=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6859|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth
Good luck against T&T!!!!!

mavrick 3399
+102|6851|Doncaster UK
it so unfair that we have to play against TWO teams at the same time.

sorry couldnt resist LOL
+305|6907|Cheshire. UK
Bring it on.....keep me updated when we start...we arent allowed to watch it at work!!

mavrick 3399
+102|6851|Doncaster UK

joker3327 wrote:

Bring it on.....keep me updated when we start...we arent allowed to watch it at work!!

just to rub it in i get to go home early but got to work through my dinner to get the privilege. +1 for the situation your in.
Cool member
just to rub it in even more, i have been finishing work everyday this week at 2 to watch the games!
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6982|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
I'll leave the "rubbing in" until the qtr's or semi's.  Somethings coming home and it won't be the football.

On the Rooney situation, if England feel they need Shrek to beat T&T they shouldn't be there.  Rest him until Sweden which by then England will have qualified anyway.
+11|7041|The Hague, Netherlands
It's going to be hard for England against T&T.
I read in the newspaper yesterday that the players will get free RUM the rest of their lifes if they win from England.

Who wouldn't????? So they are going for the win.
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6859|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

1927 wrote:

I'll leave the "rubbing in" until the qtr's or semi's.  Somethings coming home and it won't be the football.

On the Rooney situation, if England feel they need Shrek to beat T&T they shouldn't be there.  Rest him until Sweden which by then England will have qualified anyway.
I take it from your first sentence that you won't be supporting England then.  I think that's really sad, that the home nations can't get behind the team as I have alwys done in the past.  I was supporting ROI (not even UK) all through US'94 and it really baffles me why the favour's never returned.  Guess it comes down to inferiorty complex and the "if we can't have it, you won't have it" mentality....
Δ > x > ¥

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

1927 wrote:

I'll leave the "rubbing in" until the qtr's or semi's.  Somethings coming home and it won't be the football.

On the Rooney situation, if England feel they need Shrek to beat T&T they shouldn't be there.  Rest him until Sweden which by then England will have qualified anyway.
I take it from your first sentence that you won't be supporting England then.  I think that's really sad, that the home nations can't get behind the team as I have alwys done in the past.  I was supporting ROI (not even UK) all through US'94 and it really baffles me why the favour's never returned.  Guess it comes down to inferiorty complex and the "if we can't have it, you won't have it" mentality....
I don't get this "all for one and one for all" mentality.  Scotland, Wales and the other one didn't qualify so it's only fair that they should be munching on sour grapes.  When it comes to curling or (is there anything the Welsh do better than England) I don't automatically support the "Home Nations"

ROI I do support - having relatives and friends from there - but Wales doesn't fall into either category.  I know a couple of people who claim to be from Wales but were born in Luton or Dunstable, so I don't count them.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6982|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
I support England to some extent.  I was born in Wales, moved to England during my senior school years and always supported Wales.  I took all the insults you could be given by a load of English kids who belive they are better than me due to where they were born.  That mentalitty still exists.  Im not doing a Scotland and supporting "everyone" else because thats petty.  I have no T&T, Swedish or Paraguian blood in me, but have relatives who are English.

I will start the game off by supporting England, but then you will get comments about "the war", comments about "1866" (was it then or 1966).  Then the fans will repeat that song they first started singing years and years ago "football's coming home".  It's so predicatble, "In-ger-lund", blad headed, sunburned lager louts covered in tattoo's armed open wide, as if to proposistion others to "come and have a go".

The attitude of a lot things I have heard about todays game is "all we have to do is turn up" and we have won.   Thats just like singing that song.

Now to those who belive I'm jealous, I'd love an explanation as to why.  With our 3m population and as football as our number 2 sport, are you really expecting us to qualify? We are rubbish, we know it.  England, considering they invented the game, have argubally the best players and league, arn't much better.  In qualifying, they only just best us, on paper it tells a different story. The 1st game was a wonder goal and a deflected free kick, and that was against our makeshift defence.

Wales dominated rugby vs England back in the 70's n 80's, but as a small nation you can't expect us to compete over a long period.  We won the Grand Slam a few years back just after the Rugby WC was won by England.

I have no alligiance to any other nation other than England but that dosen't mean I have to be 100% behind them.  One good thing could come from England winning the WC in 06........we won't have 66 rammed down our throats.

As for asking what the Welsh do better than England..........why don't you let us run the goverment.  The last 20 years of prime ministers have wrecked this britian which used to be "Great".  Thats about the biggest thing I can think of, it isn't sport.  It isnt the Welsh that has allowed immigrants in, it isn't the Welsh that sent us to war, it wasn't the Welsh that has cost jobs, it's not the Welsh who have wrecked the best health service the world had, it's not the Welsh who have allowed crime to rise in both severness (if such a word exists) and quantity. You get my point, ya yorkshire pudding.

Now I'm not immature enough to ask if in fact it's us your jealous of, of course your not we are all passionate about our homelands.  But if this place we live in called WALES was that bad, why the fuck do you lads keep invading us and living here?
+305|6907|Cheshire. UK

But if this place we live in called WALES was that bad, why the fuck do you lads keep invading us and living here?

Because the Blodwyns are bloody tasty innit boyo!
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6982|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Some of the Blodwyns are ok, the Olwyns not so good.  Dont venture west of Cardiff cos it gets worse the closer you get to Swansea.  As for the Daffyd's, lets not go there.

I moved the back the day after my last GCSE, I couldn't wait to come HOME and work in the family business.  I have always had the option to move back but will never take it.  This is why I can't understand why people claim we are jealous. Of what? One world cup? Or Qualifying for tournaments?

I'd love to see us at a tournament, I may never be lucky enough. I am though forever grateful for being Welsh, and that overrides any achivement in sport.

The only time im 100% behind England is when the crickets on, because England need our help there and we are always happy to help.

If I was called up for war, I would fight side by side any English man, so please understand it's not a hate I have, but it isn't a love either, after all I feel exactly the same about the other 4 home nations.
+3,135|7047|The Hague, Netherlands


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