Waiting an hour in a restaurant for your food, and seeing the waitress walk up to you to with what you think is your food, but walks past you to serve other people. But the feeling goes away when I punch her in the ovaries.
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- What, in your opinion, is the WORST feeling in the world?
When someone dies that you were close to you.
But I'm sure food is more important.
But I'm sure food is more important.
embarrassment, oh wait, usually I don't care enough to get embarrassed. lol punched in the ovaries.
making a special order of food for a bitchy customer, only to have them say they dont want it and they leave without paying the check.
When you think its just a fart, and its not
Yep. I crapped in my girlfriend's shower because of that.PaulKersey wrote:
When you think its just a fart, and its not
Having to take a shit when I'm out in public (damn public restrooms).
When you look to your friend and say "I THINK I SHISTED" thats going to leave a skid mark. ( along came pollie) LOLPaulKersey wrote:
When you think its just a fart, and its not
Last edited by EVIL_STYX (2006-07-04 21:24:45)
that can't be as bad as being married ( just kidding )*TS*tphai wrote:
I hope that is the worst thing to ever happen to you Fancy.
I can tell you that when your Mum rings early on a Sunday morning to tell you your little brother was just killed in a car accident, is way WORSE than not getting your dinner earlier!!
Now not to be too morbid, shitting yourself is pretty bad as well ;-)
I can tell you that when your Mum rings early on a Sunday morning to tell you your little brother was just killed in a car accident, is way WORSE than not getting your dinner earlier!!
Now not to be too morbid, shitting yourself is pretty bad as well ;-)
I wouldn't know but I'm just gonna guess that getting ur dick cut off with a spoon is probaly the worst.
Last edited by Superior Mind (2006-07-04 21:28:55)
heh im just super depressed right now and lonely sooEVIL_STYX wrote:
that can't be as bad as being married ( just kidding )*TS*tphai wrote:
Getting shot in the balls with a paintball gun. Happened to me, I was knocked out for over 30min.
I always figured getting a fish hook caught in your mouth must be the worst feeling ever, especially when somebody's casting it so they can also tear the flesh off your face as it gets stuck.
I know your pain. Someone went to go dead leg me (knee someone really hard in the side of the leg so they cant walk) right as i turned around. I was rolling around on the ground in tears for a good while.Capt. Foley wrote:
Getting shot in the balls with a paintball gun. Happened to me, I was knocked out for over 30min.
That is WAY worse than shitting your pants!!!EVIL_STYX wrote:
that can't be as bad as being married ( just kidding )*TS*tphai wrote:
Haha, someone tried to kick me in the knee cap and hit me in the balls, my girlfreind almost killed him but I told her to lay off(he was freind and anyways, I got him back..... Ive been dead leged so many times and shit is crazy. I dont even feel it anymore. I got knocked out that time too, but only for alittle while, someone said it was around 5 seconds until I started moaning in pain again. You wanna know lucky? I almost got hit in the nuts with a high heel but thankfully I was wearing a cup cause baseball had just ended.DixieGunSmoke wrote:
I know your pain. Someone went to go dead leg me (knee someone really hard in the side of the leg so they cant walk) right as i turned around. I was rolling around on the ground in tears for a good while.Capt. Foley wrote:
Getting shot in the balls with a paintball gun. Happened to me, I was knocked out for over 30min.
Last edited by Capt. Foley (2006-07-04 21:39:37)
I would have to think -being on fire while drowning in a toxic river.- Sad thing it is a true story that happened to someone. It was a guy I saw speek when I was a kid. He was in vietnam, he was getting ready to throw a phosphorus grenage when it blew up next to his head blowing his hand off and half of his face. While still on fire he fell in the river/creek. Phosphorus burns under water and then he was drowning too. He was finally pulled from the water by one his guys, but is really messed up.
ouch, i wonder which would have been worse.Capt. Foley wrote:
someone tried to kick me in the knee cap and hit me in the balls.
Happened to my cousin, My little brother did it to him. Luckily there was no barb. And no flesh was not torn off, it just hooked em.I always figured getting a fish hook caught in your mouth must be the worst feeling ever, especially when somebody's casting it so they can also tear the flesh off your face as it gets stuck.
try crashing a bike going too fast... and hitting your nuts so hard on the stem that it tears your right sack open enough to need 24 stitches... plus your ball fandanglin out the new hole in your nuts.... sounds far fetched... but trust me, it hurt worse than the time i had a cathider installed improperly and getting infected... try someone ripping a tube out of your wandangler with an entirely swollen over pisss track.... yeah, my life of injury sucks.... fuck man, just thinking about it makes the groundhog go back in his hole for more winter... RONIN OUT
Last edited by 1sfg-ronln (2006-07-04 21:46:28)
I am married, but I diffenently know your pain, being lonely is without a dought one of the worst feelings.*TS*tphai wrote:
heh im just super depressed right now and lonely sooEVIL_STYX wrote:
that can't be as bad as being married ( just kidding )*TS*tphai wrote:
Thats still not as bad a feeling as being married LOL ( just kidding )
Last edited by EVIL_STYX (2006-07-04 21:51:35)
When i was 22 i had some of my vertabrae fused with rods and screws and i woke up and found out i had a tube sticking out of my penis aka a catheder. They dint tell me about that so it was somewhat of a rude awakening when i came out of surgury but that wasnt the worst feeling the worst was when they pulled it out then put it back in then pulled it back out lol and then put it back in and then a day later pulled it out again. Im pretty sure thats the worst feeling in the world not to mention the back dint feel too swell either lol.
He wins.....1sfg-ronln wrote:
try crashing a bike going too fast... and hitting your nuts so hard on the stem that it tears your right sack open enough to need 24 stitches... plus your ball fandanglin out the new hole in your nuts.... sounds far fetched... but trust me, it hurt worse than the time i had a cathider installed improperly and getting infected... try someone ripping a tube out of your wandangler with an entirely swollen over pisss track.... yeah, my life of injury sucks.... fuck man, just thinking about it makes the groundhog go back in his hole for more winter... RONIN OUT
Although being a newsreporter that everyone knows and watches, and getting gerbil stuck up ur ass cause ur a sick freak, then having to go to hospital to get it removed and have the entire state find out u stick gerbils up ur ass cause ur a kinky bastard would suck as well...
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- What, in your opinion, is the WORST feeling in the world?