GunSlinger OIF II
the los angeles angels of anaheim has always cracked me up. but then again I could remember when they were the los angeles angeles and then they were the california angels THEN the anaheim angels
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7122|Orlando, FL - Age 43
Heh, move to Orange County, FLA. It will cure all your ills
GunSlinger OIF II
i was born in dade county

={OGC}=HK-47 wrote:

-=[MDK]=-MrBojangles wrote:

Just move if you hate it here douche.
agreed theres no need to bitch about it.
yea because we all can just pick up our shit and move where ever right? wrong.

stryyker wrote:

I have lived in Orange County my whole life. I was born and raised in Irvine, and then I moved to Dana Point about 10 years ago. Now, 10 years ago, Dana Point was a sleepy little town, quiet, peaceful. It is no more.
Was in San Diego over the weekend.  Drove pass the boobies on San Onofre.  Since you are at Dana Point, no worries being so close...? … 300afp.jpg

Last edited by Ilocano (2006-07-24 11:09:47)

+917|6933|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
I went to OC June 22nd. It sucked. I went home early. All I saw was resteraunts which had 1 or 2 people in them with "old school" music playing and some people on the patio thing talking about themselves... so I wentback to the real place, the south.

The sand was nice...?
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
GunSlinger OIF II
one thing i noticed about the OC is that 70's and 80's funk music is more popular than average
+5,233|6844|Global Command
O.C. rules.
Until another two weeks when I move to Corona and become a 951'r!

Last edited by Alexanderthegrape (2006-07-24 12:03:51)

Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7080|Toronto Canada
my cousins just moved from winnipeg (highest crime rate in all of canada) to palm springs and they hate it.
+68|6994|Reefersyde, CA

=W=GeneralSherman wrote:

stryyker wrote:

I live here, you dont. With the exception of Ken-Jennings

I have lived in Orange County my whole life. I was born and raised in Irvine, and then I moved to Dana Point about 10 years ago. Now, 10 years ago, Dana Point was a sleepy little town, quiet, peaceful. It is no more. Heres Why:

* FUCK YOU ALL. I want to kill someone everytime i see a 16 year old dumbass blonde driving a Mercedes S series to school. You think you are "t3h W1n" with your Abercrombie shirts, tight girl pants for the guys, short skirts for the gals. You suck. These kids have not worked a day in their lives, and they are spoiled beyond all belief. I dont care if you have money, because i can kick your ass at hand to hand combat, the last true social art.

*5 bucks for coffee? kthxno. i think in the long run, taking a plane to Columbia to see Juan Valdez, would be more rewarding, because Juan Valdez has that fresh, crisp taste, grown in the mountains of Columbia.. I like black coffe. why? because i am awesome. I went to a starbucks this morning and asked for a black coffee. the Cashier had to get the manager to take my order. LOL WIN! Its no frappe latte, its coffee, the way God wanted it.

* heres my forumula. Expensive hotels (Ritz Carlton + St. Regis) + Rich Tourists = Canadians. Not just Canadians, French Canadians. ThomasMorgan how i hate you.
  more seriously though, these hotels bring assholes to my home, and i hate assholes. They play golf and expect me to yield for their BMW 745i. My advice to you full-of-you-selves is... I have 3 strikes until someone kills me, do you?

4. The Show (OC and Laguna Beach)
* how i hate you both. These 2 shows have destroyed whatever dignity OC had left. We are all now stereotyped as rich white kids. Besides, the OC was filmed in Malibu... wtf? thats not even in OC, lol! I work in Laguna Beach, i used to see the LB kids all the time, i wanted to eat their souls.

*W.T.F.... There are more car dealerships per square mile than there are ants. if i stand on my roof, i can see 7 car dealerships. 1 Ford, Chevy, Honda, Jeep and 3 Expensive dealerships.

Other Gay Things about Orange County:
Laguna Beach (the city)
the city of Rancho Santa Marguerita
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim

if you hate OC too, add your hates to my list
^  looks like we have a rich emo bitch in here.    Funny how gay people always are calling people faggots. 

+68|6994|Reefersyde, CA

kessel! wrote:

my cousins just moved from winnipeg (highest crime rate in all of canada) to palm springs and they hate it.
palm springs is a pretty QUEER cmmunity.   Id hate it too.. besides, its 110 all the time, so all the gays..., well imagine gays in the heat.
+68|6994|Reefersyde, CA

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

the los angeles angels of anaheim has always cracked me up. but then again I could remember when they were the los angeles angeles and then they were the california angels THEN the anaheim angels
LA just wanted them back, cuz the dodgers fuckin suck
+186|6874|The real world
Hey there are choppers from OCC to, they rule
bullseye (+)
quit playing bf2  and get a good job so you can laugh at poor people
+68|6994|Reefersyde, CA

travisb05 wrote:

quit playing bf2  and get a good job so you can laugh at poor people
i already make 60+ an hr.

dankassasin42o wrote:

travisb05 wrote:

quit playing bf2  and get a good job so you can laugh at poor people
i already make 60+ an hr.
Yeah, some of us here do make six-figure and over.   And some of us do have over a million dollars worth of assets.  But it's still not cool to laugh at poor people...

But it is fun to laugh at rich parents who have kids who won't amount to much...  All your hard work and they end up living off you for the rest of their lives...  They have all the money, but their kids are all screwed up...

Ilocano wrote:

dankassasin42o wrote:

travisb05 wrote:

quit playing bf2  and get a good job so you can laugh at poor people
i already make 60+ an hr.
Yeah, some of us here do make six-figure and over.   And some of us do have over a million dollars worth of assets.  But it's still not cool to laugh at poor people...

But it is fun to laugh at rich parents who have kids who won't amount to much...  All your hard work and they end up living off you for the rest of their lives...  They have all the money, but their kids are all screwed up...
It doesn't matter if you make 60 an hour or 6 figure incomes.  What matters is the cost of living.  Making 60 an hour you probably live in a small apartment or rent house if yoou live in the OC or Malibu or Washington D.C.
+68|6994|Reefersyde, CA

Cougar wrote:

Ilocano wrote:

dankassasin42o wrote:

i already make 60+ an hr.
Yeah, some of us here do make six-figure and over.   And some of us do have over a million dollars worth of assets.  But it's still not cool to laugh at poor people...

But it is fun to laugh at rich parents who have kids who won't amount to much...  All your hard work and they end up living off you for the rest of their lives...  They have all the money, but their kids are all screwed up...
It doesn't matter if you make 60 an hour or 6 figure incomes.  What matters is the cost of living.  Making 60 an hour you probably live in a small apartment or rent house if yoou live in the OC or Malibu or Washington D.C.
Your DEAD right cougar.   Which is way i live in the 951.     I can afford a house with 4 bedrooms 2.5baths  for the same RENT as a apartment in O.C. With 1 bedroom an .5 bath.

  I cant have less then .5acres of land either.  Im thinkin about heading to Colorado.

dankassasin42o wrote:

Cougar wrote:

Ilocano wrote:

Yeah, some of us here do make six-figure and over.   And some of us do have over a million dollars worth of assets.  But it's still not cool to laugh at poor people...

But it is fun to laugh at rich parents who have kids who won't amount to much...  All your hard work and they end up living off you for the rest of their lives...  They have all the money, but their kids are all screwed up...
It doesn't matter if you make 60 an hour or 6 figure incomes.  What matters is the cost of living.  Making 60 an hour you probably live in a small apartment or rent house if yoou live in the OC or Malibu or Washington D.C.
Your DEAD right cougar.   Which is way i live in the 951.     I can afford a house with 4 bedrooms 2.5baths  for the same RENT as a apartment in O.C. With 1 bedroom an .5 bath.

  I cant have less then .5acres of land either.  Im thinkin about heading to Colorado.
I hear real estate here in Dallas is going dirt cheap.
+68|6994|Reefersyde, CA

Cougar wrote:

dankassasin42o wrote:

Cougar wrote:

It doesn't matter if you make 60 an hour or 6 figure incomes.  What matters is the cost of living.  Making 60 an hour you probably live in a small apartment or rent house if yoou live in the OC or Malibu or Washington D.C.
Your DEAD right cougar.   Which is way i live in the 951.     I can afford a house with 4 bedrooms 2.5baths  for the same RENT as a apartment in O.C. With 1 bedroom an .5 bath.

  I cant have less then .5acres of land either.  Im thinkin about heading to Colorado.
I hear real estate here in Dallas is going dirt cheap.
naw i hear somewhere like missippi, u can buy 40 acres for 100,000 or less then build a home for 100,000.  and the size of that home, 3x the size of most 2-3million dollar homes in california.       But im all about land.   And decent weather.  just this weekend, i went to the movies @ like 430pm  it was 106 outside, came out the movies still about 97 degress, but raining, with thunder and lighting.   pretty trippy , i think god hates us, americants

Cougar wrote:

dankassasin42o wrote:

Cougar wrote:

It doesn't matter if you make 60 an hour or 6 figure incomes.  What matters is the cost of living.  Making 60 an hour you probably live in a small apartment or rent house if yoou live in the OC or Malibu or Washington D.C.
Your DEAD right cougar.   Which is way i live in the 951.     I can afford a house with 4 bedrooms 2.5baths  for the same RENT as a apartment in O.C. With 1 bedroom an .5 bath.

  I cant have less then .5acres of land either.  Im thinkin about heading to Colorado.
I hear real estate here in Dallas is going dirt cheap.
We're going off-topic, but it's all relative.  OC was a lot cheaper about 10-15 years ago.  It's not about the purchase price, but what you owe on the loan.  A million dollar home is easier to swallow if you only have a $200000 mortgage. 

Visited Dallas (Plano actually), some 15 years ago.   Houses were relatively cheap back then.
The majority of the 3-million+ citizens living in Orange County are middle class.  There are very few Billionaires living in this part of the State.  I'm guessing your not an adult, but I realize that being a teenager with no real problems, responsibilities or goals you have to create things to cry about-that’s what teenagers do.  Try finding a County in this Country with a population as large as ours (5th largest in the Nation) with career opportunities ranging from professional to unskilled labor, one of the lowest crime rates in the Nation (based on Counties with 1-million+ populations), almost perfect weather year round and beautiful women everywhere you go.  Your living in the best County in the Nation, but your too busy doing nothing.  You are right about one thing; The Television programs portraying the stereotypical views of their executives do suck. (The O.C. and Laguna Beach)

For realistic facts on Orange County go to this site:


Last edited by OCKilroy (2006-07-24 16:16:18)


dankassasin42o wrote:

Cougar wrote:

dankassasin42o wrote:

Your DEAD right cougar.   Which is way i live in the 951.     I can afford a house with 4 bedrooms 2.5baths  for the same RENT as a apartment in O.C. With 1 bedroom an .5 bath.

  I cant have less then .5acres of land either.  Im thinkin about heading to Colorado.
I hear real estate here in Dallas is going dirt cheap.
naw i hear somewhere like missippi, u can buy 40 acres for 100,000 or less then build a home for 100,000.  and the size of that home, 3x the size of most 2-3million dollar homes in california.       But im all about land.   And decent weather.  just this weekend, i went to the movies @ like 430pm  it was 106 outside, came out the movies still about 97 degress, but raining, with thunder and lighting.   pretty trippy , i think god hates us, americants
That's because Mississippi is a sweltering shithole of filth and humidity that gets wiped out by hurricanes and floods every year.

The 6 months I spent in Mississippi were the worst 6 months of my life.  I never thought I would see the day where a mosquito tackled a bird and murdered it.  I also never thought I would see a bum, begging another bum for money, while that bum was begging me for money.  Ironic.
+68|6994|Reefersyde, CA

Ilocano wrote:

Cougar wrote:

dankassasin42o wrote:

Your DEAD right cougar.   Which is way i live in the 951.     I can afford a house with 4 bedrooms 2.5baths  for the same RENT as a apartment in O.C. With 1 bedroom an .5 bath.

  I cant have less then .5acres of land either.  Im thinkin about heading to Colorado.
I hear real estate here in Dallas is going dirt cheap.
We're going off-topic, but it's all relative.  OC was a lot cheaper about 10-15 years ago.  It's not about the purchase price, but what you owe on the loan.  A million dollar home is easier to swallow if you only have a $200000 mortgage. 

Visited Dallas (Plano actually), some 15 years ago.   Houses were relatively cheap back then.
Thats true.  I have some famliy in OC, garden grove area.    I live just 45mins up the 91 in corona.   My uncle was payin 1600 for an apartment.     I could find a house for rent, for that price without question.    I wish things were cheaper.    But now b'cuz the INLAND EMPIRE was cheaper then LA, OC, Irvine, ect.   Everyones starting to move out this way.   there would never be traffik on the I15 - south @ 5pm, you could do 100mph if u wanted.   Now try to make 40MPH.     To many ppl is america's problem.
I am all that is MOD!

actually, $60/hour will allow you to afford a decent sized house here, depending on which community you want to live in.  But I will say that paying around a half a million dollars or more for a 3 bed/2 bath townhouse is a little ridiculous.  It's all about location, location, location.  I live in Irvine right now, and my buddies and I pay a little over $2200 a month for our 3 bed/2.5 bath.  I have seen houses in Corona/Murrieta that are 3000 square feet 5 bedrooms for less than $2k.  But I don't want to live in the armpit of SoCal, so I live in the biggest master planned community in SoCal instead.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2006-07-24 15:49:27)

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