Rofl... xD[n00b]Tyler wrote:
ye 1 hamster [it was a mistake ]
BTW i did not specify What i hunted
Rofl... xD[n00b]Tyler wrote:
ye 1 hamster [it was a mistake ]
Last edited by InviSniper (2006-06-17 09:45:50)
Paintball is some fun shit.LaidBackNinja wrote:
I got teamkilled once.
At paintball.
You choked a chicken.....bwahahahaha. Sorry, couldn't help myself.The_Guardsman wrote:
Apart from a Chicken l had to strangle and eat in Norway whilst serving my k/d is 0:0 and as of last year l was promoted to Civi from Guardsman.
I second that. BWAAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!usmarine2005 wrote:
You choked a chicken.....bwahahahaha. Sorry, couldn't help myself.The_Guardsman wrote:
Apart from a Chicken l had to strangle and eat in Norway whilst serving my k/d is 0:0 and as of last year l was promoted to Civi from Guardsman.
You could be revived....and that would count as 1 lol. A friend of mine actually "died" once. He was clinically dead but they revived him. He was recently born at the time lol. So I dont know if/how many insurgents he killed in Iraq, but I guess he would be X:1 lolMekstizzle wrote:
I'm sure we've all killed some animal/insects in our lives.
Probably about 1000:0 (insects, basically)
It's not so much of a ratio, seeing as once you die, you're dead. You're more or less asking people how many things they've killed in their life. Some airforce dudes here will probably give you some shocking human numbers..but i don't want to get into that.
LMAO - that is OWNEDwahjot wrote:
lol your is the posessive and you're is the contractionAlphaMale wrote:
Dude stop giving Canadians a bad name. You sound fucking 11.Cohammer wrote:
your a redneck. OWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!! x3
And both of you need remedial grammar. "YOU'RE" is the posessive.
Oh yes how very comicalKing_County_Downy wrote:
I second that. BWAAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!usmarine2005 wrote:
You choked a chicken.....bwahahahaha. Sorry, couldn't help myself.The_Guardsman wrote:
Apart from a Chicken l had to strangle and eat in Norway whilst serving my k/d is 0:0 and as of last year l was promoted to Civi from Guardsman.
I wasn't sure of the numbers and didn't bother looking it up, I never research my dumb jokes, and to whoever gave me negative Karma anonymously, Come on, I appologized didn't I?A-Unit64 wrote:
Not that many people died in the bombing and not that many die total cause of radiation only like less than 100,000.Vampira_NB wrote:
500 000 - 0
I'm responsible for Hiroshima
I appologize in advance if anybody gets mad at my comment
I'm just letting whoever neg karma'd me know that it was indeed a joke, and I'm not a complete history n00b. I was merely pointing out the fact that the ratio would be 6,000,000:1, and not 6,000,000:0, albeit in a slightly sarcastic manner. Sorry for any unintentional ill-will...Donald O' Brien wrote:
I could be wrong, but didn't Hitler die.Cohammer wrote:
6,000,000:0. Im hitler. OWNED!
Last edited by Shem (2006-06-17 11:25:57)
Last edited by SiMSaM16 (2006-06-17 11:27:05)
he said you're in the armyusmarine2005 wrote:
It is basically very unofficial in ground battle. More of a guessing game really. I can honestly say I never really saw who I killed, but all I know is the firing stopped, we were alive, and they were dead.Someguy wrote:
Wow ur in the REAL army? sorry i did not know.usmarine2005 wrote:
9-0. Or so my service record says anyway.
How do they track your kills if your in a big battle and kill like 20 guys? did you count and tell them?
lol the perfect ratio.=DBD=TITAN126 wrote: … 00.svg.png