins can own you. own you all!
You just don't get the bears on skates.. Go watch some roller derby and you'll understand real quick