6 x 9 = 42
+298|6837|Portland, OR USA
Some of you may catch the homage to Rocky and Bullwinkle in the title, others may ask ... "What are Rocky and Bullwinkle?"

Well, I work in an IT dept ... then go home and spend more time with computers, but anyway.  I imagine more than a few gamers also find refuge in an IT Dept to escape the rampaging users about the place.  So, what does the rest of the IT community find most irritating to deal with?  I would have to say any e-mail that says, "HEEEEEEELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" which invariably is some trivial BS problem anyway, along with users not following #$%&ing directions ...

Maybe this thread won't go anywhere, but I just thought I'd see if anyone else was in the mood to vent from dealing with stupidity.
+53|7049|Omaha, Nebraska
The worst thing I think is when you sit down to look at the problem and the user right aways asks...."What is wrong with it?" Uh I just sat down!
Dont tread on me
+77|7005|Mountains of West Virginia
I feel ya man.

I have had quite a few bad expiriences, and im not even a paid yet. I worked for my school, and went around and fixed (mainly reimaged lol) teacher and student PCs.

The thing that got me was when people couldnt even explain the problem.

"The modem was making noise"
"Ma'am, there is not a modem in this PC, where was the sound coming from?"

After a couple minutes of bantering, and her getting quite mad.
Turns out she ment the PC itself.

Ive learned you just have to nod and say ok, and then find out whats wrong yourself.
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6837|Portland, OR USA
Amen, I also hear, "My hard drive is broke".  Which of course means the PC.  Or when you ask the user to reboot, they turn the monitor off and on.  "OK, I'm done."  "You rebooted the PC?"  "Yes, its back now ..."  Right ... I wish we had a 2s bootup.

This weekend we had an outage (thank you ATT) and all the users could tell me (before I knew what was wrong) was, "All the PC's won't come up"  "You mean the power is off?"  "No, they just won't come up!"  "What won't they do?"  "ANYTHING!"  etc etc etc ... PC's came up fine, just had no internet connection.  >HATE<
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6989|Broadlands, VA
"My PC doesn't work - what did YOU do to it?????"

Real story:  I was working in the Dep.t of the Navy Headquarters in The Pentagon.  We were installing new color printers in the various deprtments (Navy calls them "N Codes").  Our last stop was at about 4:30 PM.  Installed the printer, tested it, got the install signed off and away we went.  The next morning we got a call from that office complaining that the coffeee pot was no longer working.  Obviously it was our fault since we installed the printer last night.  The only good thing was that the call came from a civilian, not a uniformed.
Dont tread on me
+77|7005|Mountains of West Virginia
Yeah I get the "Hard Drive" thing all the time as well.

I think it should be mandatory for all people in school to take a PC Hardware/Software 101 Class.

Learn about basic functions of Hardware and Software.

Unrealistic I know, but it would make the IT field alot Less annoying.
+53|7049|Omaha, Nebraska

Kaosdad008 wrote:

"My PC doesn't work - what did YOU do to it?????"

Real story:  I was working in the Dep.t of the Navy Headquarters in The Pentagon.  We were installing new color printers in the various deprtments (Navy calls them "N Codes").  Our last stop was at about 4:30 PM.  Installed the printer, tested it, got the install signed off and away we went.  The next morning we got a call from that office complaining that the coffeee pot was no longer working.  Obviously it was our fault since we installed the printer last night.  The only good thing was that the call came from a civilian, not a uniformed.
I love this one... You try to help family friends, people at work and the first thing they say...

"It worked before you messed with it..."

Right... Usually I sit down to a spyware infested machine because these users usually click on every Free pop-up that jumps at them...

You JUST WON $5,000 and a free trip to North Korea CLICK HERE NOW BEFORE IT's TO LATE!!!


Last edited by splixx (2006-06-19 07:40:35)

Don't complain too much.  Stupid users are the reason why we continue to have jobs
Cool member
I used to work in IT support and although it was nice getting to walk about the office all day chatting to people it did get really annoying when people didnt know what i was talking about. Most of the time people would phone me or email me to say that their computer was not working properly, so i would pay them a visit to find that the computer had just frozen because it was an old computer and they were using MS. So i would just restart the computer and tell them that everything is fixed.

The worst thing though is that you notice how many people lye when they dont know what you are talking about. You ask them if they had done something before the computer stopped working and they tell you "no", but because we are the IT geeks, we know how to check to see if they are telling the truth or not.
+53|7049|Omaha, Nebraska

remo wrote:

Don't complain too much.  Stupid users are the reason why we continue to have jobs
I think this thread is just a vent session.
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6837|Portland, OR USA

Snipedya14 wrote:

Yeah I get the "Hard Drive" thing all the time as well.

I think it should be mandatory for all people in school to take a PC Hardware/Software 101 Class.

Learn about basic functions of Hardware and Software.

Unrealistic I know, but it would make the IT field alot Less annoying.
I don't think that's an unrealistic idea at all.  For better or worse (better for me since it means job security, remo) computers are an integrated and vital part of society.  If you're so phobic that you are afraid to turn it on or so inept that you lock yourself out daily, how does that really help yourself?  It's gotten to the point now that my first question is, "Did you reboot?"  Which still works because they haven't figured out to lie about it yet.  Again, not that I couldn't find out.  But ya know what?  9 times out of 10, rebooting it will fix every damn thing... +1 for sharing my idea

Last edited by puckmercury (2006-06-19 07:58:55)

Moving Target

remo wrote:

Don't complain too much.  Stupid users are the reason why we continue to have jobs
You are quite correct.

And they also the reason that I contemplate sticking a gun in my mouth and pulling the trigger too.

For the record, if I could solve the problem of spam email, I wouldn't be working here, I would be getting serviced by an endless string of 18 year old girls on my private yacht all the while video taping it for my pay per view porn site.  Maybe I should start telling the salesmen that.  Fucking gits.
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6860|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth
I'd like to show the reverse side.  I don't work in IT but I am computer savvy and I often get to see how piss poor the IT departments of some companies can be.

The company I used to work for was shocking.  They regulary lied about what could and couldn't be done and it reached a point where my colleagues would come to me first.  For example, one guy had a problem with his PC and after letting the IT department work on it, he discovered that they had deleted a year's worth of his E-mails and when he rang them they just fobbed him off saying the couldn't do anything once they'd been wiped.  So I installed a data recovery programme and got them back but it did take me the best part of an hour.

The security was also poor as I managed, with no hacking experience, to get into the E-mail server (so I had complete admin control over all accounts) and to print of a list detailing the salary of every employee. 

It's quite funny when you know about PCs but don't work in IT because you know when the IT dept is making stuff up because they can't be arsed with the hassle of sorting something out properly.
Moving Target

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

It's quite funny when you know about PCs but don't work in IT because you know when the IT dept is making stuff up because they can't be arsed with the hassle of sorting something out properly.
That or they have more pressing things to do, like figure out why the company's database server is down for the 3rd time that week.
Jackass of all Trades
+62|6991|Dayton, Ohio
I got this one last week.

User - "I need a new video card"
Me - "why"
User - "Microsoft Word is running slow and does not refresh quickly"
Me - "try accrepting the 2000 tracked changes in your 5 page document"

And litterally there were about 2000 changes in the right hand margin.  But he insisted it was a video issue.
+305|6908|Cheshire. UK
I work in IT support which is why I get to spend so much time on here  ........The thing that really pisses me off is when you do a First time fix and it is the users fault ...they ask ...you tell them it was their fault and they go off on one!! " It cant be me Ive been doing the same thing for years" blah Blah Bollox!!

Ya gotta love em!!
Jackass of all Trades
+62|6991|Dayton, Ohio

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

I'd like to show the reverse side.  I don't work in IT but I am computer savvy and I often get to see how piss poor the IT departments of some companies can be.

The company I used to work for was shocking.  They regulary lied about what could and couldn't be done and it reached a point where my colleagues would come to me first.  For example, one guy had a problem with his PC and after letting the IT department work on it, he discovered that they had deleted a year's worth of his E-mails and when he rang them they just fobbed him off saying the couldn't do anything once they'd been wiped.  So I installed a data recovery programme and got them back but it did take me the best part of an hour.

The security was also poor as I managed, with no hacking experience, to get into the E-mail server (so I had complete admin control over all accounts) and to print of a list detailing the salary of every employee. 

It's quite funny when you know about PCs but don't work in IT because you know when the IT dept is making stuff up because they can't be arsed with the hassle of sorting something out properly.
Just a thought, maybe you shouldn't be undermining the IT depatment, or you would take it up with their boss.  People that are not part of IT that try to fix problems usually complicate the matter furthur.  Take the problem up with the right people and get it fixed properly.  Don't try to fix it your self and let the root of the problem fester.
I used to work at a small ISP helpdesk, and it's funny how after a while your solution to everything becomes "just restart your computer". It's a quick, easy and painless way to get them off the phone and 90% of the time it works heh. (this was back in the days of win98)

Last edited by thanks_champ (2006-06-19 09:05:34)

Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6856|Doncaster, UK
Well it has to be said that my experience of people who work in IT is that they are a bunch of elitist nob heads who really struggle to communicate on a human level because they spend so much time talking to their PCs. I'm not saying that all IT are like this, just the one's I've met.

Lighten up, we aren't all experts. Some people know nothing about PCs and are intimidated by them. When something does go wrong they will try to distance themselves from it as much as possible in case they are responsible.

It's a human thing, you wouldn't understand.
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6837|Portland, OR USA
eh, maybe I wouldn't understand, but my problem isn't that problems arise.  Rather, my issue is in how they react to them.  I've said it here or elsewhere, ignorance can be solved, stupidity can only be ignored.

Fine, you don't know that your caps lock key was on.  Well, it was - and here's how you can tell.  What?  You did it again?  You don't know how to tell if it's on or off you say ... huh.

That sort of crap.

Not nearly as painful as when I used to SELL computers.

I need a new computer.
What do you want it to do?
I don't know.

I'm not expecting a readout of processor speed, hard drive capacity and RAM, what the hell do you want to DO with it?  Why are you here?  Ugh ...
+105|6942|Lexington, KY
I hate it when users lie or they are not descriptive about their issue.  I have had some people tell me that it just keeps spinning around.  I asked what, and they said I don't know, it just keeps spinning.  What they were talking about was the loading icon in IE 7.

This is a little bit different but still fits. 

At my old job, our IT department was stupid.  I had a video card issue, and I reinstalled the driver, and rebooted.  This did not solve the issue, so I called our IT group.  He asked me to do something like reconfigure the driver.  I asked him what he was speaking about, because being in IT myself what he said did not make sense.  He told me to reinstall the driver.  I told him I did, and then I told him that I would fix it.
probably the worst/funniest was when i was doing some phone support.

i was installing some software and it had 2 install discs. so i ask him to put in the first one and tell him to click next next blah blah. Then, it asks for disc 2. So he asks me "it says put in disc 2, do i put it in?" i say "uhh yeah." A few seconds later i hear a buzzing noise in the phone. then he says "is that noise normal?". I ask him "what is it?" he says "it's coming from the CD" A few more seconds go by and it occurs to me..."did you put the second CD ontop of the 1st?" he says "yeah. was i not supposed to?"
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6860|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

KnowMeByTrailOfDead wrote:

Just a thought, maybe you shouldn't be undermining the IT depatment, or you would take it up with their boss.  People that are not part of IT that try to fix problems usually complicate the matter furthur.  Take the problem up with the right people and get it fixed properly.  Don't try to fix it your self and let the root of the problem fester.
With all due respect, not all IT departments are the well-oiled machines that some of us enjoy.  The company I was working for were as tight as a duck's rectum and would rather employ a school leaver with a minimal qualifacation than get someone who actually knows what they're doing in.  Why pay an expert high wages when you can pay an amatuer low wages kind of business.

At risk of blowing my own trumpet, I can confidently say that I knew more about IT than the majority of the people in the IT department and after an afternoon of browsing the company's server structure I would say I knew the network as well as many of them too.

For an example of the bullshit they used to spout I can cite a conversation I had with the, and get this, head of IT.  We were outside on a cigarette break and I overhead him boasting of how the E-mail system needed a clear out and how he'd be checking our E-mails to see who's sleeping with who etc.  So I went into the E-mail server and the looked at the programmes used to run it and noticed that all the settings indicated that E-mails were only stored locally, thus he would have to have each machine in front of him to look at old E-mails.
+302|7046|Salt Lake City

I too work in an IT department.  Not that long ago I got a call from the department supervisor for one of her employees.  She said his computer wouldn't boot and just made beeping noises.  I had her boot the system and hold the phone next to the computer, and sure enough, it was just beeping.  I go over there and turn on the system, and shortly after POST the system starts beeping, but I noticed that the beep was familiar.  I say, "That sounds like a stuck keyboard key repeat beep."  I look on the guys desk and his lunch sack was sitting on the keyboard depressing the spacebar.  I pick up and move the sack, at which point the system begins booting just fine.

Needless to say, that guy felt pretty stupid.
Jackass of all Trades
+62|6991|Dayton, Ohio

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

KnowMeByTrailOfDead wrote:

Just a thought, maybe you shouldn't be undermining the IT depatment, or you would take it up with their boss.  People that are not part of IT that try to fix problems usually complicate the matter furthur.  Take the problem up with the right people and get it fixed properly.  Don't try to fix it your self and let the root of the problem fester.
With all due respect, not all IT departments are the well-oiled machines that some of us enjoy.  The company I was working for were as tight as a duck's rectum and would rather employ a school leaver with a minimal qualifacation than get someone who actually knows what they're doing in.  Why pay an expert high wages when you can pay an amatuer low wages kind of business.

At risk of blowing my own trumpet, I can confidently say that I knew more about IT than the majority of the people in the IT department and after an afternoon of browsing the company's server structure I would say I knew the network as well as many of them too.

For an example of the bullshit they used to spout I can cite a conversation I had with the, and get this, head of IT.  We were outside on a cigarette break and I overhead him boasting of how the E-mail system needed a clear out and how he'd be checking our E-mails to see who's sleeping with who etc.  So I went into the E-mail server and the looked at the programmes used to run it and noticed that all the settings indicated that E-mails were only stored locally, thus he would have to have each machine in front of him to look at old E-mails.
I may have worked with that guy once.  Sounds very familiar.  I got him fired for being an idiot.

Sorry, I have worked at a few companies and seen several people (software developers) that thought they could and would solve everyone elses problems.  It alwasy led to pain and suffering for everyone involved.  The poor schmuck who had the problem, the guy who thought he could fix the problem and me - the one who had to fix the old problem and the new problem(s).  Not trying to bash you directly, just a general statement.

Last edited by KnowMeByTrailOfDead (2006-06-19 13:37:47)

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