Muhahahahaha......amen to that brother. I personally would much rather see a teabagging video over a bunch of idiots trying to prove who has more bitches, money and funky fresh medallions. Gangsta rap BLOWS ASS............Cougar wrote:
COME ON MAN, They we're showing off ROLLER SKATES with SPINNERS. FFS!! It followed the typical "I'm a rapper in my car and I'm rapping and there is a dude in the passenger seat who isn't doing anything but looking mean." crap. I'm pretty sure I saw at least three people hold up a medallion neckalace bigger than my fist and the guy goes home in his freckin pimped out ride and pulls up in front of a run-down shack with a man-lady lifting weights in the street, and low and behold who comes out the house? Mike Epps. Yeah right. Mike is fucking talkin about getting a midget pregnant and then at the end, there are 15 people sitting on 1 couch in an empty club. Why? Who writes this shit. My teabagging guide would have made a better rap video.=TFF=Omen_NataS wrote:
Roflmao!!!!!!!!! Confucius saysCougar wrote:
I still think it was the most un-intelligent thing I have ever watched, but hey, thats just me.
not gonna. he sux
not gonna. he sux
Dawg this guy is BadA$$ love the CD Props +1 for the Vid!!