to me, life sentence is better for three reasons :
1. as Kuntpunch said, it costs more money to execute someone than to keep him in jail for the rest of his life
2. the majority of criminals prefer to die than to stay in prison for the rest of their life. so lets give them the worst of the 2, so they can get punished for what they did. In France, a group of murderers made a petition in order to get the death sentence back, because they couldnt tolerate staying in jail.
3. as someone said above, its possible to release innocents if its been proven they are. Not as easy with a dead person...
1. as Kuntpunch said, it costs more money to execute someone than to keep him in jail for the rest of his life
2. the majority of criminals prefer to die than to stay in prison for the rest of their life. so lets give them the worst of the 2, so they can get punished for what they did. In France, a group of murderers made a petition in order to get the death sentence back, because they couldnt tolerate staying in jail.
3. as someone said above, its possible to release innocents if its been proven they are. Not as easy with a dead person...
Last edited by -=raska=- (2006-07-19 22:01:21)