following list was compiled after hours of lively debate, pages of exhausting science and one actual geek fistfight. During this laborious process, we decided to set up a few basic rules:
*All games must have been wide releases for legitimate, popular platforms.
*We tried to avoid games heavy on the Engrish. Translation errors are just too easy.
*So are educational games and porn.
We should also point out that this list in no way indicates the quality of the game itself, merely the quality of its awful title. And we know that some of you will claim that you once played a game in a Korean arcade called "Diarrhea Coughdrop" or something and that it deserves a spot on the list. Cool. Go make one.
I came in here wondering if someone could decipher what the hell the topic says. But obviously Im too old to understand baby talk.
l0l 1 l13K l337 sp33|< 2!
it was a sucky title.... i was going in 'theme'imdead wrote:
I came in here wondering if someone could decipher what the hell the topic says. But obviously Im too old to understand baby talk.
RE whatever this gibberish is; ZOMG!!! TEH N4n3 iZ tEH sUx0rz!!!

Last edited by Alexanderthegrape (2006-06-23 00:11:42)
i think that there is a correlation between the worst names ever and the worst GAMES ever. Irritating Stick? soo strangekontrolcrimson wrote: following list was compiled after hours of lively debate, pages of exhausting science and one actual geek fistfight. During this laborious process, we decided to set up a few basic rules:
*All games must have been wide releases for legitimate, popular platforms.
*We tried to avoid games heavy on the Engrish. Translation errors are just too easy.
*So are educational games and porn.
We should also point out that this list in no way indicates the quality of the game itself, merely the quality of its awful title. And we know that some of you will claim that you once played a game in a Korean arcade called "Diarrhea Coughdrop" or something and that it deserves a spot on the list. Cool. Go make one.
rofl gg
I am soooo getting a copy of irritating stick...
some names, make no sense at all

Pretty bad. whats worse, is Ive played some of those. ugh