This applies to the norwegian members here...
Please reply if you got Canal Digital as your ISP.
I got the 4000/1000 cable.

I've been experiencing lagspikes alot lately, and I'm getting the "..problem with your connection.."-message in BF2 alot. My ping can go from 55 to 2500 to total packetloss. And then again I get disconnected alot. I've been tracerouting our server ( :: Clan DGI) and can't really find any bad hoops. And if I'm so lucky to be tracerouting just when the problem occurs it will change to another hoop the next time I capture it.

It's not my computer. If it is, then it's my laptop aswell, my fathers computer on the other side of town, my old computer in my old apartment (10 days ago), and my gf's computer. AND a few friends I've talked to.

Anyone of you got cable from Canal Digital? I live in Tromsø, Norway.

If so, please reply with a "tracert". Or you could go on with a "ping -t" for a while and see if you get any lagspikes.

It would be appreciated.

I have e-mailed my ISP, but they don't really bother to help me it seems. :-(