
Best Army in the world!!!

U.s.a40%40% - 104
United Kingdom29%29% - 76
Gemany3%3% - 9
French1%1% - 4
China2%2% - 7
Isreali5%5% - 14
Ninjas16%16% - 43
Total: 257
+156|6939|space command ur anus

CameronPoe wrote:

Quality: Israel
Quantity: China

Remember quantity counts when it comes to WWs.
it depends were you have to fight, imagine the israeli army in a snowy and cold environment.
to post about SAS:

the Delta force consists of 150 men... they answer to no one but the president (from what ive heard).

they are the elite of the elite, they get the best weapons and hell their tests are really hard
+550|6949|Amsterdam, NY

Foxhoundmgw wrote:

millhous wrote:

I love this thread.  Just about everyone in here is completly biased in their opinions.  I especially love the posts about how one country's special forces couldn't even do any of the other country's special forces tasks or training. How the hell would you know?  Have you personally trained in that exact manner with the other said countrys military.  Most likely not.  Its like comparing an apple and some kind of fruit nobody's ever tasted or seen before.
I love that whole statement, and your support of (and the post of) DesertFox423 was even better.

People make a jibe at the British armed forces of the time, because of the 'Revolution'.
I suppose you'll credit al-Qaeda and their chums with getting one over on all of us then after the events of the last 6 years?
No? Bit too recent for you?
How about the Vietcong kicking the USA's arse?

Moral? Don't rub someones nose in it when your country has been made to look like a nub too.

Edit: tried to make it a little less offensive to some.
since when did the vietcong kick the usa's arseas you call it, f you bothered to look at the military statistics of  the vietnam war the americans lost roughly 40,000 soliders by military means and the vietcong lost nearly 1-2 million.
+105|6943|Lexington, KY

Major Payne wrote:

OMG USA already got 5 votes somebody ever read Watch (or Kijk in the Netherlands) thats a magazine dude there stands that the USA shoot 50.000 bullets for each Vietnamese guy in the Vietnam war in WW II only 1 of the 4 people ever shot whit a weapon. and they needed 10.000 bullets for each German sorry to say this but then you really suck.
Shows your lack of history.  After WWI the US reduced their armed forces.  That is why only 1 in every 4 armed force personal shot with a weapon.  There have been a lot of changes to the US armed forces since Vietnam.  How many people died in the First Gulf War?  How many bullets were fired?  A lot of people died, but there were very little bullets that were shot by armed force personal.  IMO, what you stated has nothing to do with how well trained an army is.  There are other things that you do in training instead of shooting a weapon.  Special forces, like the SAS, Seals, or Rangers, also train on communitcation, and stealth.  I have heard that Rangers can be so quiet that they can climb tin roofs without making any noise at all.  That takes a lot of training.
Man of Moebius Morals
+71|6891|Nottingham, UK

dubbs wrote:

I have heard that Rangers can be so quiet that they can climb tin roofs without making any noise at all.  That takes a lot of training.
Rangers have a contract with Hush Puppies.

SgtSlauther wrote:

since when did the vietcong kick the usa's arseas you call it, f you bothered to look at the military statistics of  the vietnam war the americans lost roughly 40,000 soliders by military means and the vietcong lost nearly 1-2 million.

http://www.vietnamwar.com/ wrote:

In 1965 the United States sent in troops to prevent the South Vietnamese government from collapsing. Ultimately, however, the United States failed to achieve its goal, and in 1975 Vietnam was reunified under Communist control; in 1976 it officially became the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Never said it was about casualties. Said arse was kicked.

Win the battle, lose the war.

And get your quoteshit right, VIETNAMESE losses were estimated at 1.5-3 million, not Vietcong.

http://www.veteranmuseum.org/vietnamwar.html wrote:

And we should not forget the enormous loss of Vietnamese lives, whether at the hands of Americans, the ARVN, the NVA or Vietcong-estimated by various sources to be between 1.5 and 3 million.

Last edited by Foxhoundmgw (2006-06-28 17:34:53)

+73|7045|Perth, Western Australia

Winston_Churchill wrote:

French army??

Whats that?
The french army, now with 70% more cheese!

How many gears does a french tank have?

Amswer: 1 forward gear and 15 reverse

Ssandstorm wrote:

Winston_Churchill wrote:

French army??

Whats that?
The french army, now with 70% more cheese!

How many gears does a french tank have?

Amswer: 1 forward gear and 15 reverse
they learn how to say surrender in 10 languages first than any other thing in basic training.
bad touch

Israel has the best trained for the environment. Delta/Rangers/SEALS are the best of OUR best, SAS for england i suppose

bigp66 wrote:

No army today could stand up to the United States military, and sheer numbers doesn't mean shit.....we defeated the Iraqi army in a matter of weeks with under 100 causalities( and casualties doesn't mean death it means that and getting shot) and the Iraq Military was around the 3 or 5 largest or something but the were in the top 8

cool i already got negative karma for being correct...or someone is jealous that the United States has the best military in every way
So i guess the l337 yanks did it all by themselfs again ,with no help from there UK cousins.

And your only good because we taught you how to fight

Btw i served in 1st gulf conflict and my cousin is now over there .
GunSlinger OIF II

bigp66 wrote:

The United States of America has best trained and equipped military every.....the best air force, army, and navy, and the marines and after the U.S.A is the United Kingdom because the U.S. Marines and the U.K. royal Marines train together  but the us delta force is the best  special forces unit ever....everyone knows about them but the government denies their existence
not to mention the nicest smelling army in the whole wide world

-adrian cronauer
Talking regular army troops....

the best trained army in the world is probally the isreali's since they expect near all of their guys to be thrown into a battle of some kind. But the best overall is the U.S.A. because they have the largest army that is well trained and equiped.

In the special forces relm however things are a lot different because they are a lot smaller and depend a lot less on the size and overall power of a country.

1. the brits with the SAS get first in my books because they have the most experence and are just dedicated to being the best of the best.

2.Delta/seals/rangers etc. The US special forces are next in line because they are fairly experenced, very well trained, the best equped in the world and larger than most countries normal army.

3 the isreali special forces Once again, the isrealis are here because they are out there most days doing their job rather than lying in wait.

4. German . The gsg9 is not large, but very specialized and they are german, how can they not be good.

5. Canadian jtf2 Havn't heard of them, im shocked. These guys are special forces and counter terrorists all mixed into one, very high standards, very good results.

6 SPETNAZ, would be higher but recient cut backs in russia have caused a decline in the level of their military forces, still not to be messed with.
2142th Whore

Best Army - Germany (Leopard 2!)
But when it comes to quantity, the PLA is a formidable force too!
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7032|Sydney, Australia
Please, it's the Australian SASR...

I would have to go Isreal for experience, but pure force would be the USA.

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

the Delta force consists of 150 men... they answer to no one but the president
Sounds like part of a movie trailer.


Last edited by mcminty (2006-06-29 04:10:14)

Ready for combat
+211|6906|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA
China has some of the most rigourous training ever and they have some of the most advanced weapons out there. Chin has also been busy procuring some very advanced weaponry from Russia, IE. T-80 and T-90 MBTs, Su-27 and the Su-30s, please note that there has been no tech transfer of this kind between these two  nations for decades.

my information came from a day of defeat clanmate of mine who has been around the military for most of his life and knows alot about it
Ninjas. Duuuuh!

Funny to see many people to pick U.S.A. as the best army, which is entirely not true. Do some research and you will find out.

Spoiler: It's a combined army.
GunSlinger OIF II

Speelbal wrote:

Ninjas. Duuuuh!

Funny to see many people to pick U.S.A. as the best army, which is entirely not true. Do some research and you will find out.

Spoiler: It's a combined army.
why dont you elaborate so i could tell you how wrong you are. k, thanks.
Haha. Always the same persons who say USA has the best army.

First things first:

There is no such thing as 'the best' army. All armies have their differences. USA has the most manpower, a very up-to-date technology, but the British have the most disciplined infanterists.
Then you have braveness, duty fulfillment, dignity, intelligence, loyalty. Stuff like that.

I would like to see a statement what makes an army the best army in the world.


Something like the 'best' army should be controlled by the 'best' controller. In USA case, Chief of staff - President. Which is not the case. (No offense Bush fan boys.)


The role it played in numerous conflicts, solving the problem, keeping the peace. Not the best aspect of the US army, Navy, Marine etc.


There isn't a thing like the 'best' army. All armies combined is the best army. The best army in my eyes would be the UN. Protecting civilians and having peace as a priority is something I find important.

+89|7025|Sheffield, England
british has the best training since before the faulklands war...FACT!
I'm moving to Brazil

ninja pawns all
Not really a Brit

Foxhoundmgw[/quote wrote:

http://www.vietnamwar.com/ wrote:

In 1965 the United States sent in troops to prevent the South Vietnamese government from collapsing. Ultimately, however, the United States failed to achieve its goal, and in 1975 Vietnam was reunified under Communist control; in 1976 it officially became the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Never said it was about casualties. Said arse was kicked.

Win the battle, lose the war.

And get your quoteshit right, VIETNAMESE losses were estimated at 1.5-3 million, not Vietcong.
I wondered when people were going to bring up the Vietnam war.
It's still amusing that the supposedly best army in the world was defeated badly by essentially a group of peasants. Then had to withdraw prematurely because it didn't want to lose further a war which it only involved itself in to remove communism from one country.

Losses alone don't determine the outcome of a war. An army can only lose one man and still lose an entire war.
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6850|The Lost Highway

Major Payne wrote:

OMG USA already got 5 votes somebody ever read Watch (or Kijk in the Netherlands) thats a magazine dude there stands that the USA shoot 50.000 bullets for each Vietnamese guy in the Vietnam war in WW II only 1 of the 4 people ever shot whit a weapon. and they needed 10.000 bullets for each German sorry to say this but then you really suck.
What the fuck? I really hope English isn't yer first language.

Bernadictus wrote:

Best Army - Germany (Leopard 2!)
But when it comes to quantity, the PLA is a formidable force too!
Germany actually got Leopard 2A6 and so do Sweden .But the Swedish have some improvements on their, and it´s specialized for Swedish environments .

Sweden actually got a really modern army, the best tank (Leopard 2 A6 improved), the new JAS 39 Gripen improved(First 4 generation multirol fighter, and the coolest fighter). But the Swedish army is mostly for defense. And sweden also got the Arctic rangers (SF).The swedish army is small, but it´s modern.

Flame me if you want, but it´s true.

Last edited by Natte (2006-06-29 10:10:09)

+165|6946|South Jersey
Ok, we have armys and within those armys we have elite soldiers...SEALS, SAS, Rangers, Delta, and the Night Stalkers(160th SOAR). 
As alot of people have said the US Army has the money to get the best equipment but according to you guys, the SAS have the "best"(eh...most vigourous?) training in the World.  France and Germany suck apparently.  So do ninjas.  Why?  Because if you put a ranger holding a rifle and a ninja spitting out batttle cries and putting his hands upin a room, who is gonna win?  The ranger, because they can simply raise their rifle and boom, the ninja goes down.  No one has the best army, but each army has its best.
I like SEALS, the swedish attack divers train with those

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