Cougar wrote:
Xietsu wrote:
He's angry that I insulted him (for his ability to properly comprehend logical analysis) in a thread trying to establish political consensus. Not only is he
not giving me a taste of my own medicine, but he is merely circulating his misunderstanding. His little interjection is just a continuation of misunderstandings found in the
Haditha thread.
Not angry...insulted, yes, but not angry. Actually, I just want to see what it will take to get you to answer these questions. You're Mr. Big and Bad until someone poses a obsticle that could destroy your arguement and then you revert to petty "grammar nazi" and "you don't understand english" tactics and flood the thread with useless posts. Then to take it a step further, you start dragging my name around the forums, insulting me when I'm not even involved and turning thread after thread into meaningless bickering.
Answer the questions. Stop being a puss and just answer them. You're proving me right everytime you don't answer. How many different ways do I have to call you out and make you look like a fool before you answer 4 simple questions. I bet no matter how many different times and ways I ask you will not, for the simple reason that you CANNOT. You cannot answer these questions, hence all the argueing, bickering, the shit you said to me and the other military members in the Haditha thread about our service being meaningless grunts work and how we are merely replaceable, was simply you talking out of your ass, trying to be Mr. e-AplhaMale.
You are a coward.
So I'm somehow "proving you right" when I don't answer questions that have already been answered? The fact
is that you
don't know how to properly read, otherwise you'd have absorbed the concepts I've displayed. Particularly, concepts and stances of mine that answer your questions. Get a fucking grip you oblivious fuck. Seriously, after such repeated displays, you are worthy than no more a comment.
Don't worry, were I in the military I'd be in charge of your stupid fuck-twat ass, too.
(P.S. I'm befuddled as to where you think I made the notion that "I'm a grammar Nazi" a plausible one. Just because my ideas require a more complex degree of articulation, you feel challenged? LoL. If that isn't the case, it's far from a hit on your ability to grasp the mechanical side of the English language when I openly remark on your lacking [ability to assimilate and absorb opposing ideas within a group].)
Last edited by Xietsu (2006-06-13 23:05:43)