I'm a load controller for an international airline..
In a very quick nutshell my day consists of this...
Get out of bed, drive to work at some weird/god awful hour,
have a cup of tea(1st priority)
Gather information about what is going to be on the aeroplane,
(passengers/bags/cargo/mail, whatever)
Determine where said stuff is going to be loaded.
Tell/ask the loading boys/check-in chicks, where to put stuff,
Around 20 mins before departure, tell the driver of the aeroplane what angle to set his/her stabilizer trim to, how much their bus weighs, and how many people are on board.
(rinse and repeat until my shift is over)
Does it sound a bit sarcastic?
Don't worry people, you are very safe in my hands when you fly, I was was being a bit blase..
I'm very conscientious with my job really.
(I'm off for a few more beers now!)
Edit: Forgot my age, 38 going on 5
Last edited by DancinHomer (2006-06-15 19:24:24)