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My loved dog has to be put to sleep, because he can barely walk anymore or go for a walk. He's 7 years old male golden retriever and doctor said he has problems with nervous system and now he has lost muscles at back foots and soon it can be like that he can't control he's own urines. Now he can go for a little walk just with the power of medicine, but mostly he just sleeps. Yesterday he saw a dog and wanted to play with it but he couldn't so he just barked and barked. He will be put to sleep Wednesday. I've been crying within these two days and I will always remember him.

2142th Whore
omg.......thats sad.......what a nice doggy is gone... T_T
Nade Spammers Must Die
Damn... I'm sorry for you loss.
I know fucking karate
+3|7025|fort worth, tx.
ive got one that needs to be put down too she's 17 years old but i just cant bear to do it. im sorry for what you have to do and i understand good luck ,sounds like your doing what best for him at least he wont suffer anymore.
Cold Fussion
72% alcohol
+63|6979|Sydney, Australia
Good bye doggie
+1,175|6874|British Columbia, Canada
my 8 Year old Golden Retriever also had to be put to sleep cause he had cancer... Not a fun experience to go threw..

I think the best thing you can do is get a new dog, that helped me, even though you know that the new dog will never be like your old one..

I feel ya..
+76|7087|Antwerp, Flanders
I feel sorry for you.
Our two dogs had to be put to sleep too this year. Our westie's (would have been 15 in february) kidneys were ruined, had difficulty walking (which is common for this race at later age) and couldn't keep up his urine anymore. He was put to sleep the second week of 2006.
Our golden retriever stopped eating and vomited a lot, near the end with blood in it. She was put to sleep a little over a month ago, just a week after she'd turned 11.
Let the rough side drag
2 weeks ago I had to have my 10 yr old cat put down.  Hardest damn thing I ever had to do.  I had her since she was a baby, and she was born wild so I had to tame her to get her.  She too succumbed to cancer.  My other cat has been a comfort, but its just not the same. 
My condolences on your loss...I feel your pain mate.
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6996|Hell's prison
Sorry bro, It sucks when its time for your best friend has to go, I feel your pain man, I am gonna be sad the day Daisy gets too old to move around.  Hey man, stay strong and enjoy your last days together, dont be sad or else the pup will know something is wrong.  Just be as cheery as possible, and play as much as your pup can allow.  +1 for you bro, hang tough.
Man, that really sucks.  Just think about all of the good times you had with him.    My best to you, dude.
dam that is a cute dog..... that sucks man i feel so bad for you
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6984|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
I lost my Mum to cancer last year she fought hard for 6 months between feb and oct.  The way I deal with it is when people or animals pass on they dont die, you just cant talk to them anymore. So, walk your walks he will still be there.  Rest assured he will be proud of you making this decision it could possibly be the hardest you have had to make so far, there will be harder ones to make.  And when you feel so low in life you cant get any lower, open your curtains and look out, I bet you see someone worse off.  Im sure you have had 7 fantastic years and this is a message for anyone in the same situation, be grateful you have had those 7 years not resentful that it's "their" time to leave now.  They have another life to go and enjoy now.

My thoughts are with you.
Not good Hacial, just try and make his last days as chilled as you can. I have a 1 yo JRT called Eddie and i'll be genuinely gutted when he goes, people who don't like dogs can find it hard to understand what they mean to us but i feel your pain. Don't feel bad about putting him down your doing it for the right reasons, its better he goes now rather than when hes in pain or suffering from a really poor quality of life.
+99|6948|New York
Dogs are mans best friends and it looks like you had a great dog to have many fond memmories of...Sorry that your having to go through this. Losing a loved pet is the worst. I wish pets could all live forever...
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I'm not crying or being sad around him because I know dogs know when somebody's scared or sad. I think happy things when I'm around him so I don't get sad. I can't play with him because he can't even stand. We are going to get a new golden retriever puppy in few weeks to ease the pain. Our neighbor said that is what we should do. (He has dog too) I can still remember the first night he was here, he woke me up by licking my face and biting my hair.
+30|6866|Holland Hardcore
I feel ur pain man, it sucks.
+1,153|6941|Washington, DC

Remember the good times and keep that in your mind you know that he'll be in a better place.
+99|6948|New York
I remember putting my dog in a wagon with pillows and taking her on walks when she couldn't walk on her own anymore... The fresh air and sunshine made her happy in her last days...
+98|7049|netherlands, sweet lake city
im siriously have no smile on my face what doesn't happen a lot.... animals shouldn't die
i'm sorry for your loss
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I wish I could somehow tell him how much I love him and how he always has been with me even through the hard times. He doesn't even look old and he isn't deaf or blind, he just can't move. I've been crying a lot writing these messages.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6984|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Hacial - Its great to read how your getting a pup, it will help, even though your current dog can never be replaced.  I did the same thing to help me get over my loss, I needed "picking up" so I went out and got a Staff, she's 7/8 months old now, goes by the name of Rizla.  I love walking her wether my family are with me or not as it helps me get over my loss.  I hope your new pup brings you the same joy.  Time is a great healer and you will cope with your loss, it's like a 6th sence we have.
+99|6948|New York
You can take a towel, roll it up and put it under his waist and support his hind legs that way.  This takes the weight off its hind legs when you have to take him outside to relieve himself.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6860|Southeastern USA
from what I know most places use CO, carbon monoxide, it slowly replaces the oxygen in their blood stream, he'll feel kinda warm, then slowly fall asleep due to the oxygen deprivation, I've been exposed to high amounts of CO myself and basically it feels like I just had a huge christmas dinner with alot of warm turkey, you know, when you look around the table and everyone can hardly keep their eyes open, then has to take an hour long nap before they can even think about clearing the dishes, overall a very humane and peaceful method, as he falls asleep he will be feeling better than he has in months probably, because it has an anaesthetic effect as well, this or an injection method, which also involves painkillers, don't take this the wrong way, I'm just trying to tell you he'll be better off....
im sorry dude that sucks majorly.

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