The problem is, people like 'chains' and 'rules', because it makes life easier. Lots of moral comes from religion and vice versa (e.g. the european rules are a result of the christian bible and some of islamic rules are just a result of having no refrigerators in the desert or to prevent diseases).
Also religion is good to keep people together and to control them by making rules for humans main needs (food, sex and sleep).

I am a liberal atheist. Everyone can believe what he/she like, but please don't bother me with that.

And homosexuals ? No problem, they are a part of gods work, so whats the problem. Maybe a question to all heterosexual men: Consider yourself having sex with a man (this is what a homosexual feels when he is forced to have sex with a women).
Just one point: When it comes do a discussion about god I tend to say:
God made me an atheist and then he punishes me for that. Thats not nice

Last edited by schakl (2006-06-09 01:00:43)

=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6804|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth
50 years ago, everyone, including a lot of religious people, was somewhat racist and nowadays only a few people are.   Forget homosexuality because the fundementalists will still call that immoral but the whole religion breeds morality thing is proved to be bull as soon as you mention racism.

schakl wrote:

Just one point: When it comes do a discussion about god I tend to say:
God made me an atheist and then he punishes me for that. Thats not nice
You could go to church this sunday, but YOU decide not to. Its your choice.
+11|6942|Port Elizabeth, South Africa
I wonder if the original poster even knows any one gay?


First off, atheists/secularists do not promote
homosexuality.  Most just come to the rational conclusion that
homosexuality is a human condition, not a choice.  When did you
decide to become heterosexual?  Second, why do you say
atheists/secularists have no morality?  I consider myself more moral
than many of the prominent Christians out there.  Third, many other
factors beside religion unite people.
Actually, most probably do promote homosexuality if given a choice
between yes or no. However, I'm sure if they were given the choice
of "I do not care" they would choose it. How in the world is
homosexuality a human condition? Men were not created to be with
men, Vice versa. I never decided to be heterosexual, I was born that
way, and humans are supposed to be born that way, or else they would
not be able to reproduce. It's good that you consider yourself
moral, but those are your standards of morality. In religion,
morality is actually enforced. Ofcourse, there will be a whole lot
of people who wouldn't follow by the standards set by the religion
because of their human nature to take advantage. Also, I am not
focusing on other factors in this discussion. Just religion and athiesm.

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

wow.... were you on some bad acid when you
came up with this? or and someone just hit you really hard in the
head... with a sledge hammer?
I'm not sure, really. It must've been that pH1 I measured in breakfast this morning..

Tyferra wrote:

Couldn't agree more Ken.
Whos morals are we talking about by the way? Yours? Mine? Societies?
Morals have nothing to do with religeon. Morals are taught in the
Bible and the Koran etc. but religeon is not responsible for them.
Do you think that because I'm an athiest I think that murder is
right or moral? No, it's fucking immoral and I didn't need a Bible
to tell me that!

I think it is immoral when someone can't accept who someone else is.
I have homosexual friends and they are great people. I don't think
they are immoral and I don't think they chose the way the are just
like I think you can't choose your own eye colour.
Your description of an Athiest world with no unity - that's not
Athieism, that is Anarchism. Completely different. Honestly do you
really think people are only united because of religeous beliefs? Do
you have friends who arn't the same religeon as you? If so, that
completely discredits you theory doesn't it? If not I think you
should get out a bit more.

Interesting opinion though, I always enjoy a good debate.
We are talking about general morals of people around the world.
Example, abstinence from alcohol and drugs, not going out and having
sex with everyone on the street, not cursing other people for
mistakes, etc. I'm not saying that athiests don't have morals, but
religion enforces the already present values.
Religious beliefs do pull people together, and yes, there are other
factors, but I'm not discussing about them. Do not get me wrong,
it's true. I do not want to step into politics, as anarchism is
again, not one of the factors I'm talking about. I am only
discussing about religion and athiesm.

I personally don't have much hatred towards the personality of
homosexual people, just what they do. It's not how the human race is
supposed to thrive. I do know people who are homosexual, and they
seem to be nice. I'm not some radical picket fence holding, torch
wielding extremist.

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

aipotwckma wrote:

I am only stating that if
everyone in the world were athiest, the human race would be
peaceful, yet incredibly immoral.
I doubt humanity is capable of being peaceful, and you forget that
the real reason behind most wars is money... religion just gives the
excuse. And certain standards of morality are governed by rule of
law where I live in the UK, so why would that be any different if
there weren't any god-botherers?  And aren't an abnormally high
percentage of vicars gay child molesters?
And guess where the basis of all these secular yet moral laws came
from? People who mostly believe in god. About that link, please do
not tell me that there aren't any athiests AT ALL that do not do
disgusting things such as that. 

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

aipotwckma wrote:

if everyone were athiest, there would be no
religious beliefs of any kind, therefore creating a very small sense
of unity[if not, none at all]
I would strongly disagree with that statement.  Maybe you mean
nihilists who believe in nothing, including strong community
and equal opportunity which is a uniting factor amongst many
Strong community? Is there somesort of athiest church or mosque that
I do not know of?

[THE] comben wrote:

unless im much mistaken, religion has caused
more death and suffering through out recorded history than any other

i am an athiest, im too bitter and disgusted with teh world to
beleive that theres a 'higher being' who actually made this shit up
lol.  what a waste of time that would have been lol.

anyhoo despite not being into religion (whilst respecting the
principles of peeps who do beleive and the fact that pretty much all
religions teach u to show compasion and respect) i prolly got more
respect for my fellow man than someone who bothers to write this...

'I am only stating that if everyone in the world were athiest, the
human race would be peaceful, yet incredibly immoral'

... on a forum for a war game!

also if there was no religion the world would prolly be exactly the
same as it is.  we'd just substitute a word for religion and kill
each other some more.
I never said religion did not cause conflicts amongst people of the
world. A pious, untainted religious person would probably show more
compassion and respect than any athiest who holds their ground on
their belief. Look at the great Communist Manifesto, the one that
promotes athiesm. Did this great experiment of secularism show any good?

Marconius wrote:

Alright... *cracks knuckles*

1.  Atheism promotes NOTHING.  It in itself is a philosophic belief

that there is no higher power/god.  That is it.  There is no dogma,

there are no rituals, etc.  Believing that it is promoting something

other than this to support your case is futile.  Atheism does not

tell people how to live their lives, therefore does not promote

homosexuality, degrade human unity, or anything that you personally

feel is perverse.
It's not my personal opinion that I think it's inhuman. It is

inhuman. As I said earlier, what is the goal of the human race?

Probably to thrive and be higher than the rest of the animals on

this planet. Homosexuality is a condition that only hinders the

progress of humanity.   

Marconius wrote:

2.  As was said before, Atheism does Not equal Anarchism.  Lack of

morality leads to Anarchism; believing that there is no higher power

doesn't constrain you from recognizing what is generally regarded as

Right and Wrong.  You don't need your Rights and Wrongs dictated to

you, you just learn through social experiment and adaptation.  It's

called Reason.
This is something that I can partially agree on. However, "believing

that there is a higher power" would enforce the common ideas that

are regarded as "Right" and "Wrong".

Marconius wrote:

3.  Human unity falls under several categories and cannot be lumped

up into religion alone.
I agree, but once again, I am talking only in terms of religion and


Marconius wrote:

A lack of religion would allow humans to unify under the very idea

that they are indeed Human.  Western Religion seems to inspire more

division than unity, with constant violence being carried out in any

of "god's" many names.  Or just look at how sectarian they have all

become as more and more followers branch off with their own forms of

Reason mixed with their teachings.  Christianity alone as over 700

separate sects, each believing in something different.  Religion is

almost turning into a xeno-divide; lack of it would allow humans to

unify much easier, without fear of being persecuted or sparking

millenia of wars and hatred due to group differences in

philosophical opinion.

It is possible to be Good without god, you just need to back away

from the religions that slander that form of thinking in order to

keep people under their control.  Freethought will unite people,

reason will be the oil in the gears of society.
And how does athiesm inspire the idea that all people are human? It

is as if Karl Marx regards humans as simple machines. We are not.

Violence in athiesm would be carried out on just the fact of human

nature, such as greed or taking advantage of other peoples

weaknesses. How many of those 700 sects actually have an amount of

followers that would be considered a good portion? In athiesm, you

have 6 billion different beliefs, in religion, you have the same

amount yet simplified. 

rdx-fx wrote:

Atheists, being a moderate proportion of the USA population (about

8-16%) are disproportionately less numerous in the prison population

And this fact is supposed to convey what? They are probably in

prison because they did something wrong by law. 

rdx-fx wrote:

Japan (the most atheistic nation in the G-8) has the lowest murder

rate while the United States (the most Christian nation in the G-8)

has the highest. Japan used to have much stronger religious faith,

and a state religion, and guess what: Japan was remarkably

aggressive and militaristic when "Shinto" was at its peak, and

during WW2, when its Emperor was regarded as a God.
That is not directly the fault of religion. In Japan, people have

far less of an access to weapons of violence than the United States

for one example. During World War II, the religious beliefs were

taken advantage of considerably in favor of the government. Similiar

to how radical Islamic clerics are perverting the Koran for their

unreasonable beliefs in the current era.

rdx-fx wrote:

Louisiana, with America's highest church attendance rate, has twice

the national average murder rate.
Once again, this is not the direct influence of religion.

rdx-fx wrote:

religion does not have an exclusive on morality.
Atheists get their morality from personal reflection, conscience,

and thought.
People can change what is right and wrong by just thinking? I do not

think so.

rdx-fx wrote:

A poor understanding of religion too often leads weak minds into

acts of extremism, under the delusion that 'this is what god

commands'.. look at the islamic extremists, kidnapping and beheading


TrollmeaT wrote:

Catholicism & Christianity are 2 different

religions, inhuman beliefs = homosexuality, I don't think so I know

2 girls that are & they are the most human people I have ever met.
As I said earlier, I never said that homosexuals were bad people in

terms of their personality.

TrollmeaT wrote:

Morality is like religion, it is defined by the person using it.

I'm a proud pagan & very peaceful & moral {according to me} , the

most aggressive I get is when I play bf2 and slam the keyboard when

I die or let out a huge "fuck!"

TrollmeaT wrote:

I would do your homework a little more before starting a discussion

like this because you're obviously biased on some points & have no

freaking idea what you are talking about to begin with.
There are plenty of these all across these boards, sadly almost

everyone who posts here is athiest, so I have no one to back my

views up.

ComradeWho wrote:

i think what you fail to realize is that most atheists have rejected

religion specifically because the morality is simplistic, archaic,

and basically for stupid people who don't want to think too much

about right and wrong and need to make up some external authority

for the world to make sense. atheists usually have complicated and

well thought out moral codes that are far superior than anything

found in a "magic book" that contains the laws of some "magical

The fact is that they can change their moral code at anytime they

wish, even if they are unlikely to do so. Having a more "set" moral

code is far more greater than making foolish manipulations to a so

called "general" moral code.

ComradeWho wrote:

the best philosophers are atheists.. you know.. the ones that helped

to establish the morality that is essential to the development of

the abrahamic religons. what is christianity withour aristotle? i

bet you don't know!
I see a personal opinion.

ComradeWho wrote:

on a side note homosexuality is conducted by humans, it is therefor

a human act, and is therefor humane by definition. just like

genocide. i really don't think it's inhumane to leave people alone

who want to have sex with each other - sex is a good thing -

christian's have created a lot of problems for the world by coming

up with irrational sex rules. that's why it's so funny that you

brought up the catholics.
I am not going to waste my time on this one.

Spark wrote:

I think the original poster has been successfully

pwned over their complete and utter ignorance.

Pubic wrote:

Athiests have morals, we just don't need a book, priest or mullah to

tell us what they are.  Mine are based largely in practicality, and

what I would be willing to tolerate upon myself and those I care

about, they're actually quite a lot like the "ten commandments"; I

believe murder is wrong, going after someone elses SO is a no-no


That said, I don't believe theres anything wrong with homosexuality.

I'm heterosexual, but if my neighbour chooses to fuck another guy

up the arse, or if my other neighbour falls in love with an other

woman, whys it any of my business?  Its their right to choose what

they do and with whom they do it, and any attempt to deny them that

right is an attempt to deny them their freedom.
Freedom is an excuse to commit acts that "used to be" deemed immoral. And infact, you do have a reason. If you do consider that homosexuality slows down the continuation of humanity, then it is a humans responsibility to stop it.

Pubic wrote:

Consider this:  Lets assume for a minute that the christian god

exist.  He gave us all free will right?  Hes supposed to be

the very embodiment of all that is good, right?  If thats the case,

then isn't god's gift of free will a good thing?  And wouldn't any

action that erodes itl be going against god's will?  Dare I say it,

but outlawing the right to choose a same-sex partner, or the right

to choose who you worship (or don't), wouldn't that be anti-

I am no expert in Christianity, as I am no Christian. I am Muslim, and I am sure I will get many negative comments just because of my belief, especially in this forum.

Kimosabe-sa wrote:

I wonder if the original poster even knows any

one gay?
I do, and he is a nice person. However, I still think as stated above.
Pope of BF2s
+355|6879|Sea to globally-cooled sea


First off, atheists/secularists do not promote homosexuality.  Most just come to the rational conclusion that homosexuality is a human condition, not a choice.  When did you decide to become heterosexual?  Second, why do you say atheists/secularists have no morality?  I consider myself more moral than many of the prominent Christians out there.  Third, many other factors beside religion unite people.
more humble, too, no doubt.

anyway, I think that his premise is flawed because it implies that although those religions are humane, there still is no objective TRUTH.

you cannot have an argument about religion vs atheism, or Religion A vs Religion B for that matter, without first establishing that there is an objective truth.

If absolutely nothing can be proven to be true, then every argument you make can be defeated with a "nuh-uhhhh"

aipotwckma wrote:

I am only stating that if everyone in the world were athiest, the human race would be peaceful, yet incredibly immoral.
I disagree most on this point. Religion does promote concepts of right and wrong, but is not the only source. I also have no idea why you believe that no religion in human history would have resulted in world peace. We are, by nature, a contentious and territorial species, and by no means the only one of such on Earth. If anything, religion has just been used as one of many convenient excuses for land/resource grabbing.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-06-09 16:42:34)

Mod Incarnate

aipotwckma wrote:

Actually, most probably do promote homosexuality if given a choice
between yes or no. However, I'm sure if they were given the choice
of "I do not care" they would choose it. How in the world is
homosexuality a human condition? Men were not created to be with
men, Vice versa. I never decided to be heterosexual, I was born that
way, and humans are supposed to be born that way, or else they would
not be able to reproduce. It's good that you consider yourself
moral, but those are your standards of morality. In religion,
morality is actually enforced. Ofcourse, there will be a whole lot
of people who wouldn't follow by the standards set by the religion
because of their human nature to take advantage. Also, I am not
focusing on other factors in this discussion. Just religion and athiesm.
This is about the time I realized you have no idea what you are talking about, which is pretty impressive considering it was the first paragraph. What, exactly, are you basing your opinions on? I'll go through this line by line...

"Actually, most [atheists] probably do promote homosexuality if given a choice
between yes or no."

I have never met an Atheist who promoted homosexuality. I have met a great many atheists who did not care about homosexuals, but you will find that in the real world there is a difference between not caring and actively promoting an activity. For example: I do not care if people piss in the ocean. Does that mean I promote that activity? No. A bad analogy, perhaps, but it illustrates my point.

"How in the world is homosexuality a human condition?"

How is it a human condition? There is a good deal of research that shows that homosexuality may be genetic, just like brown eyes or cystic fibrosis. Are those also not part of the human condition? Who are you to decide what is and is not part of the 'human condition'. Just because the bible says it is wrong does not mean it is, and absolute faith in its teachings leads to only one thing: rampant ignorance.

"Men were not created to be with men, Vice versa."

I see. How, exactly, do you know this? Are you God? Did you create humanity, or are you somehow privy to the details of the creation of humanity?

"I never decided to be heterosexual, I was born that way, and humans are supposed to be born that way, or else they would not be able to reproduce."

You were doing great until the second half of that sentence. Let me see if I understand your logic: 'I never made a choice to not be homosexual, but everyone who is homosexual did.' Interesting. As I mentioned previously, some evidence shows that homosexuality may be inherited genetically, which would back your statement that you were born hetersexual. As such, it is complete stupidity to turn around and condemn homosexuals for their lack of choice.

The second half of your sentence, about not being able to reproduce, just illustrates your ignorance on the matter of biology. There are many, many conditions that prevent reproduction in humans. Would you blame a person with Klinefelter's syndrome for hindering human process? Is a child dying of Tay Sach's Disease Immoral? You seem to have chosen homosexuality over every other human condition to condemn, for no reason other than you find it distasteful.

"It's good that you consider yourself moral, but those are your standards of morality. In religion, morality is actually enforced."

I see, religion is clearly the only method of enforcing morals. If you did some studying, you would find that social interaction and society in general is a much better enforcer of morals than religion. It doesnt matter what religion you belong to, most things that you would consider 'immoral' are frowned upon by everyone. Do some research on the subject of social psychology before you make statements like that.

"It's not my personal opinion that I think it's inhuman. It is

inhuman. As I said earlier, what is the goal of the human race?

Probably to thrive and be higher than the rest of the animals on

this planet. Homosexuality is a condition that only hinders the

progress of humanity.   "

Ho boy. You wanna break the news to all the homosexuals that they're not human? I don't think it will go over well. By your reasoning, I suppose people that are abstinent, or who die before they are able to conceive a child are also inhuman. I'd better go tell all the terminally ill children that they are hindering the process of the human race. After all, terminal illness does nothing to help humans thrive and be better than animals, and humans aren't meant to be terminally ill. Clearly they're all immoral and deserving of your scorn.

"sadly almost everyone who posts here is athiest, so I have no one to back my views up. "

There are plenty of Christians on these boards. The fact that none of them have come to your aid should tell you something about your viewpoint.

aipotwckma wrote:

Freedom is an excuse to commit acts that "used to be" deemed immoral. And infact, you do have a reason. If you do consider that homosexuality slows down the continuation of humanity, then it is a humans responsibility to stop it.
How do you envisage stopping homosexuality?

aipotwckma wrote:

I am no expert in Christianity, as I am no Christian. I am Muslim, and I am sure I will get many negative comments just because of my belief, especially in this forum.
I've got no problem with it?  I assumed you were christian, hence the christian slant of my argument.  In the words of the game thats bought us all here:

Sorry, my bad!
+572|6912|BC, Canada

Skruples wrote:

aipotwckma wrote:

Actually, most probably do promote homosexuality if given a choice
between yes or no. However, I'm sure if they were given the choice
of "I do not care" they would choose it. How in the world is
homosexuality a human condition? Men were not created to be with
men, Vice versa. I never decided to be heterosexual, I was born that
way, and humans are supposed to be born that way, or else they would
not be able to reproduce. It's good that you consider yourself
moral, but those are your standards of morality. In religion,
morality is actually enforced. Ofcourse, there will be a whole lot
of people who wouldn't follow by the standards set by the religion
because of their human nature to take advantage. Also, I am not
focusing on other factors in this discussion. Just religion and athiesm.
This is about the time I realized you have no idea what you are talking about, which is pretty impressive considering it was the first paragraph. What, exactly, are you basing your opinions on? I'll go through this line by line...

"Actually, most [atheists] probably do promote homosexuality if given a choice
between yes or no."

I have never met an Atheist who promoted homosexuality. I have met a great many atheists who did not care about homosexuals, but you will find that in the real world there is a difference between not caring and actively promoting an activity. For example: I do not care if people piss in the ocean. Does that mean I promote that activity? No. A bad analogy, perhaps, but it illustrates my point.

"How in the world is homosexuality a human condition?"

How is it a human condition? There is a good deal of research that shows that homosexuality may be genetic, just like brown eyes or cystic fibrosis. Are those also not part of the human condition? Who are you to decide what is and is not part of the 'human condition'. Just because the bible says it is wrong does not mean it is, and absolute faith in its teachings leads to only one thing: rampant ignorance.

"Men were not created to be with men, Vice versa."

I see. How, exactly, do you know this? Are you God? Did you create humanity, or are you somehow privy to the details of the creation of humanity?

"I never decided to be heterosexual, I was born that way, and humans are supposed to be born that way, or else they would not be able to reproduce."

You were doing great until the second half of that sentence. Let me see if I understand your logic: 'I never made a choice to not be homosexual, but everyone who is homosexual did.' Interesting. As I mentioned previously, some evidence shows that homosexuality may be inherited genetically, which would back your statement that you were born hetersexual. As such, it is complete stupidity to turn around and condemn homosexuals for their lack of choice.

The second half of your sentence, about not being able to reproduce, just illustrates your ignorance on the matter of biology. There are many, many conditions that prevent reproduction in humans. Would you blame a person with Klinefelter's syndrome for hindering human process? Is a child dying of Tay Sach's Disease Immoral? You seem to have chosen homosexuality over every other human condition to condemn, for no reason other than you find it distasteful.

"It's good that you consider yourself moral, but those are your standards of morality. In religion, morality is actually enforced."

I see, religion is clearly the only method of enforcing morals. If you did some studying, you would find that social interaction and society in general is a much better enforcer of morals than religion. It doesnt matter what religion you belong to, most things that you would consider 'immoral' are frowned upon by everyone. Do some research on the subject of social psychology before you make statements like that.

"It's not my personal opinion that I think it's inhuman. It is

inhuman. As I said earlier, what is the goal of the human race?

Probably to thrive and be higher than the rest of the animals on

this planet. Homosexuality is a condition that only hinders the

progress of humanity.   "

Ho boy. You wanna break the news to all the homosexuals that they're not human? I don't think it will go over well. By your reasoning, I suppose people that are abstinent, or who die before they are able to conceive a child are also inhuman. I'd better go tell all the terminally ill children that they are hindering the process of the human race. After all, terminal illness does nothing to help humans thrive and be better than animals, and humans aren't meant to be terminally ill. Clearly they're all immoral and deserving of your scorn.

"sadly almost everyone who posts here is athiest, so I have no one to back my views up. "

There are plenty of Christians on these boards. The fact that none of them have come to your aid should tell you something about your viewpoint.
man, good post....
couldnt have said it better.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6928|Canberra, AUS
People can change what is right and wrong by just thinking? I do not

think so.
Then clearly you have not thought enough. Think some more.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
as always spark your ideas and opinions are about as fresh as a dead hookers hooch after its been sun dried and wrapped in rotting bacon
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6928|Canberra, AUS

VaNiSh wrote:

as always spark your ideas and opinions are about as fresh as a dead hookers hooch after its been sun dried and wrapped in rotting bacon
What the fuck? What is your problem?

What I mean about that was:

Say a teacher is teaching a class. Out of the closet bursts a man holding a gun. He threatens to shoot one child - and he really means it. By chance, the teacher has a gun as well (this is purely hypothetical)

What do you do? This is a serious ethical issue.

Do you try to argue with him? Do you wing him? Or do you just put one in his head?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Some research shows that homosexuality may be genetic, but there is no definate proof. Interestingly, backers of the natural homosexuality front fail to respect any research with counterclaims. This essentialist argument (that homosexuality is biologically determined) lacks support from many in the scientific community, both genetics and psychology. Comparing gayness with having a physical disease, syndrome or disorder at this point is just silly.

And personally, I view homosexuality as being nearly as bizarre as beastiality.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-06-11 03:38:15)

The Lizzard

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Comparing gayness with having a physical disease, syndrome or disorder at this point is just silly.
Right, because all of those terms describe something being wrong.  Gay people are no more unwell, physically or mentally, than straight people.

What, exactly, is it that makes homosexuality and bestiality similar?

Bubbalo wrote:

What, exactly, is it that makes homosexuality and bestiality similar?
To answer your question bluntly and logically, they are both sexual minorities. And not minorities in the sense of racial issues (unless someone starts a "gay race" branch of pop-science as soon as they're done shoving the "gay gene" down everyone's throats).

Further, one is strangely attracted to members of the same sex, and the other is attracted to members of a different species. I said that one is nearly bizarre as the other; a statement which you surely should have been able to catch. A gay person (provided they don't practice beastiality as well) is still attracted to members of the same species, while beastiality represents a further deviation. If a gay man wants to excuse his actions with, say, the fact that "bonobo chimps do it to," that's his business. Animals do alot of things that I would never do. I don't think I need to expound on this any farther, even to you.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-06-11 04:27:34)

there are some facts why ppl are born gay, it may be because when the child is in its mothers womb, the temperature rose and may dirupt brain cells. since it is naturally for all animals to mate w/ the opposite sex. as for humans since we have a large number of ppl, the number of gay ppl increase when the pop rises, but the percentage is still very small...

ppl shouldnt have prejudice against gay ppl, they were born like that. they are sitll nice ppl after all
Mod Incarnate

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Some research shows that homosexuality may be genetic, but there is no definate proof. Interestingly, backers of the natural homosexuality front fail to respect any research with counterclaims. This essentialist argument (that homosexuality is biologically determined) lacks support from many in the scientific community, both genetics and psychology. Comparing gayness with having a physical disease, syndrome or disorder at this point is just silly.

And personally, I view homosexuality as being nearly as bizarre as beastiality.
It is not just the research that shows it may be genetic, therapy to 'cure' homosexuality has a dismal success rate, which is not what one would expect if it was entirely a psychological condition. Here's what the American Psychological Association had to say about it:

The American Psychological Association wrote:

The research on homosexuality is very clear. Homosexuality is neither mental illness nor moral depravity. It is simply the way a minority of our population expresses human love and sexuality. Study after study documents the mental health of gay men and lesbians. Studies of judgment, stability, reliability, and social and vocational adaptiveness all show that gay men and lesbians function every bit as well as heterosexuals.

Nor is homosexuality a matter of individual choice. Research suggests that the homosexual orientation is in place very early in the life cycle, possibly even before birth. It is found in about ten percent of the population, a figure which is surprisingly constant across cultures, irrespective of the different moral values and standards of a particular culture. Contrary to what some imply, the incidence of homosexuality in a population does not appear to change with new moral codes or social mores. Research findings suggest that efforts to repair homosexuals are nothing more than social prejudice garbed in psychological accouterments.
You are right, it has not been proven that homosexuality is genetic, but evidence points in that direction.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Comparing gayness with having a physical disease, syndrome or disorder at this point is just silly.
You missed my point. The OP was saying homosexuality hinders the progression of humanity because they do not produce children, and I was comparing homosexuality to inherited diseases in that regard only. I do not consider homosexuality a disease.

There are other mental issues that cannot be easily cured through therapy. Therefor, saying that efforts to cure homosexuality through therapy have a dismal success rate is not tantamount to it being a genetic issue. I never did say that homosexuals couldn't socially "function every bit as well as heterosexuals;" only that the "genetics" of it is still a topic under intensive ongoing research. Despite sensationalist claims tossed about by health journals one way or another, people are fools if they latch onto the gay gene theory with an undying grip merely because it makes them feel more comfortable.

Skruples wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Comparing gayness with having a physical disease, syndrome or disorder at this point is just silly.
You missed my point. The OP was saying homosexuality hinders the progression of humanity because they do not produce children, and I was comparing homosexuality to inherited diseases in that regard only. I do not consider homosexuality a disease.
I don't consider homosexuality a disease, either. Not in the same way as something like Parkinson's. But the whole "gay gene" thing is about as humorous as the less well-known "furry gene."
The Lazy Genius
+14|6789|USA, CA
Just a note: You forgot the Jewish Faith!

First of all you must understand that this:
THe Christian/Catholic, Jewish, and muslim faiths all are based from the orginal teaching of GOD. The muslim faith branched off from the Jewish teachings.  That created the first two, after that came the Christian/Catholic teachings, which add a whole new book to the mix; Which are nothing more than a bunch of fairy tales, based on the life of Jesus, (No doubt he lived and was a good man that did alot of good and showed people a differnet way to think about their fellow man!) I still cant beilve you left out jewish faith, their book it the first half of the christian texted; and jesus was the King of the Jews. 

Second thing to understand is that these religions all served a great purpose, they kepted man in control!
In the begining it stopped the Jewish people from going ape shit!!! They were on a steady decline as a people and they came up with a solution tell everybody that god a big prick and he will make you after life living hell!! After this, as stated before the christian/catholic faith began with a new story keeping 95% of the old testament and add there new version where God is a kind, loving and understanding god, that forgives, as long as you accept his son into your heart! " Now this worked wonders for the people using this these new faiths as a corner stone to their society, and once again it inspired people to fly right, and to be good or else! During the last 3000 years or so, the Idea of one God has been doing well, and it has manged to keep everybody inline, well as long as the faith don't fight, right? Religion has been at the base of the majority of all wars since the dawn of all that non-sense!

Third: Morals and Religion

Morals will survive long after religion is gone, only becuase it is no longer needed to keep man in control, we can do that just fine. At one point in my life i was a christian, i attended Christian Highschool, and went to chursch then one day i grew a brian and realized that the majority of these people were judgmental and cruel, oh yeah and hypocritcal!!!!!   Then i took a step back and examined the behavior of people who did not believe (ME), and saw that they were more moral then the average person; they accepted other people for who they were and not based on, appearance, color, speech, or any other bullshit reason to  judge someone!

Fourth: According to Greek Philsophers
"The age of Pieces" Better know as the age of the fish, aka religion; has been over for a couple of years now! The year was 2003 that dawned:

“In the New Age of Aquaris, we break free of centuries of false doctrines, destructive indoctrinations, absurd ideas, and children’s stories about God, education, medicine, and love. The corrupt foundations of false society crumble. This time of crises is not the signal of the end of the world. What comes is not the end, but the beginning. The dream humanity has lived for centuries ends and we awaken to a bright new day, a bright new way."

This is the age of reason, of seeing to believe and not starting bullshit ideas to explain the unknown!
The age is which man is responsible for man and its not a god or a satan that causes man problems; it's man fucking fault bottom line!

In conclusion:

The end of the religion is the dawn of the age of reason and understanding and the source for peace, although a great deal of war will go one to secure the new way of life! BTW the KKK uses religion to fight for there cause, no different then a king using it to keep his citizens inline, or for the union of priest to be able to molest kids!! Who knows, but it wont a be a bad thing, it will be a great thing when people realize what we should really be afriad of, Society, not GOD; cause in the new world its your fellow man that will punish your faults. Maybe people would start to value life and try to work for something better not waiting for GOD to do it for them; or just maybe they would not wait or hope for the life in heaven, completly wasting there life on these fairy tales! Also there might be a second chances in life, but if you can't prove it shut your mouth until you can! (You'll be dead around the time you can prove it, sucks hun?

:-) Listen to the Song "Imagine", First Sung by John Lennon, or "A Perfect Circle" Written 36 years ago! at the end of "the Age of Pieces"

Last edited by xGBlitzkrieg (2006-06-11 20:03:01)

Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7018|Toronto Canada
i think it is fine to follow a religion, as long as you do not blindly follow it. know the history behind it, but no just in holy books like the Bible, Quran, etc. research! know what you are following and do not bend it to fit specific situations.
The Lazy Genius
+14|6789|USA, CA
NIce addition i left out that too is my true feeling i dont have any ill feelings towars peoples beliefs. DOnt care one way or the other, just dont preach it to people and then different!!

xGBlitzkrieg wrote:

Just a note: You forgot the Jewish Faith!

First of all you must understand that this:
THe Christian/Catholic, Jewish, and muslim faiths all are based from the orginal teaching of GOD. The muslim faith branched off from the Jewish teachings.  That created the first two, after that came the Christian/Catholic teachings, which add a whole new book to the mix; Which are nothing more than a bunch of fairy tales, based on the life of Jesus, (No doubt he lived and was a good man that did alot of good and showed people a differnet way to think about their fellow man!) I still cant beilve you left out jewish faith, their book it the first half of the christian texted; and jesus was the King of the Jews. 

Second thing to understand is that these religions all served a great purpose, they kepted man in control!
In the begining it stopped the Jewish people from going ape shit!!! They were on a steady decline as a people and they came up with a solution tell everybody that god a big prick and he will make you after life living hell!! After this, as stated before the christian/catholic faith began with a new story keeping 95% of the old testament and add there new version where God is a kind, loving and understanding god, that forgives, as long as you accept his son into your heart! " Now this worked wonders for the people using this these new faiths as a corner stone to their society, and once again it inspired people to fly right, and to be good or else! During the last 3000 years or so, the Idea of one God has been doing well, and it has manged to keep everybody inline, well as long as the faith don't fight, right? Religion has been at the base of the majority of all wars since the dawn of all that non-sense!

Third: Morals and Religion

Morals will survive long after religion is gone, only becuase it is no longer needed to keep man in control, we can do that just fine. At one point in my life i was a christian, i attended Christian Highschool, and went to chursch then one day i grew a brian and realized that the majority of these people were judgmental and cruel, oh yeah and hypocritcal!!!!!   Then i took a step back and examined the behavior of people who did not believe (ME), and saw that they were more moral then the average person; they accepted other people for who they were and not based on, appearance, color, speech, or any other bullshit reason to  judge someone!

Fourth: According to Greek Philsophers
"The age of Pieces" Better know as the age of the fish, aka religion; has been over for a couple of years now! The year was 2003 that dawned:

In the New Age of Aquaris, we break free of centuries of false doctrines, destructive indoctrinations, absurd ideas, and children’s stories about God, education, medicine, and love. The corrupt foundations of false society crumble. This time of crises is not the signal of the end of the world. What comes is not the end, but the beginning. The dream humanity has lived for centuries ends and we awaken to a bright new day, a bright new way."

This is the age of reason, of seeing to believe and not starting bullshit ideas to explain the unknown!
The age is which man is responsible for man and its not a god or a satan that causes man problems; it's man fucking fault bottom line!

In conclusion:

The end of the religion is the dawn of the age of reason and understanding and the source for peace, although a great deal of war will go one to secure the new way of life! BTW the KKK uses religion to fight for there cause, no different then a king using it to keep his citizens inline, or for the union of priest to be able to molest kids!! Who knows, but it wont a be a bad thing, it will be a great thing when people realize what we should really be afriad of, Society, not GOD; cause in the new world its your fellow man that will punish your faults. Maybe people would start to value life and try to work for something better not waiting for GOD to do it for them; or just maybe they would not wait or hope for the life in heaven, completly wasting there life on these fairy tales! Also there might be a second chances in life, but if you can't prove it shut your mouth until you can! (You'll be dead around the time you can prove it, sucks hun?

:-) Listen to the Song "Imagine", First Sung by John Lennon, or "A Perfect Circle" Written 36 years ago! at the end of "the Age of Pieces"
I'm an Aquarius. Aquarius FTWD (For Teh World Domination).

Oh yeah...and besides that...I'd also like to point out how foolish it is to support only that which furthers humanity. Were it to be so, everything solely without causality for intellectual and societal furtherance would deserve scoffing and scorning. Playing Battlefield 2, playing cards, making small talk sociality among friends, sexing some hot mama': all of it would be looked at with disdain. Beneath all of that though, is the focal issue that you musn't make such a citation for something as being in the wrong. The fact is, between all of this "contribution to progress", one must do something. This is what establishes an identity, a personality, an experience, a life.

(P.S. And you meant "Age of Pisces", no?)

Last edited by Xietsu (2006-06-12 02:01:07)

I don't believe that homosexuality is either genetic or social, rather that it is caused by a combination of both factors, which vary from person to person.  Remember, genetic and social arguments don't necessarily contradict each other.

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