Um, you do realise Australia has evolved into what is is today don't you. 200 years ago, we sent our criminals from a well-established and maintained kingdom to an undeveloped wasteland.
I must say though, you've done the place up lovely since though. Personally I would have worked from the centre outwards but you're doing the other way around. Maybe, in another 200 years you might have finished the place after the rest you seem to have taken since doing up the coasts, nevermind.....
You are so obviously decendants from the Brits though...when we have a hot spell (like at the moment) British people skive off work, put on the shorts of hope, reveal the pale legs of inexperience, cook a BBQ and do fuck all bar drink lager in the sun....
P.S How did you come to the conclusion that a cold country would produce warm beer and a hot country, cold beer? That doesn't make sense surely? Also, Fosters and XXXX are nicknamed "knats piss" over here so the best beer tag would have to go to Belgium for Stella I would say.....