Ok. Im starting to feel bad.. at the beginning i didnt. I actually enjoyed what i was doing. The sadistic pleasure gained from my worktime, work-dodging activities was palpable... but now... its like im taking part in some kind of holocaust..
Its all the fault of this heatwave. In Belfast, these freakish conditions have caused what i can only describe as a plague of bluebottles. (moderately sized, black/blue fly with loud buzzing, accompanied by a tendency to fly into your face while u work). Im looking around my office (i have my own room), and i survey bluebottles everywhere... dead ones. They line my window sill, the tops of cabinets, on top of files... rough count, 30-50. I used to swat them, but this soon proved messy. I can still see the smitage remnants on most walls.
So now im using 'raid' which is better... but... these flies seem to take the fact that they have been sprayed with lethal insecticide quite personally, and seem to all have some collective reaction to dive bomb me even more now that they are minutes away from departing this mortal coil.. I get the last laugh tho, as each of them, in their death-throes partake in about 30 seconds of breakdancing as they try to hold onto their little, annoying existence. Watching these fuckbots spin maddly on their backs is myrthworthy viewing in anyones book.
But, as i say, im now feeling guilty at all the little black bastards' ive ended. I have a degree in zoology, and am quite the animal friend, so im having a clash of conscience.
Oh, and my new aftershave is 'Raid Fly & Wasp Killer'.
Its all the fault of this heatwave. In Belfast, these freakish conditions have caused what i can only describe as a plague of bluebottles. (moderately sized, black/blue fly with loud buzzing, accompanied by a tendency to fly into your face while u work). Im looking around my office (i have my own room), and i survey bluebottles everywhere... dead ones. They line my window sill, the tops of cabinets, on top of files... rough count, 30-50. I used to swat them, but this soon proved messy. I can still see the smitage remnants on most walls.
So now im using 'raid' which is better... but... these flies seem to take the fact that they have been sprayed with lethal insecticide quite personally, and seem to all have some collective reaction to dive bomb me even more now that they are minutes away from departing this mortal coil.. I get the last laugh tho, as each of them, in their death-throes partake in about 30 seconds of breakdancing as they try to hold onto their little, annoying existence. Watching these fuckbots spin maddly on their backs is myrthworthy viewing in anyones book.
But, as i say, im now feeling guilty at all the little black bastards' ive ended. I have a degree in zoology, and am quite the animal friend, so im having a clash of conscience.
Oh, and my new aftershave is 'Raid Fly & Wasp Killer'.