Wow, so many issues here and if I dare to air my views I bet I'll get my first negs since any dumb-ass could give'em; but what the hell...
The movie, interesting. I've also not seen that kinda thing before and while the death of men is not 'cool' or 'excellent' the impressive use of state of the art technology in the arena it was designed for is at the very least impressive.
The war. A few people have commented that they wouldn't want to express an opinion without all the facts, well, first off you will never express an opinion if that's true but that aside, what about the war? None of us civvies will have all the facts but we sure as hell have an opinion on it. Sure Iraq has oil and that makes it a major player in the world, more notice will be taken of Iraq than a podunk country in the middle of nowhere with no resources the world gives a toss about. But. The reasons for the war go back quite a way, the easiest point to start from (though not a start really) was the invasion of Kuwait. Saddam thought he could just increase his empire and nobody would have the balls to do anything about it. Wrong. Not many people had a problem with that war, and rightly so.
Saddam had demonstrated he had reasonable advanced missile technology (maybe not by US military standards but just try knocking up a scud in your back yard!), had also demonstrated he possessed and was willing to use chemical weapons. It is clear that he desired nuke technology (what with Iran on his doorstep) but it was always clear he couldn't build one himself, however his oil meant he had the resources to buy it should it come available to him. Anyway, after DS1 the UN slap Saddam with a load of rules to make sure the little bugger doesn't try anything like that again. One such ruling was that he had to disarm and prove he had done so.
OK, now he has a problem. If he doesn't prove he's disarmed the UN might make good on their promise and invade (though with the French around that not all that likely). If he does prove he's disarmed then Iran might get ideas. What to do? He decides to play a dangerous game. It turns out he pretty much does disarm but pisses about with the inspectors so much it can't be proved. Sure, this leaves the UN suspicious but that's not likely to be enough to provoke them. His powerful neighbours don't know if he's weak or not and so he can posture all he likes.
Except: The US and UK have had enough, reports suggest the guy is a real threat and even if they are not true he's broken so many promises you have to count any thread as credible. Turns out on closer inspection (which we had to kick the doors in to get) the nasty kit he does have is not being used for nasty purposes (IIRC someone said that Iraqis see things differently to us, they may have a chemical weapons production trailer but they may well be selling ice-cream out of the thing).
Was the war just? I believe so. Was it nice and palatable for us at home? Shit no! War is crappy as hell and always will be. Thank god for men and women who can fight it so the rest of don't have to.
Did those guys deserve to get wasted? Impossible to answer but they were acting suspiciously in a war zone (ditching a weapon in a field). I have no idea if that helo was on routine rounds or had gone there on intel but either way those guys had it coming. On calm reflection after the event it may be found that all was benign but there's no such luxury in war and tough decisions have to be made with what info is available.
Should the guy who was wounded have been shot again? Hell yes. My knowledge of the Geneva convention is a little shaky but I seem to remember something about not having weapons designed to maim. That guys didn't stand a chance (unless the helo crew went to his aid) and was facing a really crappy and painful death, I think that in that combat situation, where the helo crew had the 'luxury' of being able to finish him off without further endangering themselves that was completely the humane thing to do. Who could honestly say that they could do the same as unflinchingly as that crew.
Does this post reflect my personal politics? not entirely, I think the UN should have more balls and not needed the US and UK to do the deed. I think Bush is a joke and am amazed he's actually been voted in twice (well, kinda). I think war is amazingly shitty but unfortunately very necessary. I think military hardware is very cool. I think most Iraqis couldn't give a shit who runs the country as long as someone does and brings some level of peace so they don't have a daily fear of death (their own or loved ones). This is the reality, just try and imagine your daily commute with a very real fear that at any second a bomb could go off. We live in a world like that but as it is rare where we live we can get on with things. Iraqis have bombing every day. The fear must be terrible.
Neg me, plus me, whatever, cos in the face of that, it matters not a jot.
Sorry for the long post.