l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK

{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:

I think there is a possiblity of a  chewbaccaish creature out there.  From what Ive seen documentaries on, there is evidence of it from Northern California, Oregon, Washington and up across the Bering Straight into Siberia, China etc.  Would be kind of interesting to find something like that and prove it
Yeh sasquatch ftw tbh lol wtf lmao..etc..

Anyone see A Fire in the Sky or something like that, it was a film and it the scariest fucking aliens in, they got this bloke in a chair and they burst his eye and he was going crazy and was mleelfeleghh wtf fuk off u nubs !1

Since then i've been shit scared of certain alien types *needs hug*

Last edited by Zeon. (2006-05-31 17:10:36)


Shut up!  You're all making me so scared!

Waah I'm such a crybaby!
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
Lol alien noob !
This is one of the most interesting things people can talk about...

Zeon. wrote:

rustynutz wrote:

I Believe in aliens, a whole universe and we are the only things in it? fuck no!
Yeh, maybe its harsh calling them aliens but fuck are we alone in like 32905783094580934580934580943580934580934059309530934 miles of universe

I agree, there must be some other beings out there... Maybe not aliens but other humans living on another planet looking just like us and everything but their history is A LITTLE different. Hmm... interesting, another earth somewhere that has existed for all our lives. I wonder hows its going for them

*Butterfly effect*

Another thing that I have been thinking about is how just a little small thing can totally change the history; Last thing on my mind was that Hitler wanted to go in an art-school (He was a great painter) but he didn't make it for some reason. If he did succeed in getting in to that school, the 2nd world war would have never happened...... No red/Whit flags with a cross, A lot of people that died would have still existed and could have created new people and we could have been a whole nother person living somewhere else on this planet, No Saving private Ryan/Band of brothers and No Battlefield 1942 LOL, just joking.


I wonder if there is still dinosaurs somewhere also. Its quite cool actually if you think about it, that big monsters actually have walked on this planet doing nothing all day but to kill each other, maybe thats why "God" extincted them (with a Volcano/Meteor/Snowstorm...) because there was no reason for them to exist if they did nothing but to kill, kill ,kill...


I wonder if God really exist, in the beginning of the bible it says that he created the world in 6 days and rested on the seventh. This is whats making me think that the bible is just a faked up story. If he created the planet and everything where the hell did the dinosaurs come from? But sometimes it feels as if  someone is staring at me from above. Especially if I'm home alone but then its not about "him" upstairs but it feels like there is someone sneaking around my house at night; When I walk to the refrigerator in the kitchen and make myself some cornflakes I'm ALWAYS thinking someone is outside the windows, but if I watch out of the window all i can see is my own reflection.


I have never seen a ghost but I have seen what they have done; After a party one time at Christmas, a ghost saved our house from burning down to the ground by lifting up every candles in the house from their sockets and lay them on the table it was standing on (even candles that is just used as decoration) and I have heard lots of other stories from my parents & other people and I don't think they are lying, so I believe in ghosts.

Last edited by JON.ANTONSSON (2006-05-31 17:48:21)


Do I believe there is other life in the universe? Yes
Do I believe that the other life is intelligent? Probably
Do I believe it has travelled hundreds of light years to insert probes into random hicks? Absolutely not.  If you'd managed that feat, wouldn't you be interested in more things than the ens result of the dominant species digestive process? :p

But to quote Arthur C. Clarke - Either we're alone in the universe or we aren't.  Either way, the idea is quite staggering.


I'm open minded on this one.  I've never seen one, (and quite frankly don't ever expect to), but there are a lot of strange events that occur which we don't have explanations for.  However, it's quite probable that there are rational, non-supernatural, explanations for all of these events.  Lets just say that I don't disbelieve in them, but until I see one with my own eyes, I don't believe in them either.

Loch Ness Monster (aka Nessie)

There's a decent probability that pre-historic creatures still exist in the oceans (didn't someone find a fish ~ 50 years ago that everyone though had been extinct for millennia?), and it's also possible that one of them got into Loch Ness where it scared the shit out of some poor sod.  However, that was many years ago.  If it did happen, the creature will have either died (not enough food in a lake to support a creature of Nessie's reported size), or buggered off back to the ocean.  A good comparison is the whale that recently got stranded in the Thames.  Hundreds or thousands of miles away from it's normal habitat, it nevertheless ended up in the Thames because it got lost.  Doesn't mean that other whales will be swarming to the Thames, and as it died, the one that did get there is not there anymore.


There is a possibility that there is some unknown species of large ape, but I don't believe it.  I know it is possible for species to remain undiscovered, but that is usually in the middle of the rain-forest or the depths of the ocean (see Nessie ).  Consider this though.  How long could a species stay unproven when hundreds of people are looking specifically for it, a large proportion of whom are experienced trackers, in the jungles of North America and Canada.  Especially when several of those trackers have "seen" it.  They see it, and, despite being able to track a rabbit through the forest, can't track a 7 foot tall ape under the same conditions?  Bollocks.

Superior Mind wrote:

I honstly don't believe in ghosts (they are the effect of high emps in areas that cause halusanations), but I hope they do exsist so I have something to do after I die. I believe in alien life, it has been discovered in a fosilized state on Mars (bacterium).
Has it fuuuck! That was some geological structure or something, if they had of found any life on mars EVERYONE would know. Ghosts are bullshit aliens must exist. Not that they have come to earth.

Last edited by JohnnyBlanco (2006-05-31 17:40:34)

mad scotsman
ok im 23 now but when me and my friends were younger, like in our early teens, we used to do seoncies,,(lol i can spell it)..and some crazy stuff would happen, like one time at band camp,,,,no sorry,,,,ehh one time we were all linked in a circle and asking for contact and all the light blow as soon as we asked for it to show a sign.....we ALL  pissed our pants and started running round crying ,GOD HELP US lol, other times we used to here wierd shit and have things move on us,,,coincidence????maybe so but when your young it scares the shit out if you.

as for aliens,,,we would be dumb to think we are alone in such an expanse but i dont think they know about us just like we dont know about them.
I acknowledge that there exist things we cannot conclusively sense or prove the existance of.  However, I don't care to speculate about them (they're existance, after all, cannot be proven...).
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
Yeh asking if aliens exist leads onto whether god exists or not, because if he did then what twat makes a universe that big and fills a tiny planet up with people stranded with no intelligence or resources to get about a bit - No offense god your doing great....ish..
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK

mad scotsman wrote:

ok im 23 now but when me and my friends were younger, like in our early teens, we used to do seoncies,,(lol i can spell it)..and some crazy stuff would happen, like one time at band camp,,,,no sorry,,,,ehh one time we were all linked in a circle and asking for contact and all the light blow as soon as we asked for it to show a sign.....we ALL  pissed our pants and started running round crying ,GOD HELP US lol, other times we used to here wierd shit and have things move on us,,,coincidence????maybe so but when your young it scares the shit out if you.

as for aliens,,,we would be dumb to think we are alone in such an expanse but i dont think they know about us just like we dont know about them.
Also good points there, i've done a few seances meself and there pretty weird, but I think sasquatch is in your sig tbh.
+255|6954|Westminster, California
I swear to God this happened to me.
I was living alone [ not counting my German Shepard ] and I was doing the dishes. Behind me on the counter I had placed a bottle opener next to my opened adult beverage. As I was doing the dishies I heard a clinking sound and turned to see the bottle opener on the floor. My dog was looking at me like " I didn't do it "  and I thought, wtf?
     Three nights later my television crashed to the ground from its stand. A few nights later a tenis shoe rolled across the floor as I sat staring at it.
     I leapt from my seat and shouted " get out of here this is my house and you are not welcome!"
     And was only bothered by my persistant bad back for a few more days. My friend and I smudged the house with sweet grass, sage and cedar and it was cool until I moved.
     The people that lived there after me;
     The daughter beat her 74 year old mother almost to death.
     No shit, this happened.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK

yerded wrote:

I swear to God this happened to me.
I was living alone [ not counting my German Shepard ] and I was doing the dishes. Behind me on the counter I had placed a bottle opener next to my opened adult beverage. As I was doing the dishies I heard a clinking sound and turned to see the bottle opener on the floor. My dog was looking at me like " I didn't do it "  and I thought, wtf?
     Three nights later my television crashed to the ground from its stand. A few nights later a tenis shoe rolled across the floor as I sat staring at it.
     I leapt from my seat and shouted " get out of here this is my house and you are not welcome!"
     And was only bothered by my persistant bad back for a few more days. My friend and I smudged the house with sweet grass, sage and cedar and it was cool until I moved.
     The people that lived there after me;
     The daughter beat her 74 year old mother almost to death.
     No shit, this happened.
, I've had ghosts poke me, thats about it

Anyway theres a new one discuss your ghostie encounters!
I am British!
+124|7000|England and damn proud
Reading all these has giving me goose bumps, made my hair stand on end and send a chill down my spine.
Aliens must exist, although no proof, i still believe we are not alone, and i'm not alone on thinking this.

Ghosts, i'm a bit  "here and there", as science has proven (some thing along these lines) "energy cannot dissapear it transforms into something else" so the energy within us must go some where.

Creatures, i believe that there are loads of strange creatures on Earth still not found, "nessie" i think is bullshit BUT "bigfoot" i sortta believe, it says we evolved from monkeys (or close enough) so there may be some semi evolved "things", and theres nothing that can go right to the bottom of some parts of the oceans so there may be something lurking down there.

Last edited by rustynutz (2006-05-31 18:01:45)

l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
Yeh I bet if we went right down to the bottom of the ocean there would be some big ass evil thing

mad scotsman
ok i just remembered about this.

i come from a small town on the west coast of scotland but now i live in a place called Greenock,, around 150 miles away.

i went back to campbeltown (were i come from) to see my parents and pick up a few things,,in cluding my digi camera, i leave to go back to greenock aroung 11.00 pm , it takes me about 2 1/2 hours to drive to greenock, it not a main road there , its an a class some of the way and a dirt track basicaly for around 30 miles,,,any way on my way back im driving on a high road which is called the "rest and be thankful" it cuts through a large forest and all of a sudden it start to POUR with rain, i mean really heavy, so i get my camera and try to take a picture of the weather and this is what i notice when i get home.

remember,,i dont smoke and was in the car alone, and i didnt see this at the time of pic. WTF


Last edited by mad scotsman (2006-05-31 18:18:29)

l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK

Seriously thats pretty freaky...
I am British!
+124|7000|England and damn proud
Any one believe in mind powers i.e. telekentic stuff

I was in spain a year ago on holiday me and my dad and my bro went into a pub and they had a pool table so me and my bro decided to have a game, my bro was kicking my arse BAD and my bro was on the black but i saw this old guy at the bar and he winked at me (i became scared) but when my brother went to take his shot, he hit the ball gently as the black was over the pocket but i saw the old guy whip is head to the right quickly and the white just flew to the right, i was scared yet amazed at what just happened, but me being shit at the time fucked up my shot and my bro won, that was scariest thing that has ever happened to me. i had not been drinking cause i was 15 and im sensible .

Just wondering if anybody else has seen or experienced this, seems like a good place to post this with all the aliens and ghost talk
U.S. > Iran



I wonder if God really exist, in the beginning of the bible it says that he created the world in 6 days and rested on the seventh. This is whats making me think that the bible is just a faked up story. If he created the planet and everything where the hell did the dinosaurs come from? But sometimes it feels as if  someone is staring at me from above. Especially if I'm home alone but then its not about "him" upstairs but it feels like there is someone sneaking around my house at night; When I walk to the refrigerator in the kitchen and make myself some cornflakes I'm ALWAYS thinking someone is outside the windows, but if I watch out of the window all i can see is my own reflection.
Once upon a time, Chris (thats me) was in Daytona Florida with some friends on spring break.  We see a big banner that says FREE BREAKFAST at a hotel, so we obviously go, being the broke 18/19 year olds we were, and come to find out, it was a church or something giving out free breakfast so they could talk to people about Jesus and God.  Well I asked that famed question.  Something along the lines of....We find bones of dinosaurs, but they are never mentioned in the bible, and the answer I got was that "in the bible it says God created 'many' creatures, but doesnt specify what specifically he created."
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
Ahh right, i've always wanted to ask that question
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6965|Land of =KBK=
OK .. let's say that you can see and talk to ghosts.  How would that make you feel?

Personally I can see them and I speak to them.  -karma if you like but some people are "portals" and can see those that have crossed over.  Call it a Native thing.  Being American Indian and following my path I have seen a few things that would scare the piss out of some people.  Seances (spell check) are a bit out there but so would a Sweat Lodge to most people that have never experienced one.  In the sweat lodge you are likely to see any number of things.  And no you do not do any drugs prior to going in.

On a personal level, here at home we have an elderly couple that lives here.  They are ghosts.  The old man loves to watch TV and when we are heading off to bed he will turn the living room light back on and the TV back on so he can watch.  His wife has a habit of hiding my apron when I need it the most.  Like when I am baking.  I give up looking for it and it will be on the counter.  She loves to play in the kitchen.  Though there is one room in our house that I absolutely refuse to go into.  It seems that there was a drug addict that hung himself in there and I can feel his presence.  It's not a good one.

I would have to believe in ghosts seeing as my name, Bahiti (pronounced like buy a tie), is the Comanche word for Ghost
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
Wow interesting, maybe you could take a few pics of your front room with a Digi-cam?

You never know..

Snipedya14 wrote:

Youd agree that "seeing" is our eyes picking waves of reflected color off matter right?

And if there is not matter?

How can we "see" ghosts.
because some things emit radiation in the form of light, so seeing them is still possible if they emit radiation within the visible spectrum
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6965|Land of =KBK=
Zeon -- I absolutely refuse to even open that door.  The energy that emanates from that room is awful.  I've smudged and used patcholli (spell check) around the door.  Nothing works.  Hell I even had a crucifix put in there.  Nada.  I just refuse to go close to it.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
What room is it that the energy is in?
+255|6954|Westminster, California
Where he keeps his porn collection.

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