Thanks for your responses. I still don't know whether to get it. SOme say multiplayer(the only important aspect after BF2 ) is good some bad. I gues its worth a shot at $50 since I recently bought some other games that aren't very good- Oblivion IV - or maybe Im just too obsessed with BF2. IF COD2 is not even comparable then I would just play BF2 as some of you said you do.
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- BF2 v. Ghost Recon Advanced War fighter v. Call of Duty 2
when ever i get a crash tod desktop from bf2, i play cod2 its a great online game none stop action all the way.
GRAW seems way too slow.. I mean, you can run, but it seems very clunky.
The downside of GRAW is the whole hosting part of it. In order to change maps, you have to shut down the server totally, and it has no Server Admin functionality. I've been in a few games where there was one guy in the spawn and it was non stop tubing and nading. Must have been a BF2 player thinking he was earning points or something.
So in all, mine's still on the shelf.. i'll pick it out to play with a few of the guys who play it in the clan.. and for some reason, those few like it way more than others. Personal preference i suppose.
The downside of GRAW is the whole hosting part of it. In order to change maps, you have to shut down the server totally, and it has no Server Admin functionality. I've been in a few games where there was one guy in the spawn and it was non stop tubing and nading. Must have been a BF2 player thinking he was earning points or something.
So in all, mine's still on the shelf.. i'll pick it out to play with a few of the guys who play it in the clan.. and for some reason, those few like it way more than others. Personal preference i suppose.
SO Ozzie it sounds like its worth a shot....
Thanks for telling me I suck because I didn't like a game.DoNER90 wrote:
i think u suck, GRAW IS the best, in the Ghost Recon series, BF2 Pw3ns ALLAlexanderthegrape wrote:
I would say no
War fighter was unplayable and a disgrace to the ghost recon brand name.
Now the grfx were good, but the AI is shit, the enemies take you out with one shot, and the maps are repetitive.
You are now on the hit list.
Dose not make sense comparing them. They are all pretty good, although CoD2 seemed a step backwards because they left out some of the things they added in CoD UO. GRAW AI isnt the greatest Ive heard. And BF2 is full of bugs.
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- BF2 v. Ghost Recon Advanced War fighter v. Call of Duty 2