on the UN issue:
well, it is each nation's basic right to chose whatever means it considers necessary to preserve its national security and that of its people. However, the UN fas founded with the intent to allow nations to solve their conflicts diplomatically. Looking back at two world wars in the 20th century, it is the UN's main responsibility to avoid military conflicts between nations before they break out. Which is why milittary action against one of its members is always the last resort.
If I am informed correctly, the US was the driving force behind the creation of the UN and one of its founding members.
Yet, as has been said before, the UN is not a world government. It merely provides guidelines and regulations for its members, and a forum for diplomatic efforts. Accordingly, the sanctions and resolutions the UN gives out can only be enforced through the undivided support of its members, especially those on the Security Council, as they hold a veto on all efforts by the UN.
I say this because I always hear americans say "well, the UN didn't do shit, so we took matters in our own hands".
well, guess what. How is the UN supposed to accomplish anything if it doesn't have the support it needs from its members, especially the permanent members of the SC ? It is not the UN's job to fullwill the will of the american government. It is a representation of all nations on earth.
Before the war in Iraq started, the UN was doing the best it could to enforce its resolutions. However, it was obvious things weren't developping as fast or in the direction the US would have liked them to go.
And because the US are who they are, they decided to pull their own stunt and screw the UN.
It is beyond me how people can critizise the UN's work while at the same time undermining its efforts whenever possible.
You either support the UN or you don't, that's your choice, but if you don't, don't be surprised if the UN accomplises next to nothing. The UN relies on the support of its member to work properly.
Canada has long decided not to participate in military endeavors (sp?) without a UN resolution. Nothing wrong with that, especially given the fact that their army wouldn't be able to handle a war that far away anyway.
Moreover, their police and counter-terrorism intelligence agencies seem to do their job right, as they uncovered the terrorist plot before it could be carried out.
Why abandon a strategy that has proven successful ?
Fighting terrorism with military forces obviously hasn't worked well anyway. Last time I checked, the Marines were no anti-terrorist unit.
We live in a globalized world. Most if not all of our societies are multicultural, and this certainly includes the USA. We need to develop a strategy to live together peacefully. Re-instating segregation ( on a religious level instead of a racial level ) won't do the trick. It will simply alienate us further and drive more recruits into the terrorist's camps.