When I was in college I waited tables and this happened to me ( more than once) what you do is call the manager over and he will handle the situation. It's never your fault when someone tries to walk out on a bill.stryyker wrote:
making a special order of food for a bitchy customer, only to have them say they dont want it and they leave without paying the check.
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- What, in your opinion, is the WORST feeling in the world?
i hate public bathrooms too + 1 for hating public bathrooms!xixspyder wrote:
Having to take a shit when I'm out in public (damn public restrooms).
When your gf doesnt give it up?!?
Loosing a nearest and dearest to cancer, watching her loose a brave fight which you know she was never going to win. This was my Mum. It could be worse, it could be your kid.
being totured until your dying but ur not dying
being cheated on or lied to
[/sarcasm] Getting negative karma of course! [/sarcasm]What, in your opinion, is the WORST feeling in the world?
Having to get up at 7am to feed kids when you were drinking to 6am.
Dont trust anyone except yourself. That way only you can let yourself down and not be let down by others.SuB wrote:
being cheated on or lied to
Seeing your ex (who you were in love with, but she dumped you) with another bloke, goddamn it did actually physically hurt, I thought that was a load of BS but there was actuall physical pain.
thanks everyone who gave me karma or e-mailed me thanks its nice to know people care
Last edited by *TS*tphai (2006-07-05 06:04:17)
haha lolFancy_Pollux wrote:
Yep. I crapped in my girlfriend's shower because of that.PaulKersey wrote:
When you think its just a fart, and its not
when you smile like this on a photo

That kind of thing will take years to get over, its not until you find the same love for another girl. The wounds will still be there.Jinto-sk wrote:
Seeing your ex (who you were in love with, but she dumped you) with another bloke, goddamn it did actually physically hurt, I thought that was a load of BS but there was actuall physical pain.
And then you have to put up with those things that remind you of her, certain songs, places, times of the year etc. Its enough to make you feel, "fuck it, is love really worth it?".
when you get a hard on for your teacher during a presentation.. who...? me..? ..I just want to be alone
having aids
worst feeling ever "anxiety/loss = anoyance"
scenerio** Just got in after a hard day in the office brain is fried (thats what you tell your girl but actually its been 8 hours of being bored sh*tless). Have some tea and think i could chill out with a couple of hours of bf2.
So upstairs switch the pc on and load up bf2 to sit there waiting while it conects to account server, then auto loads a map that you wont want, and your mashing the Esc key to load the main screen to pull up all the servers, you find the perfect games, join it, you just get in and crash, da da darrrr 1.3 strikes again woot.***
Leaving you swearing cursing and generally pi*sed off, but you still got play, like a monkey hooked on Extasy, so reload and carry on.
my thought anyway
scenerio** Just got in after a hard day in the office brain is fried (thats what you tell your girl but actually its been 8 hours of being bored sh*tless). Have some tea and think i could chill out with a couple of hours of bf2.
So upstairs switch the pc on and load up bf2 to sit there waiting while it conects to account server, then auto loads a map that you wont want, and your mashing the Esc key to load the main screen to pull up all the servers, you find the perfect games, join it, you just get in and crash, da da darrrr 1.3 strikes again woot.***
Leaving you swearing cursing and generally pi*sed off, but you still got play, like a monkey hooked on Extasy, so reload and carry on.
my thought anyway
The worst feeling is that one in your stomach right before and during you vomitting. Afterwords you smell but feel better so it makes up for that.
Damn right dude she still creeps into the odd dream (not pervy) and pearl jam vitology, I can't listen to that album without it reminding me of her (10 years ago Very sad of me I know) so yeah love really isn't worth it, it fucks with your head, heart and life - I spent 6 months just moping around didn't do any of my college work and smoked LARGE amounts of weed.1927 wrote:
That kind of thing will take years to get over, its not until you find the same love for another girl. The wounds will still be there.Jinto-sk wrote:
Seeing your ex (who you were in love with, but she dumped you) with another bloke, goddamn it did actually physically hurt, I thought that was a load of BS but there was actuall physical pain.
And then you have to put up with those things that remind you of her, certain songs, places, times of the year etc. Its enough to make you feel, "fuck it, is love really worth it?".
Last edited by Jinto-sk (2006-07-05 09:10:20)
x2*TS*tphai wrote:
reading your girlfriend of 3 years (now my ex ofcourse) diary that she left out (i was already suspicious), and seeing that she was cheating on you. Also that she was going to planned parenthood to get the emergency contraceptive pill cause the dude jizzed in her, and yet she tells you (me in this case) that she wanted to get on birth control.... and also reading about how she was talkinga bout having a baby w/ the dude..
how's that?
she's a piece of shit. The woman in my life now far exceeds any woman i've ever met. Takes a lot to let somebody back in after shit like that, but it's even harder to love again, but i've never been happier.
how's that?
she's a piece of shit. The woman in my life now far exceeds any woman i've ever met. Takes a lot to let somebody back in after shit like that, but it's even harder to love again, but i've never been happier.
Last edited by Tripp (2006-07-05 10:13:21)
watching gilmore girls or dr.phil..
Fuckin ho's like that deserve to be kicked in the mouth.Tripp wrote:
reading your girlfriend of 3 years (now my ex ofcourse) diary that she left out (i was already suspicious), and seeing that she was cheating on you. Also that she was going to planned parenthood to get the emergency contraceptive pill cause the dude jizzed in her, and yet she tells you (me in this case) that she wanted to get on birth control.... and also reading about how she was talkinga bout having a baby w/ the dude..
how's that?
she's a piece of shit. The woman in my life now far exceeds any woman i've ever met. Takes a lot to let somebody back in after shit like that, but it's even harder to love again, but i've never been happier.
unanswered love and false hope
Last edited by Nessie09 (2006-07-05 11:06:02)
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