I know a 4;10 7th grade ASIAN 'emo' boy who dresses with polo shirts and shit hahahha and hes like I CUT MY SHOULDERS
This topic has been discussed previously -- your topic has been merged with a previous thread.

okay wtf just happened, seems like the other emo thread has been merged or deleted and redirected to here
Last edited by Coolbeano (2006-07-11 10:06:36)
Oh noes what will we do *Slits wrists*Coolbeano wrote:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v344/ … 422159.jpg
okay wtf just happened, seems like the other emo thread has been merged or deleted and redirected to here
this song explains what an emo is
this song explains what an emo is
Last edited by Boogeyman81 (2006-07-13 00:24:30)