Sounds prity good man. You are a tight drummer for your age. One bit of advise. Ditch the double pedal, its cheating
You should work on your single base drum technique and be able to do those doubles and work the hats at the same time. Just takes practice.
Also form a good relationship with a bass player asap, he is your best friend in life and you should know him/her so well, that you know when hes going to change and were he is going with a bass line before he does. Ive been playing with the same guys for years and a little look from him and I know exactly what hes about to do.
Ive been playing drums for nearly 16 years now and the biggest thing to help my playing was listening to as many different genres of music and taking bits from it all. Listen to some jazz, anything with Billy Coban playing on it is a good start.
Goodluck, supper stardom is beaconing.
I played abut with these guys last year, its the only music I have on the web.