All of a sudden I feel relieved to live in England...
England? Where is that? Oh that's the country that doesn't let you run around with sharp objects, why does everything have to devolve into country bashing?
actually.. he was merely stating his opinion on wrote:
England? Where is that? Oh that's the country that doesn't let you run around with sharp objects, why does everything have to devolve into country bashing?
you started the country bashing by stating one of our stupid laws which is a load of shit..
the country bashing ends...
p.s. downy.. see if you DO go.. like.. due to your head being blown off..
can i have those camo pants?
so does anyone other than me notice one simple little fact? the little fact that the bolt is OPEN!?!?!?!?!?! Ive got an SKS and any gun WONT fire with the bolt open unless its some highly modified sks that somehow shoots with the bolt open............King_County_Downy wrote:
This chick said "Hey take my picksha muthafucka!" so I did. Two seconds later, the gun went off. I swear, chicks can be so dumb sometimes. Anyone else almost had their heads assploded by anyone?
Your almost dead friend, downy~
Nuh_uh He Started It!! Whhhaaaaa!!!!
Of course you can. I just got some new digicam!!! It makes me feel like Bobby Digital on the battlefield.spawnofthemist wrote:
p.s. downy.. see if you DO go.. like.. due to your head being blown off..
can i have those camo pants?
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
HELLZ YEAkr@cker wrote:
basic american rule: higher likelihood of dead=higher likelihood if fun
my mom has 2 florida state championships with a sweet .38 S&W, extended slide and a custom carved walnut grip that wraps around your hand
Digicam? Is that the grid pattern one, kinda like pixels? I use realtree kinda stuff, so far it's the next best thing to a ghillie, they even make different patterns for different regions.
Last edited by kr@cker (2006-07-12 08:36:32)
also notice that with an SKS you could see the ammo sticking up from that angle so from what i see the gun isnt even loaded......Mustang99 wrote:
so does anyone other than me notice one simple little fact? the little fact that the bolt is OPEN!?!?!?!?!?! Ive got an SKS and any gun WONT fire with the bolt open unless its some highly modified sks that somehow shoots with the bolt open............King_County_Downy wrote:
This chick said "Hey take my picksha muthafucka!" so I did. Two seconds later, the gun went off. I swear, chicks can be so dumb sometimes. Anyone else almost had their heads assploded by anyone?
Your almost dead friend, downy~
ding ding!! winner!! (I'm not really that dumb to have her point a weapon at me with a bullet in the chamber) Kay, so maybe I lied about 2 seconds later part, it was more like 10 seconds (after she cocked it 'n rocked it) but she did shoot it right by my frickin ear and scared the buhjeezus outta meMustang99 wrote:
so does anyone other than me notice one simple little fact? the little fact that the bolt is OPEN!?!?!?!?!?! Ive got an SKS and any gun WONT fire with the bolt open unless its some highly modified sks that somehow shoots with the bolt open............
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
pics too small for me to see, but my ruger barely needs a good thumb flip to snap the bolt shut, you can empty 5 rounds fairly accurately in @ 8-10 seconds, maybe she snapped it
I use zip strips so yeah, no, you can't see the rounds in it, but they are there. You have to chamber a round to get the bolt to shutMustang99 wrote:
also notice that with an SKS you could see the ammo sticking up from that angle so from what i see the gun isnt even loaded......
Click on teh pickshas!!kr@cker wrote:
pics too small for me to see, but my ruger barely needs a good thumb flip to snap the bolt shut, you can empty 5 rounds fairly accurately in @ 8-10 seconds, maybe she snapped it
Last edited by King_County_Downy (2006-07-12 08:41:16)
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
o ok because the sks (chineese issue i think) [flat bayonet] i got you couldve seen the ammo from that angle
tried, but I'm at work on dial up, takes LONG time to get big pics
You would have to be a complete moron to do what you did. Sorry.
Notice how in the one picture it's only the white people with guns and the Minority in the pic doesn't have a gun and is only rocking a scared look on his face.
Just thought I'd point that out while makeing the 911 call.
Just thought I'd point that out while makeing the 911 call.
he DOES have a gun.. and its pointed at teh cameraman
Still has a scared look on his face..
brown people don't like to be on film
Yeah and can't be quite at the movies. Man
ALSO notice, who the fuck took a picture of someone taking a picture? Why does nobody ever notice camera views? Like in reality TV shows, when it shows someone doing something mental and running off into the distance and hiding on the camera or something, yet it shows the view of the rest of the group searching franticaly for the person. GROW UP YOU LOSERS.Mustang99 wrote:
also notice that with an SKS you could see the ammo sticking up from that angle so from what i see the gun isnt even loaded......Mustang99 wrote:
so does anyone other than me notice one simple little fact? the little fact that the bolt is OPEN!?!?!?!?!?! Ive got an SKS and any gun WONT fire with the bolt open unless its some highly modified sks that somehow shoots with the bolt open............King_County_Downy wrote:
This chick said "Hey take my picksha muthafucka!" so I did. Two seconds later, the gun went off. I swear, chicks can be so dumb sometimes. Anyone else almost had their heads assploded by anyone?
Your almost dead friend, downy~
so someone took a pic of downy about to get his camera shot..c0ldfyr3 wrote:
ALSO notice, who the fuck took a picture of someone taking a picture? Why does nobody ever notice camera views? Like in reality TV shows, when it shows someone doing something mental and running off into the distance and hiding on the camera or something, yet it shows the view of the rest of the group searching franticaly for the person. GROW UP YOU LOSERS.Mustang99 wrote:
also notice that with an SKS you could see the ammo sticking up from that angle so from what i see the gun isnt even loaded......Mustang99 wrote:
so does anyone other than me notice one simple little fact? the little fact that the bolt is OPEN!?!?!?!?!?! Ive got an SKS and any gun WONT fire with the bolt open unless its some highly modified sks that somehow shoots with the bolt open............
its a good picture..
why do you care so much?
I think everyone there had a camera. I don't see your point... why do we need to grow up?
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it