Two additional charges of reckless driving and failure to exhibit a driving permit will be dismissed under the plea agreement.
The officer listed alcohol influence as a contributing factor in the crash and noted that Kennedy was "ability impaired," with red, watery eyes, slurred speech and unsteady balance, according to the accident report.
Police did not conduct field sobriety tests on Kennedy. A police union official has said the officers involved in the accident were instructed by a superior to take the congressman home. Kennedy has denied asking for special treatment.
Police had observed Kennedy's car, with no headlights on, swerve into the wrong lane and strike a curb. Kennedy nearly hit a police car, the report said, and did not respond to the officer's efforts to pull him over. He continued at a slower speed before hitting a security barrier head-on.
Kennedy told the police officer he was "headed to the Capitol to make a vote,"
Kennedy said he returned home from work and took a sleeping pill, Ambien, and Phenergan, a prescription anti-nauseau drug that can cause drowsiness. He said he did not consume alcohol.
Do you feel that maybe he lied to the police about what he took??? Do you feel he lied to the police about going to vote??? Do you feel someone might have called the police on his behalf to do them a "favor"??? Are the Kennedys above the law???
I guess this is better that drowning a hooker, bludgeoning the neighbor girl with a golf club, or brutally raping and beating a girl at you uncles party.