I don't know about any of you, but if anyone made fun of my heritage, and called my sister a prostitute, I'd cut their fucking throat. I'm an emotional athlete, so I get aggressive. But I DEFINATELY wouldn't say something of that magnitude. Something should be done about Materazzi...That's just not on...
alpinestar wrote:
Yeah a lot of theatrics on italy side, but any country would do the same it's world cup afterall and it doesnt happen every year only winners are remembered.
Ah, but you see, that's not how Australian's play...Whether it's soccer or basketball, football etc, we don't cheat to get a result. We COMPETE. I am extremely proud of how we've evolved into a Sporting Heavyweight and I have no doubt in my mind that we would have been standing there with the World Cup, had it have not been for one MAJOR fuckup involving a dive and retarded referee
EDIT: I've taken a closer look at the mini clip ivolving the headbutt, and the headbutt wasn't that powerful. Certainly not big enough to make someone fly in the air. There is more evidence of the Italians and their acrobatics. They milk every penalty. Also, take a closer look, and you see Materazzi confused as to wear he was hit. He almost holds his face instead of his chest...Obviously Rivaldo's acrobatics were jogging through his memory
Last edited by dhoar4 (2006-07-10 20:16:29)