Hi at work bored
I very rarely read all posts if the thread is over 2 pages just wondered what others think
Comments please
I very rarely read all posts if the thread is over 2 pages just wondered what others think
Comments please
Always | 19% | 19% - 15 | ||||
Never | 1% | 1% - 1 | ||||
Depends on how many posts there are | 47% | 47% - 37 | ||||
Depends on the topic | 21% | 21% - 17 | ||||
Your selling what now | 10% | 10% - 8 | ||||
Total: 78 |
Lol I know that is what my job does to me, it numbs the brain so you can't think of interesting to say. we all blink in unison here.daffytag wrote:
Come to think of it this topic is a little dull J/K
I do, all the time... except for this one.Jinto-sk wrote:
Hi at work bored
I very rarely read all posts if the thread is over 2 pages just wondered what others think
Comments please