
Should Cannabis be legalised?

Yes66%66% - 146
No33%33% - 74
Total: 220

Xietsu wrote:

Good point schakl. Tis common for one out "adventure seeking" to experience the thrill that they "can't have". Marijuana is assuredly a gateway drug, I know from third-hand experience.
Tis bollox. Ive been smoking pure marijuana for 18 years and I don't do or have ever tried hard drugs. I have my own business and employ 4 people have children etc. I come home from a bad day at work, smoke a joint put my feat up and relax, whats the problem with that. I am an adult and if I want to smoke a joint why the hell shouldn't I. 500 people die in the USA from caffeine every year ffs. No one dies from Marijuana. Why is one DRUG so sociably acceptable, with even coffee drug houses opened on every street corner and the other is demonized so? The war on drugs was started by the USA because it seen people grow there hair long and tear up their draft cards. This freaked the government out as who would they send to their deaths when they started wars.

If someone wants to do some "adventure seeking" then why the hell shouldn't they.
Sorry but third-hand experience docent count and an experience.
Junglist Massive

Xietsu wrote:

Good point schakl. Tis common for one out "adventure seeking" to experience the thrill that they "can't have". Marijuana is assuredly a gateway drug, I know from third-hand experience.
The 'gateway drug' stuff is an absolute pile of bollocks.  Total nonsense.  The reason people get addicted to drugs is not because they tried a 'soft drug', it's because they aren't getting the support they need to deal with problems and so they look for something to help them avoid worrying about them.  Blaming a drug for addiction is like blaming a hammer for murder.  It can be used that way, but it is the person not the tool. 

Don't forget people can get addicted to anything, even computer games, and indulge to the exclusion of everything else in their life.  And I bet there are even game addicts who rob shops to fund their habit.
Have a nice day!
howsabout coca chewing tribals

why shouldt it be allowed..for them..?

and we cant even smoke some pot..?

but are free to get CANCER from smoking american tobaccos?  pffrrtttt..

JahManRed wrote:

Xietsu wrote:

Good point schakl. Tis common for one out "adventure seeking" to experience the thrill that they "can't have". Marijuana is assuredly a gateway drug, I know from third-hand experience.
Tis bollox. Ive been smoking pure marijuana for 18 years and I don't do or have ever tried hard drugs. I have my own business and employ 4 people have children etc. I come home from a bad day at work, smoke a joint put my feat up and relax, whats the problem with that. I am an adult and if I want to smoke a joint why the hell shouldn't I. 500 people die in the USA from caffeine every year ffs. No one dies from Marijuana. Why is one DRUG so sociably acceptable, with even coffee drug houses opened on every street corner and the other is demonized so? The war on drugs was started by the USA because it seen people grow there hair long and tear up their draft cards. This freaked the government out as who would they send to their deaths when they started wars.

If someone wants to do some "adventure seeking" then why the hell shouldn't they.
Sorry but third-hand experience docent count and an experience.

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Xietsu wrote:

Good point schakl. Tis common for one out "adventure seeking" to experience the thrill that they "can't have". Marijuana is assuredly a gateway drug, I know from third-hand experience.
The 'gateway drug' stuff is an absolute pile of bollocks.  Total nonsense.  The reason people get addicted to drugs is not because they tried a 'soft drug', it's because they aren't getting the support they need to deal with problems and so they look for something to help them avoid worrying about them.  Blaming a drug for addiction is like blaming a hammer for murder.  It can be used that way, but it is the person not the tool. 

Don't forget people can get addicted to anything, even computer games, and indulge to the exclusion of everything else in their life.  And I bet there are even game addicts who rob shops to fund their habit.
LoL. I'm not claiming that it's a gateway into addiction. And yes, third-hand experience is good enough, because I've seen a ton of my friends drug use proliferate into other experimentation (that of which never would have happened, were it not for there beginnings with Canny).

Xietsu wrote:

LoL. I'm not claiming that it's a gateway into addiction. And yes, third-hand experience is good enough, because I've seen a ton of my friends drug use proliferate into other experimentation (that of which never would have happened, were it not for there beginnings with Canny).
My point is that someone is going to do hard drugs they are going to do hard drugs...period. So they smoke joints first then on to hard drugs. If Marijuana didn't exist they would have started on the hard drugs anyway.
I could say then that they started on Alcohol or coffee of tobacco and then they moved onto hard drugs. Its the nature of the person that determines whether they have an addictive personality. Everyone else who knows how to control and use in moderation shouldn't be punished because of some peoples addictive personalities.
+3,135|6967|The Hague, Netherlands

who ever voted "yes" should all come to Holland
Dude, lol--comparing coffee. Just funny.

Not true, people usually start out with Canny 'cause its the "base drug" in the realm of narcotics. It leads them into the "culture" of drug abuse. Seriously, I know a [u]lot[/b] of friends who have taken this path. Sure, some of them just smoke pot for "recreation" now, but pot still leads them into this (in some cases, my fault--introduced a few to weed back in the dae).
it should be legalized in germany, cause its a product of nature and its a basic right to use things growing in nature. it should be handeled like alcohol, no use before the age of 18 and no drink & smoke when driving. thats ok, and it would prevent a "bridge" to the hard drugs cause if you can buy it legal in stores or head shops (like in netherlands), you won´t get contact to the hard drugs. atm the situation is, where you can buy canabis you can also buy the really dangerous things like xtc, speed, crystal or cocain too.

it would also give our bankrott state another good tax income and also the netherlands would get their relaxation from the german thc-tourism ...

problem is, that germans are not used to fight for their rights...poor germany...

Xietsu wrote:

Dude, lol--comparing coffee. Just funny.
Why? They are both drugs. Just because your government tells you one is ok and the other isnt. Again I will quote the facts. 500ppl die each year from coffee, 0 from marijuana. 
Maybe its because I have abit of experience. My old boss nearly died as a direct result of coffee. He was addicted to it, the peculator would be going all day in the office. He ended up with a stomach ulcer which burst poisoning his blood (septicemia) He also had an irregular heart beat brought on from coffee. Granted not many people have had bad experiences with coffee, but then again I don't know anyone who had bad experiences with marijuana. Yes I know ppl who have bad experiences with hard drugs, but half of them have never even smoked a joint. They like to get crazy on drugs, a strong joint will leave you on your ass, not getting crazy on it. The whole gateway argument has been exaggerated to further this bullshit war on drugs.
Vela Incident
+1,652|6796|NYC / Hamburg

YES ... and so should every other drug....
if you want to kill yourself - go ahead - what do i care

yes i have a liberal view.
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
+30|6784|Holland Hardcore

PspRpg-7 wrote:

but I've seen what that shit can do.
WTF we are talking about WEED, it's a fucking kiddy-drug, you Americans exaggerate everything don't you? (I feel negative karma coming to me..) As long as you make sure not to drive and/or operate heavy machinery while under the influence of weed there's nothing that can happen. Ive seen people in Rotterdam that lost their lives through Heroine etc. thats dangerous shit, weed is not..

Last edited by doneyone (2006-06-12 06:44:26)

+17|6966|South Africa
mmm actually need to read more of what your all saying

Last edited by Snakestyles (2006-06-12 06:49:53)


For all of you saying cannabis is evil, causes you to take other drugs etc. thats all bullshit. I know loads of people that smoke pot, not one of them has tried other drugs. Cannabis has been medically proven to cause I think paranoia and schizophrenia, but that is only when taken in large quantaties, a joint a day, for years. Other than that marijuana cannot do anything to you, other than cause lung cancer. One joint is the equivalent of 4 ciggaretes, but unlike ciggaretes, you don't smoke 20 a day.
the evil is pure

Bubbalo wrote:

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Hmmm, people might choose lower quality for the same reason they do now... sort of like buying own-brand beer from the supermarket.  I think the price might go up, but the highest quality available would remain the same.... does tobacco regulation prevent people from buying £1000 cigars etc.?
Price would go down.  Making something illegal inflates the price due to the risk of being caught with it.
the prices would go up due to that the government would slap on tax just like what they do every year with fags and booze
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|6957|Honolulu, HI
America's long-standing distrust and malignance towards cannabis goes back a long way.  In the 1930s the US government released a propaganda film disguised as a legitimate motion picture entitled "Reefer Madness".  FDA officials through the 1960s claimed that delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (the active ingredient in Cannabis sativa better known as THC) would cause everything from impotence to memory loss.

Modern science tells us that recreational pot smoking is no more dangerous than tobacco smoking.  Researchers now acknowledge that earlier findings of chronic (no pun intended) short-term memory loss were greatly exaggerated, and "impotence" simply means "lowered sperm counts"--an effect, less we forget, that can be caused by cell phone radiation and plain old cigarette smoking as well.

Marijuana in the States began as--and continues to be--a convenient scapegoat for the ills of the nation at the time.  In the throes of the Great Depression, the US took a couple of facts about pot, exaggerated them unbelievably, propagandized the result, the effects of which still linger today in this country.

Immanuel Kant would argue that recreational drug use is a self-regarding vice, a victimless crime, a personal choice which the government should have no hand in regulating.  The mystique surrounding marijuana--its image as a countercultural talisman of anti-authoritarian sentiment stuffed into a hollowed-out Philly Blunt--is largely responsible for its popularity.  Much as the age restrictions (and, to a lesser extent, glamorous portrayal in the media) upon alcohol and tobacco turn many curious teens into lifelong addicts, this patina of a free-spirited scofflaw surrounding pot may have a similar effect.

Hence, total deregulation will probably result in a large upswing of first-time pot smokers, followed by a huge tapering off as most of the public finally gets to taste the forbidden fruit only to realize it's not all it's cracked (again, no pun intended) up to be.  In addition, legalization of pot frees drug-enforcement officers to track down other drugs whose addictive and lethal properties are better documented.  Finally, it would somewhat relieve the overcrowded justice and incarceration systems when cases for possession, use, or sale of pot are thrown out the window.

Just my take on the matter...
+17|6966|South Africa
Ok well lots of very valid points but most only cover the issues related to smoking weed. Firstly you all need to understand that the worldwide ban is about money and has pretty much nothing to do with drugs and getting high.Weed as i like to call it is an amazing plant with really high amounts of oils and fibres. Henry Ford actually designed the model T to be made out of mostly hemp fibre, with the use of hemp oils as a fule and lubricant. Hemp grows in most climates and if you grow it for fibre needs little water compared to trees that are grown for paper.Im not sure of the exact ratio bout its about 1/5 for the size of a hemp plot to produce paper versus the size of a pine plot, nevermind that the hemp is ready to harvest in a season and the trees take close to five years to mature. With the global legalisation of hemp for industry what would happen is that the paper and oil industrys would take huge knocks, it would also put money back into the hands of third world states, something that the U.S. and E.U. are loath to do in a hurry.

Its easy to grow, it takes little water and space, grow rapidly in most climates is immune to most pests,has countless industrial and medcial uses and it makes you feel good when you injest it.

Its too good to be true, even with the legalisation of smoking weed i predict that "First World States" will try to keep the true power of the plant out of the hands of the "have nots" for many years to come.
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|6957|Honolulu, HI
True.  Many of the parts of the C. sativa plant are very low in delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (meaning they could not be ingested for a high), yet retain many of the properties of other, more high-maintenance cash crops.  These parts can be processed into a number of consumer goods that range from the expected (paper, rope) to the exotic (the plastics mentioned above).  Of course the US is loath to admit it overreacted on the pot front, so the legal production of hemp-based consumer goods is a mere speck on the horizon at this point, at least Stateside.

Indeed, this makes another compelling argument in favor of legalization.  In addition to producing smokable pot, cannabis farms could produce a viable biofuel solution, stationery, and God knows what else.  You know, when all else fails, "it's the economy, stupid."
cause it makes me happy.
The Skeptical Realist
+48|6760|Amherst, MA
Here is an interesting video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 0171759777

LEAP - Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Former police chiefs and DEA agents talking against the marijuana prohibition.

Last edited by LawJik (2006-06-12 09:24:38)

Tank commander
+83|6964|DUTCH snap ik!
haha i voted NO
1.I Live in Holland
2.i dont need too
3.already legal here

Last edited by ThePriest1750 (2006-06-13 15:34:31)

+4|6764|New Jersey
Yes, Cause there are too many pluses for its use, Put an age limit on it and regulate it like liqour. aka dwi if caught. Along those lines. Legalizing the use of it would erase the national debt in the US (lol yeah right but would help alot) would bring more money into other countries where it was grown and would increase more trade. It boils down to the dollar signs ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Finnish and I don't think that would work EVEN if I'd like to try some soft drugs without putting my ass in danger. People selling drugs on any marketplace, nah wouldn't work.
It should be legal because people should not be criminalised for smoking a plant that grows from the earth, plus its effects on society are no where near as bad as alcohol.

I smoked pot everyday for 8 years and I'm O.K.

Freedom of Choice FTW!!!!!!!
+76|7005|Antwerp, Flanders
4 words come to mind: Machine gun target practice.
+13|6800|Austin , TX
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

just thought ya know well since the big man made it for us who is above god! Oops he musta forgot about that joint on the third day.

Last edited by sursparxalot (2006-06-12 11:18:27)

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