BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6940|Los Angeles, California, US.
IMHAVHO = In My Honest And Very Humble Opinion.
IMHAVVO = In My Honest And Very Valuable Opinion.

I just make things Up.
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
spastic bullet
would like to know if you are on crack

lowing wrote:

spastic bullet wrote:

"Do you think the US made the right decision or the wrong decision in going to war against Iraq?"

I honestly don't see how this could be changed to a more neutral wording -- "war" is everybody's word.  I could see how "illegal war" could be biased.  I'd even say "invading" carries a slight negative slant.  Likewise "liberation" and "regime change", on the rosier side of spin.  But "war" is what everyone calls it.  Even Fox.
It wasn't a US decision. It was Iraq's decision. The war started 15 years ago, when Iraq invaded Kuwait. The question is asked in such a way as to lead someone into thinking the US started the damn thing.
The only reason I even knew the US and UK were bombing Iraq throughout the '90s is because of the annoying kids from the college a few blocks from here.  I definitely didn't hear anything about it from the news or any politicians, so I'm guessing if you hit Joe Sixpack with questions about "the 15 year war in Iraq", you're just going to confuse the shit out of him.

If you want to start edumacatin' folks about that, be my guest, but I think a common reaction would be "we were doing what?!  For how long?!"  Mainly because people think it would be on the news and they would know, if it was true.  Which is kinda funny. 

Anyway, by what law is the US compelled to go to war against Iraq, after they invaded Kuwait?  And then launch an invasion 12 years later?  Do you honestly believe the US has no autonomy when it comes to this kind of thing?
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida
With the way things are going, the War in Iraq will probably last 20 years, then the dumbf*cks up in command will decide to bring em home.  Vietnam, anyone?

spastic bullet wrote:

lowing wrote:

spastic bullet wrote:

"Do you think the US made the right decision or the wrong decision in going to war against Iraq?"

I honestly don't see how this could be changed to a more neutral wording -- "war" is everybody's word.  I could see how "illegal war" could be biased.  I'd even say "invading" carries a slight negative slant.  Likewise "liberation" and "regime change", on the rosier side of spin.  But "war" is what everyone calls it.  Even Fox.
It wasn't a US decision. It was Iraq's decision. The war started 15 years ago, when Iraq invaded Kuwait. The question is asked in such a way as to lead someone into thinking the US started the damn thing.
The only reason I even knew the US and UK were bombing Iraq throughout the '90s is because of the annoying kids from the college a few blocks from here.  I definitely didn't hear anything about it from the news or any politicians, so I'm guessing if you hit Joe Sixpack with questions about "the 15 year war in Iraq", you're just going to confuse the shit out of him.

If you want to start edumacatin' folks about that, be my guest, but I think a common reaction would be "we were doing what?!  For how long?!"  Mainly because people think it would be on the news and they would know, if it was true.  Which is kinda funny. 

Anyway, by what law is the US compelled to go to war against Iraq, after they invaded Kuwait?  And then launch an invasion 12 years later?  Do you honestly believe the US has no autonomy when it comes to this kind of thing?
It was the UN that went to war with Iraq 15 years ago..The US just lead the attacks.

It was the UN resolutions that Iraq was breaking and 8 years of not doing anything about it. This appeared to be a threat to the region and to America. So the UN didn't do what they promised and up hold their own resolutions so the US did it for them.

Are you aware that the Korean conflict has been going on for 55 years now??

Spearhead wrote:

With the way things are going, the War in Iraq will probably last 20 years, then the dumbf*cks up in command will decide to bring em home.  Vietnam, anyone?
Maybe not.......
I hate to break the news to you liberals but Al Zarqawi has been killed by the coalition. I know this is going to be a trying time for you all and I will give you 3 days mourning over his death. Al Zarqawi stood for all victims of the American invasion and was a brave freedom fighter. Let me know where we can send flowers.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

lowing wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

With the way things are going, the War in Iraq will probably last 20 years, then the dumbf*cks up in command will decide to bring em home.  Vietnam, anyone?
Maybe not.......
I hate to break the news to you liberals but Al Zarqawi has been killed by the coalition. I know this is going to be a trying time for you all and I will give you 3 days mourning over his death. Al Zarqawi stood for all victims of the American invasion and was a brave freedom fighter. Let me know where we can send flowers.
Wake up and see the truth, lowing.  Terrorism has no leader.  You really think it's going to stop?

By the way, implying that we celebrate terrorism and the death of civilians is pretty lame, to be honest.  Pure right wing trash, as usual.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-06-08 04:21:19)

spastic bullet
would like to know if you are on crack

lowing wrote:

spastic bullet wrote:

lowing wrote:

It wasn't a US decision. It was Iraq's decision. The war started 15 years ago, when Iraq invaded Kuwait. The question is asked in such a way as to lead someone into thinking the US started the damn thing.
The only reason I even knew the US and UK were bombing Iraq throughout the '90s is because of the annoying kids from the college a few blocks from here.  I definitely didn't hear anything about it from the news or any politicians, so I'm guessing if you hit Joe Sixpack with questions about "the 15 year war in Iraq", you're just going to confuse the shit out of him.

If you want to start edumacatin' folks about that, be my guest, but I think a common reaction would be "we were doing what?!  For how long?!"  Mainly because people think it would be on the news and they would know, if it was true.  Which is kinda funny. 

Anyway, by what law is the US compelled to go to war against Iraq, after they invaded Kuwait?  And then launch an invasion 12 years later?  Do you honestly believe the US has no autonomy when it comes to this kind of thing?
It was the UN that went to war with Iraq 15 years ago..The US just lead the attacks.

It was the UN resolutions that Iraq was breaking and 8 years of not doing anything about it. This appeared to be a threat to the region and to America. So the UN didn't do what they promised and up hold their own resolutions so the US did it for them.

Are you aware that the Korean conflict has been going on for 55 years now??
If Iraq was such a threat to the region, why did none of the allied Class of '91 support the 2003 reunion?  And a threat to America?  The biggest, most expensive military and an ocean on either side -- what is it going to take to make the US feel safe?!

As for Korea, maybe we just define conflict differently.  Compare the casualty rate in Korea over the last 50 years with that of Iraq over the last, say, 3.  Where's the war?
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
Maybe she would end up doing me, and I'd be her bitch!
Horseman 77

Spearhead wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

So " she hates anyone who disagrees  with her " sounds like a few people we know.

They love to take one sentence out of a whole book and attack some one over it.

You always have the ability ( in a free country ) to read what they actually said, in context, in their own words or you can do the lemmings thing.

What ever works for you.
Wow, Horseman, you've said much worse stuff about liberals who speak their mind.  odd, isn't it
Its odd to have dissent? where do you live? Anyone can speak their mind in a free country. I do have a problem when people dileberatly, constanly  mislead with extreme bias and say its news. Ann Coulter dosn't say she a news caster or say she's producing documentaries, nore does the "Right" push her as such . (Ala micheal moore), thats crimenal. Check my posts as their pretty consistant. Aren't you the one who was calling people Nazis who disagreed with you?

Sorry Zaqawi is dead I know you loved him.

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-06-08 07:18:45)

The Lizzard

Horseman 77 wrote:

Aren't you the one who was calling people Nazis who disagreed with you?
Post a link to where he does so.  You have 8hrs, then I'm reporting that post.  I'm sick of you shit.
Horseman 77

DaReJa wrote:

IMHAVHO = In My Honest And Very Humble Opinion.
IMHAVVO = In My Honest And Very Valuable Opinion.

I just make things Up.
Very cool ! some one has to make our language up or we would all be grunting like in " quest for fire "
Horseman 77

Marconius wrote:

In My Honest and Very Honest Opinion?

I Made Hot and Very Happening Onions?
also very cool. Add  "  Bam !  "  to kick it up a notch !
Horseman 77

Spearhead wrote:

what would be interesting is a debate between Ann Coulter and Jon Stewart.  Debate of the century right there.
Coulter doesn't need a script to work, Nor does she stack the audience, its just walk ins. Hence the pie throwing incident.*

so the Real question would be

Would she sell his testicles on E Bay?

She probably doesn't need the money.

* ( The young, liberal male in the prime of his youth couldn't hit a Old skinny blonde with big tits wearing Spike High Heels with a pie. Sounds like an argument for a draft deferment )

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-06-08 06:23:44)

Horseman 77

Bubbalo wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

Aren't you the one who was calling people Nazis who disagreed with you?
Post a link to where he does so.  You have 8hrs, then I'm reporting that post.  I'm sick of you shit.
Is this the little kid who " tells the teacher " ? WTF                         

I only asked him a question. He can answer himself with a yes or no or some other explanation more than likely an insult.

I didn't use any derogatory comments.

I didn't say " hey AS**OLE "  so I don't know why you  answered.

After wading through 14 pages in the " WWIII announced " post I came across a mod remark that references to Nazis were removed.

I don't remember who said it, there were two posters and one apologized.

Mistakes happen, I apologized to Nutter for the Redneck remark if thats what your referring to.
Otherwise stfu as you bring only annoyance.

I apologize to all for bringing thread off topic.

ps use spell check

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-06-08 07:05:37)

The Lizzard

Horseman 77 wrote:

I only asked him a question. He can answer himself with a yes or no or some other explanation.
A question which implies he was.  If you're going to accuse forum members of making statements, link to the statements.

In short: put up or shut up.

edit: just noticed this:

Horseman 77 wrote:

ps use spell check
Oh dear god no!  A typo!  Clearly everything I have ever said is wrong!  Oh lordy!  Oh save me!

BTW, a spell check wouldn't have picked that up, as you is a word.  Keep trying though.

Last edited by Bubbalo (2006-06-08 07:13:27)

Horseman 77
Can you read? the post that had references was pulled. Safe place for tuff talk. Think metric down there kid.

I hear bye apologize to spearhead for asking him if he called me evil names in another post.

bubalo can you go make toast in the shower? for all of us, please.
The Lizzard

Horseman 77 wrote:

Can you read? the post that had references was pulled. Safe place for tuff talk. Think metric down there kid.
So link to the place it was pulled.  Besides, I assumed you had more than "He was part of a discussion in which someone called his opponents Nazis, therefore it must have been him!"

Horseman 77 wrote:

I hear bye apologize to spearhead for asking him if he called me evil names in another post.
Ah, but there's the kicker!  You didn't ask him if you had, you assumed that he had and asked him is he hadn't.  Either you had a rare moment of using a sizeable portion of your brain and used a common trick which shifts the burden of proof, or it was just plain dumb luck.  Either way, by asking the question in public rather than private, you show that your interest was merely in discrediting your opponent, not learning about the truth of the matter.

Horseman 77 wrote:

bubalo can you go make toast in the shower? for all of us, please.
Who needs to check their typing now?  Besides, that wouldn't actually be dangerous.  My toasters double insulated.  Designed for the American market.  Sorry.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7120|Orlando, FL - Age 43
Just as a side note for those of you who believe that FOX news is a completely right wing propaganda organization, please check the following link out. It is a review on Coulter's new book and was found on their home page.

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
Would you do her in a box?
Would you do her like a fox?
Would you do her with some ham?
Would you do her, Sam I AM?
spastic bullet
would like to know if you are on crack

Darth_Fleder wrote:

Just as a side note for those of you who believe that FOX news is a completely right wing propaganda organization, please check the following link out. It is a review on Coulter's new book and was found on their home page.

Many conservatives find it prudent to distance themselves from Coulter's puerile antics.

By the same token, the fact that I find Michael Moore's work unconvincing and distasteful doesn't make me a centrist.

Interesting link, though.  Cheers.

Spearhead wrote:

lowing wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

With the way things are going, the War in Iraq will probably last 20 years, then the dumbf*cks up in command will decide to bring em home.  Vietnam, anyone?
Maybe not.......
I hate to break the news to you liberals but Al Zarqawi has been killed by the coalition. I know this is going to be a trying time for you all and I will give you 3 days mourning over his death. Al Zarqawi stood for all victims of the American invasion and was a brave freedom fighter. Let me know where we can send flowers.
Wake up and see the truth, lowing.  Terrorism has no leader.  You really think it's going to stop?

By the way, implying that we celebrate terrorism and the death of civilians is pretty lame, to be honest.  Pure right wing trash, as usual.

spastic bullet wrote:

lowing wrote:

spastic bullet wrote:

The only reason I even knew the US and UK were bombing Iraq throughout the '90s is because of the annoying kids from the college a few blocks from here.  I definitely didn't hear anything about it from the news or any politicians, so I'm guessing if you hit Joe Sixpack with questions about "the 15 year war in Iraq", you're just going to confuse the shit out of him.

If you want to start edumacatin' folks about that, be my guest, but I think a common reaction would be "we were doing what?!  For how long?!"  Mainly because people think it would be on the news and they would know, if it was true.  Which is kinda funny. 

Anyway, by what law is the US compelled to go to war against Iraq, after they invaded Kuwait?  And then launch an invasion 12 years later?  Do you honestly believe the US has no autonomy when it comes to this kind of thing?
It was the UN that went to war with Iraq 15 years ago..The US just lead the attacks.

It was the UN resolutions that Iraq was breaking and 8 years of not doing anything about it. This appeared to be a threat to the region and to America. So the UN didn't do what they promised and up hold their own resolutions so the US did it for them.

Are you aware that the Korean conflict has been going on for 55 years now??
If Iraq was such a threat to the region, why did none of the allied Class of '91 support the 2003 reunion?  And a threat to America?  The biggest, most expensive military and an ocean on either side -- what is it going to take to make the US feel safe?!

As for Korea, maybe we just define conflict differently.  Compare the casualty rate in Korea over the last 50 years with that of Iraq over the last, say, 3.  Where's the war?
I guess that means if you compare the casualty rate of June 6, 1944 alone, to the last 3 years, I could ask the same question.
spastic bullet
would like to know if you are on crack
If you're feeling especially disingenuous, I suppose you could.

spastic bullet wrote:

If you're feeling especially disingenuous, I suppose you could.
Nope not me, I said this to show how ridiculous the point YOU were trying to make is
+255|6950|Westminster, California
I would just remind everybody that we still haven't lost as many soldiers in three + years of combat as we did lose civilians on one day a few Septembers ago.

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