bad touch

I live here, you dont. With the exception of Ken-Jennings

I have lived in Orange County my whole life. I was born and raised in Irvine, and then I moved to Dana Point about 10 years ago. Now, 10 years ago, Dana Point was a sleepy little town, quiet, peaceful. It is no more. Heres Why:

* FUCK YOU ALL. I want to kill someone everytime i see a 16 year old dumbass blonde driving a Mercedes S series to school. You think you are "t3h W1n" with your Abercrombie shirts, tight girl pants for the guys, short skirts for the gals. You suck. These kids have not worked a day in their lives, and they are spoiled beyond all belief. I dont care if you have money, because i can kick your ass at hand to hand combat, the last true social art.

*5 bucks for coffee? kthxno. i think in the long run, taking a plane to Columbia to see Juan Valdez, would be more rewarding, because Juan Valdez has that fresh, crisp taste, grown in the mountains of Columbia.. I like black coffe. why? because i am awesome. I went to a starbucks this morning and asked for a black coffee. the Cashier had to get the manager to take my order. LOL WIN! Its no frappe latte, its coffee, the way God wanted it.

* heres my forumula. Expensive hotels (Ritz Carlton + St. Regis) + Rich Tourists = Canadians. Not just Canadians, French Canadians. ThomasMorgan how i hate you.
  more seriously though, these hotels bring assholes to my home, and i hate assholes. They play golf and expect me to yield for their BMW 745i. My advice to you full-of-you-selves is... I have 3 strikes until someone kills me, do you?

4. The Show (OC and Laguna Beach)
* how i hate you both. These 2 shows have destroyed whatever dignity OC had left. We are all now stereotyped as rich white kids. Besides, the OC was filmed in Malibu... wtf? thats not even in OC, lol! I work in Laguna Beach, i used to see the LB kids all the time, i wanted to eat their souls.

*W.T.F.... There are more car dealerships per square mile than there are ants. if i stand on my roof, i can see 7 car dealerships. 1 Ford, Chevy, Honda, Jeep and 3 Expensive dealerships.

Other Gay Things about Orange County:
Laguna Beach (the city)
the city of Rancho Santa Marguerita
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim

if you hate OC too, add your hates to my list
+1 for your anger, what a joy
+69|6887|Fountain Valley,CA
if you want to know the real OC look at Anaheim or Westminster no one there is like what you described except for a few.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
every child's first car should be a 70's or 80's stick shift pick up, but most importantly every car should be fitted with a device that jams cell phones
and disneyland...
Don't make me toothpick you.
+31|7018|The beautiful hills of Sharqi
Im alright with Orange county because of Reel Big Fish = )

stryyker wrote:

I live here, you dont. With the exception of Ken-Jennings

I have lived in Orange County my whole life. I was born and raised in Irvine, and then I moved to Dana Point about 10 years ago. Now, 10 years ago, Dana Point was a sleepy little town, quiet, peaceful. It is no more. Heres Why:

* FUCK YOU ALL. I want to kill someone everytime i see a 16 year old dumbass blonde driving a Mercedes S series to school. You think you are "t3h W1n" with your Abercrombie shirts, tight girl pants for the guys, short skirts for the gals. You suck. These kids have not worked a day in their lives, and they are spoiled beyond all belief. I dont care if you have money, because i can kick your ass at hand to hand combat, the last true social art.

*5 bucks for coffee? kthxno. i think in the long run, taking a plane to Columbia to see Juan Valdez, would be more rewarding, because Juan Valdez has that fresh, crisp taste, grown in the mountains of Columbia.. I like black coffe. why? because i am awesome. I went to a starbucks this morning and asked for a black coffee. the Cashier had to get the manager to take my order. LOL WIN! Its no frappe latte, its coffee, the way God wanted it.

* heres my forumula. Expensive hotels (Ritz Carlton + St. Regis) + Rich Tourists = Canadians. Not just Canadians, French Canadians. ThomasMorgan how i hate you.
  more seriously though, these hotels bring assholes to my home, and i hate assholes. They play golf and expect me to yield for their BMW 745i. My advice to you full-of-you-selves is... I have 3 strikes until someone kills me, do you?

4. The Show (OC and Laguna Beach)
* how i hate you both. These 2 shows have destroyed whatever dignity OC had left. We are all now stereotyped as rich white kids. Besides, the OC was filmed in Malibu... wtf? thats not even in OC, lol! I work in Laguna Beach, i used to see the LB kids all the time, i wanted to eat their souls.

*W.T.F.... There are more car dealerships per square mile than there are ants. if i stand on my roof, i can see 7 car dealerships. 1 Ford, Chevy, Honda, Jeep and 3 Expensive dealerships.

Other Gay Things about Orange County:
Laguna Beach (the city)
the city of Rancho Santa Marguerita
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim

if you hate OC too, add your hates to my list

Last edited by =W=GeneralSherman (2006-07-14 18:36:39)


=W=GeneralSherman wrote:

stryyker wrote:

I live here, you dont. With the exception of Ken-Jennings

I have lived in Orange County my whole life. I was born and raised in Irvine, and then I moved to Dana Point about 10 years ago. Now, 10 years ago, Dana Point was a sleepy little town, quiet, peaceful. It is no more. Heres Why:

* FUCK YOU ALL. I want to kill someone everytime i see a 16 year old dumbass blonde driving a Mercedes S series to school. You think you are "t3h W1n" with your Abercrombie shirts, tight girl pants for the guys, short skirts for the gals. You suck. These kids have not worked a day in their lives, and they are spoiled beyond all belief. I dont care if you have money, because i can kick your ass at hand to hand combat, the last true social art.

*5 bucks for coffee? kthxno. i think in the long run, taking a plane to Columbia to see Juan Valdez, would be more rewarding, because Juan Valdez has that fresh, crisp taste, grown in the mountains of Columbia.. I like black coffe. why? because i am awesome. I went to a starbucks this morning and asked for a black coffee. the Cashier had to get the manager to take my order. LOL WIN! Its no frappe latte, its coffee, the way God wanted it.

* heres my forumula. Expensive hotels (Ritz Carlton + St. Regis) + Rich Tourists = Canadians. Not just Canadians, French Canadians. ThomasMorgan how i hate you.
  more seriously though, these hotels bring assholes to my home, and i hate assholes. They play golf and expect me to yield for their BMW 745i. My advice to you full-of-you-selves is... I have 3 strikes until someone kills me, do you?

4. The Show (OC and Laguna Beach)
* how i hate you both. These 2 shows have destroyed whatever dignity OC had left. We are all now stereotyped as rich white kids. Besides, the OC was filmed in Malibu... wtf? thats not even in OC, lol! I work in Laguna Beach, i used to see the LB kids all the time, i wanted to eat their souls.

*W.T.F.... There are more car dealerships per square mile than there are ants. if i stand on my roof, i can see 7 car dealerships. 1 Ford, Chevy, Honda, Jeep and 3 Expensive dealerships.

Other Gay Things about Orange County:
Laguna Beach (the city)
the city of Rancho Santa Marguerita
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim

if you hate OC too, add your hates to my list
Wow, real mature response. I'm sure stryyker's really gonna change his mind now.
Bullet Sponge
Just move if you hate it here douche.  Or get a better job and drive one of those s class like everyone else.

stryyker wrote:

I live here, you dont. With the exception of Ken-Jennings
I live here as well.  After serving in the Air Force and travling most of the world, I came back.  Trust me you wont know how much you like it here till you've experanced how the other half lives

Last edited by -=[MDK]=-MrBojangles (2006-07-14 18:44:56)

+69|6887|Fountain Valley,CA

-=[MDK]=-MrBojangles wrote:

Just move if you hate it here douche.
agreed theres no need to bitch about it.
If it doesn't say shop-vac keep shopping!
+25|6853|Grand Rapids, MI
I love it when people who live in areas of unconscionable wealth complain about their unconscionable wealth. If anyone wants to stay at my house in Detroit (you know, the one that's the murder capital of the world), and if you can sleep through the gun fire and cars that think that stereo base is a tradeable commodity, then I'll give you all the +1's you want . . . and maybe even a cookie to boot!
bad touch

=W=GeneralSherman wrote:

stryyker wrote:

I live here, you dont. With the exception of Ken-Jennings

I have lived in Orange County my whole life. I was born and raised in Irvine, and then I moved to Dana Point about 10 years ago. Now, 10 years ago, Dana Point was a sleepy little town, quiet, peaceful. It is no more. Heres Why:

* FUCK YOU ALL. I want to kill someone everytime i see a 16 year old dumbass blonde driving a Mercedes S series to school. You think you are "t3h W1n" with your Abercrombie shirts, tight girl pants for the guys, short skirts for the gals. You suck. These kids have not worked a day in their lives, and they are spoiled beyond all belief. I dont care if you have money, because i can kick your ass at hand to hand combat, the last true social art.

*5 bucks for coffee? kthxno. i think in the long run, taking a plane to Columbia to see Juan Valdez, would be more rewarding, because Juan Valdez has that fresh, crisp taste, grown in the mountains of Columbia.. I like black coffe. why? because i am awesome. I went to a starbucks this morning and asked for a black coffee. the Cashier had to get the manager to take my order. LOL WIN! Its no frappe latte, its coffee, the way God wanted it.

* heres my forumula. Expensive hotels (Ritz Carlton + St. Regis) + Rich Tourists = Canadians. Not just Canadians, French Canadians. ThomasMorgan how i hate you.
  more seriously though, these hotels bring assholes to my home, and i hate assholes. They play golf and expect me to yield for their BMW 745i. My advice to you full-of-you-selves is... I have 3 strikes until someone kills me, do you?

4. The Show (OC and Laguna Beach)
* how i hate you both. These 2 shows have destroyed whatever dignity OC had left. We are all now stereotyped as rich white kids. Besides, the OC was filmed in Malibu... wtf? thats not even in OC, lol! I work in Laguna Beach, i used to see the LB kids all the time, i wanted to eat their souls.

*W.T.F.... There are more car dealerships per square mile than there are ants. if i stand on my roof, i can see 7 car dealerships. 1 Ford, Chevy, Honda, Jeep and 3 Expensive dealerships.

Other Gay Things about Orange County:
Laguna Beach (the city)
the city of Rancho Santa Marguerita
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim

if you hate OC too, add your hates to my list
i like the response. let me guess, daddy didnt get you the Mercedes for your birthday? here, let me play my violin for you
you just can accept the fact that you love the OC and you cry yourself to sleep
and i would move, but being 16 and all kind of hinters that motion, stupidfucks

Last edited by stryyker (2006-07-14 18:44:01)

+5,233|6843|Global Command
I live in Orange County.
I agree some of it sucks.
i'll have my full reply after my In and Out burger, Siera Nevada Pale Ale and crispy green bud.
+69|6887|Fountain Valley,CA
mmmm in-in-out
I live in the OC too! I hate it here too. You forgot one big thing. All the girls are bitches. Daddy bought me a new truck for my birthday what did u get me? Sometimes i feel like moving to a different state or something. Its cool we have the beach and stuff but still. Everyone also assumed i was rich too when i went through my military training, there like what, your from the OC? What are u doing here than if u have all that money.
one thing good about the OC

ok a few of thoes things are bad about the OC.
the shows, yeah that makes it suck
the rich kids, yea that makes it suck
and the people the hotels bring haha, yea that sucks.

but not everyone from the OC is like that, i live there for one and i am not a rich kid. and i dont like spending five dollars for coffie, So i dont go there (Problem Solved). so you should try not going there.
and what do you mean the resturants suck? dude In-n-Out, A's Burger and alot of thoes places are good.

so i dont know what part of Orange County you live in but maybe you should move to a different part.
+69|6887|Fountain Valley,CA
best parts of orange county are Anaheim,Fountain valley,westminster,costa mesa,santa ana, and garden grove

Last edited by ={OGC}=HK-47 (2006-07-14 19:01:41)

Sad part is that most of those "rich" people are so far in debt that they will never see the end.  Those kids will never have an inheritance because they are driving it now.  People that live that way aren't happy most of the time and never will be.  They probably have a 3rd mortgage's, maxed out credit cards, and the wife is doing the pool boy, and they husband is doing the neighbor.  They can have it, and one day it will haunt them.

Last edited by taxi2you (2006-07-14 18:59:37)

I have a cousin that lives in Laguna Hills and a grandmother that lives in Santa Ana or whatever (those are considered to be in Orange Country right? lol).  I liked the scenery when I visited, but that's it.  Hot cars, women, and landscape
+165|6949|South Jersey
I like orange county because it has the word orange in it...


Last edited by -Gunsmoke- (2006-07-14 19:09:23)

Awhhhhh stryyker... I miss California.... I'm from a pretty rich part of the SF Bay Area... sounds similar to the OC except for the TV shows about it. My home county has Skywalker Ranch... now I'm homesick... gahhhhhh
"I dont care if you have money, because i can kick your ass at hand to hand combat, the last true social art."

lol +1

kr@cker wrote:

every child's first car should be a 70's or 80's stick shift pick up, but most importantly every car should be fitted with a device that jams cell phones
haha, my first truck was a 75 Chevy Silverado. I think i bought it for like $500. Automatic not stick shift. and No ABS, nearly rolled it twice. ah squerrils and not experieced drivers (me). but i kept it spotless (it was my baby). Didnt have a cell phone then but judging on current experiece (my cousin just got her license and spends at least 2 hours a day on her phone) all new drivers should get bumper cars if they own a cell phone. or at least have a sign that reads "Im A N00b With A Cell Phone! LOOK OUT!!"
+41|6827|Infiltrating the Smurf Village
I am proud to call you a fellow TOP brother.....flame on.

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