For those who don't know Peter Crouch holds the dreams of a nation right now. With Wayne "shrek" Rooney out injured somebody has to bang the goals in. Up Step 8ft 6" Peter Crouch. he has come in for some serious stick before now, for eg, getting boo'd by England fans even before he has come on to play.
Anyway, he was at Beckams party held recently full of celeb's all trying to raise some money for "charity".
As an auction ended (prizes on offer for eg, Ozzy Osbourne comes to your house and cooks dinner for you at a cost of £10,000 sterling.
Auction ends, up steps James Brown to provide the music, all the celebs head for the dance floor.
Look at Peter Crouch.
England Leg end he is.
By the way he scored vs Hungry last night (that isn't a new pet name given by Beckam to his wife is it??, if so bet Dave aint happy) and did a funny celebration, I am yet to see it.
Anyway, he was at Beckams party held recently full of celeb's all trying to raise some money for "charity".
As an auction ended (prizes on offer for eg, Ozzy Osbourne comes to your house and cooks dinner for you at a cost of £10,000 sterling.
Auction ends, up steps James Brown to provide the music, all the celebs head for the dance floor.
Look at Peter Crouch.
England Leg end he is.
By the way he scored vs Hungry last night (that isn't a new pet name given by Beckam to his wife is it??, if so bet Dave aint happy) and did a funny celebration, I am yet to see it.