This is a very stupid and pointless topic, but aw well.
I've killed a few birds, lots of fish, and some squirrels.
I've killed a few birds, lots of fish, and some squirrels.
wowInviSniper wrote:
A friend of mine is 0:3. He got in a car wreck and died, but they broght him back; another time he had a seizure at school and died, but again they brought him back. Once more when he had an allergic reaction to a medicine, his throught swolled shut, and died, but yet again, he was broght back. No joke. He's alive today though.
Last edited by Rosse_modest (2006-06-19 04:23:16)
But at least your nails look goodRosse_modest wrote:
When they gave me to my mother I was so discoloured I looked like a freak, she felt she had to say something though, but the only thing she could come up with at the time was "He's got such beautiful nails". Hence my low self esteem.
Last edited by DonFck (2006-06-19 05:26:16)
Not anymore, 2 weeks ago the upper layer of some of my nails started tearing and coming loose near the edge, probably due to calcium shortage or something. So there, I don't even have purdy nails anymore.BF2Craglyeye wrote:
But at least your nails look goodRosse_modest wrote:
When they gave me to my mother I was so discoloured I looked like a freak, she felt she had to say something though, but the only thing she could come up with at the time was "He's got such beautiful nails". Hence my low self esteem.
Last edited by Rosse_modest (2006-06-19 05:25:11)
What sort of rodents do u kill then? And define accidentally?rh27 wrote:
Small rodents I kill at least 1 a month (accidently).
It's not murder when they're gunning for you Deadboy. Or more specifically, when they're gunning for me and I call you for immediate suppression, danger close, over. Not exactly self-defense, but not murder either. Splash, Out!DeadboyUSMC wrote:
To whoever left me the negative karma calling me a coward: fuck you. I could care less about the karma itself, it was the comment. How dare you call me a coward, someone who has served his country to thank it for the rights and privileges it affords me. Sure, I've murdered possibly hundreds of people due to the nature of my MOS while in the Marine Corps, that's something I have to live with and by the sound of it, something you'll NEVER understand.
Mostly when I'm driving they're in the middle of the road and hard to avoid. I'm talking about things like shrews and mice.Rosse_modest wrote:
What sort of rodents do u kill then? And define accidentally?rh27 wrote:
Small rodents I kill at least 1 a month (accidently).
yeppers. your not the only one firing at the same target but occasionally you get that feeling knowing it was your led on targetusmarine2005 wrote:
It is basically very unofficial in ground battle. More of a guessing game really. I can honestly say I never really saw who I killed, but all I know is the firing stopped, we were alive, and they were dead.Someguy wrote:
Wow ur in the REAL army? sorry i did not know.usmarine2005 wrote:
9-0. Or so my service record says anyway.
How do they track your kills if your in a big battle and kill like 20 guys? did you count and tell them?
Good. Simultaneously terminating the ones that no longer serve any purpose and keeping human population under control.CameronPoe wrote:
34:0 ... mostly children and elderly women.
Last edited by Rosse_modest (2006-06-19 22:15:07)