
Should Al Gore STFU?

YES, please God63%63% - 45
NO, he's the president, you STFU!36%36% - 26
Total: 71
+38|6846|Houston, TX

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

I'm trying to warn you all about man bear pig and I'm super serial but nobody will listen to me and I'm serial.
^^stole my thunder

Al Gore's movie got lots of critical acclaim from the sheep reviewers, but other, more canny critics denounced it for the liberal pop science it truly was. But if Al would have been nearly as good of a speaker in 2000 as he is portrayed in his film, he would have won the US presidency regardless of the dismal quality of the garbage stuffed down listeners' throats. Then perhaps if the US would have gotten tired enough of his ultra-liberal antics, they would have gone with a hardcore conservative in '04 or '08. As it is, I foresee a stubborn fence-squatter in the White House next term.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-05-30 12:04:07)

+255|6865|Westminster, California
Fencesquatter is right.
Remember how Clinton was supposed to be this great liberalizer of drug laws, instead he upped the confiscation laws and minimum sentencing for marijuana infractions. Remember how Bush sold us on being a fiscal conservative; that turned into the biggest sham of American history.
     I really believe that Al Gore is trying to reinvent himself to prep for another whitehouse bid. He's making headlines now about a noble cause to divert attention away from his lack of record in the senate { unless all the free speech lefties want to consider his one lasting claim to fame which was the Tipper/Gore advisory labels that adorn rap records and video games ), his illegal campaign contributions from the commie red Chinese and brokering of deals to sell top secret computer technology to them.
     What Al Gore should realize is that the only reason he came close to becoming potus is because many could not stomach the idea of a 2nd George Bush. It smacked to many on the right as a dynasty that was inheriting the presidency, and that's not right. People should rightly tremble at the idea of Jeb Bush as president because then we would be even closer to a quasi monarchy.
     Government as a whole liked George Bush 2 because he is a cash cow, so despite the nonsense things they say about him he got reelected because the Democrats put up a traitorous unelectable buffoon in the likes of John Kerry. If they had been SERIOUS about winning the white house they could have done better than Kerry.
     If Al Gore gets nominated again it will be because in the dark inner workings of the DNC they want a Republican elected again. Remember, George Bush has funded more bs, taken us on a even wilder new deal type spending spree than any Democrat in recent memory. He got away with it because he sold himself as a fiscal conservative.

yerded wrote:

Fencesquatter is right.
Remember how Clinton was supposed to be this great liberalizer of drug laws, instead he upped the confiscation laws and minimum sentencing for marijuana infractions. Remember how Bush sold us on being a fiscal conservative; that turned into the biggest sham of American history.
     I really believe that Al Gore is trying to reinvent himself to prep for another whitehouse bid. He's making headlines now about a noble cause to divert attention away from his lack of record in the senate { unless all the free speech lefties want to consider his one lasting claim to fame which was the Tipper/Gore advisory labels that adorn rap records and video games ), his illegal campaign contributions from the commie red Chinese and brokering of deals to sell top secret computer technology to them.
     What Al Gore should realize is that the only reason he came close to becoming potus is because many could not stomach the idea of a 2nd George Bush. It smacked to many on the right as a dynasty that was inheriting the presidency, and that's not right. People should rightly tremble at the idea of Jeb Bush as president because then we would be even closer to a quasi monarchy.
     Government as a whole liked George Bush 2 because he is a cash cow, so despite the nonsense things they say about him he got reelected because the Democrats put up a traitorous unelectable buffoon in the likes of John Kerry. If they had been SERIOUS about winning the white house they could have done better than Kerry.
     If Al Gore gets nominated again it will be because in the dark inner workings of the DNC they want a Republican elected again. Remember, George Bush has funded more bs, taken us on a even wilder new deal type spending spree than any Democrat in recent memory. He got away with it because he sold himself as a fiscal conservative.
I thought he labeled himself a 'compassionate conservative'. :P
Capt. Foley
+155|6816|Allentown, PA, USA
Yo dumbasses. We have been having mini ice ages for millions of years. The one that you are all probably thiking about was FUCKING HUGE. Right now the tempature is rising yes, but it dose after every ice age. Soon the tempature will dip below the norm (in about another 150- 200 years) for alittle(say 200-300 years).

Last edited by Capt. Foley (2006-05-30 14:23:05)


Spark wrote:

yerded wrote:

Cougar wrote:

OHH GOD!!!! 

Glaciers that have been around for hundreds of years have melted in under 40, but it's no biggy.  Scientists have NO IDEA what they are talking about.  Especailly after they watched a chunk of ice the size of Manhatten break off from Antartica and float away, I mean come on, that happens EVERY DAY!  Smog is just a bi-product of people farting, cars actually emit a nice flowery smell that makes grass grow.  The Hudson river caught on fire?  Ohh that happens every couple of hundred years. 

Global Warming is a myth.  Duh.
Okay, sinse your obviously a deep thinker, what about my overall point of naturally correcting volcanic eruptions? Did you actually read any of the articles I gave links to that lend academic argument to what I'm saying or do you just reach for the - karma button the way most guys hit pagedown to punish?
     Last time I looked, the glaciers had carved out the Yosemite Valley, but they all melted away 20000 years before the car age. And came back some, and melted again, and so on and so on.
     So the glaciers are melting a little, BFD. As my post states, it is a cyclical thing, no action of man, and certainly any pinhead like al gore ( man not worthy of caps ) will do a damn thing to alter it as far as can be proven. But, don't let that stop you. A fact to a liberal is like kryptonite to superman.

You should be VERY afraid of the magnetic poles shifting ( this was predicted by famous seer Edgar Casey; he said the Great Lakes would drain and the ocean levels would rise by about 1000 feet ), as this has been proved to have happened. It could cause sudden, massive destruction the likes of which mankind has yet to see. You should be VERY afraid of a asteroid impact as we probably wouldn't see the doomsday asteroid until it hit. You should be terrified of a bird flu pandemic. You should be mildly alarmed at how fast a solar flare could fry you. But global warming as caused by man? No its a suckers cause.
     Shithead politicians LOVE IT when boneheaded youths such as yourself pick a phoney issue of thier conncoction to get rallied around; it diverts attention from the really destructive and corrupt things they do.
     Yup, they got you exactly where they want you.

I thought he was being sarcastic, although...

I'm confused now.
I'm curious what study he's talking about.
The ozone hole is not a natural occurence.  That was put there, and you can't agrue that it is growing
that = people destroying uv protection with indutrial ozone, cfc,  aerosol chemicals, chlorine, and fluoride gas.

the magnetic shift is a natural occurence that usually precludes an ice age.  It happened 40k years ago or so dramatically changing the climate in the sahara from lush jungle and plains to desert.

The average temperatures are nearly 2 degrees higher than they were 50 years ago (correct if wrong)
last 5 years all over the world the highest temperatues ever have been recorded. 

I think a huge portion of the world lives on the coast, and the temperature is directly responsible for the erratic weather events you see on earth,  (convection, it's proven)  like hurricanes every year down south, changing hot and cold water currents, more rain than snow in higher lattitudes, record drouts, and flooding in other areas.  This is undeniable.  Although relatively slowly ie in 30 years or so, it's irreversible and once that time limit's up you might as well quit worrying about anything else beyond that, as it won't happen in a day like in day after tomorrow but the world will become inhospitable.  Of the worlds arable land, only 40% of it will be practical for use with another 2 degree shift in temperature.  Only one record in history can match these conditions, the extinction of the dinosaurs, caused by a meteorite hit in the yucatan.  If the balance is tipped too far there will never be another ice age.  With more of the world covered by water, the albedo effect (white color reflects heat) that made all ice ages possible will not have any effect, as the worlds oceans will conserve much more heat.  It is possible to lose a significant portion of the globe permanently under water.

quit talking in terms of ideology!  If you choose to use facts then that is your medium, no political tilt matters here this is something that is happening to everyone
but...     I will respond in kind because it's funny:

You Might Be A Conservative If:

You think "proletariat" is a type of cheese.

You've named your kids "Deduction one" and "Deduction two"

You've tried to argue that poverty could be abolished if people were just allowed to keep more of their minimum wage.

You've ever referred to someone as "my (insert racial or ethnic minority here) friend".

You've ever tried to prove Jesus was a capitalist and opposed to welfare.

You're a pro-lifer, but support the death penalty.

You think Huey Newton is a cookie.

The only union you support is the Baseball Players, because heck, they're richer than you.

You think you might remember laughing once as a kid.

You once broke loose at a party and removed your neck tie.

You call mall rent-a-cops "jack-booted thugs."

You've ever referred to the moral fiber of something.

You've ever uttered the phrase, "Why don't we just bomb the sons of bitches."

You've ever said, "I can't wait to get into business school."

You've ever called a secretary or waitress "Tootsie."

You answer to "The Man."

You don't think "The Simpsons" is all that funny, but you watch it because that Flanders fellow makes a lot of sense.

You fax the FBI a list of "Commies in my Neighborhood."

You don't let your kids watch Sesame Street because you accuse Bert and Ernie of "sexual deviance."

You scream "Dit-dit-ditto" while making love.

You've argued that art has a "moral foundation set in Western values."

When people say "Marx," you think "Groucho."

You've ever yelled, "Hey hippie, get a haircut."

You think Birkenstock was that radical rock concert in 1969.

You argue that you need 300 handguns, in case a bear ever attacks your home.

Vietnam makes a lot of sense to you.

You point to Hootie and the Blowfish as evidence of the end of racism in America.

You've ever said civil liberties, schmivil schmiberties.

You've ever said "Clean air? Looks clean to me."

You've ever called education a luxury.

You look down through a glass ceiling and chuckle.

You wonder if donations to the Pentagon are tax-deductable.

You came of age in the '60s and don't remember Bob Dylan.

You own a vehicle with an "Ollie North: American Hero" sticker.

You're afraid of "[the so-called "liberal media"]."

You ever based an argument on the phrase, "Well, tradition dictates...."

You ever told a child that Oscar the Grouch "lives in a trash can because he is lazy and doesn't want to contribute to society."

You've ever urged someone to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, when they don't even have shoes.

You confuse Lenin with Lennon.

Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-05-30 16:15:58)

I do agree that Al Gore should STFU because he is a patsy and an idiot
U.S. > Iran
dont forget yerded....he invented the internet, so by you posting this he can revoke your rights to use it lol

Cougar wrote:

OHH GOD!!!! 

Glaciers that have been around for hundreds of years have melted in under 40, but it's no biggy.  Scientists have NO IDEA what they are talking about.  Especailly after they watched a chunk of ice the size of Manhatten break off from Antartica and float away, I mean come on, that happens EVERY DAY!  Smog is just a bi-product of people farting, cars actually emit a nice flowery smell that makes grass grow.  The Hudson river caught on fire?  Ohh that happens every couple of hundred years. 

Global Warming is a myth.  Duh.
And what exactly do you blame the last ice age on? Ya know, that drastic climate shift of over 10,000 years ago!!

Spumantiii wrote:

I do agree that Al Gore should STFU because he is a patsy and an idiot
Not to mention very very old and irrelevant news.
+255|6865|Westminster, California

"The average temperatures are nearly 2 degrees higher than they were 50 years ago (correct if wrong)
last 5 years all over the world the highest temperatues ever have been recorded. "

There IS a problem with global warming... it stopped in 1998
By Bob Carter

For many years now, human-caused climate change has been viewed as a large and urgent problem. In truth, however, the biggest part of the problem is neither environmental nor scientific, but a self-created political fiasco. Consider the simple fact, drawn from the official temperature records of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, that for the years 1998-2005 global average temperature did not increase (there was actually a slight decrease, though not at a rate that differs significantly from zero).

Yes, you did read that right. And also, yes, this eight-year period of temperature stasis did coincide with society's continued power station and SUV-inspired pumping of yet more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

In response to these facts, a global warming devotee will chuckle and say "how silly to judge climate change over such a short period". Yet in the next breath, the same person will assure you that the 28-year-long period of warming which occurred between 1970 and 1998 constitutes a dangerous (and man-made) warming. Tosh. Our devotee will also pass by the curious additional facts that a period of similar warming occurred between 1918 and 1940, well prior to the greatest phase of world industrialisation, and that cooling occurred between 1940 and 1965, at precisely the time that human emissions were increasing at their greatest rate.

Does something not strike you as odd here? That industrial carbon dioxide is not the primary cause of earth's recent decadal-scale temperature changes doesn't seem at all odd to many thousands of independent scientists. They have long appreciated - ever since the early 1990s, when the global warming bandwagon first started to roll behind the gravy train of the UN Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - that such short-term climate fluctuations are chiefly of natural origin. Yet the public appears to be largely convinced otherwise. How is this possible?

Since the early 1990s, the columns of many leading newspapers and magazines, worldwide, have carried an increasing stream of alarmist letters and articles on hypothetical, human-caused climate change. Each such alarmist article is larded with words such as "if", "might", "could", "probably", "perhaps", "expected", "projected" or "modelled" - and many involve such deep dreaming, or ignorance of scientific facts and principles, that they are akin to nonsense.

The problem here is not that of climate change per se, but rather that of the sophisticated scientific brainwashing that has been inflicted on the public, bureaucrats and politicians alike. Governments generally choose not to receive policy advice on climate from independent scientists. Rather, they seek guidance from their own self-interested science bureaucracies and senior advisers, or from the IPCC itself. No matter how accurate it may be, cautious and politically non-correct science advice is not welcomed in Westminster, and nor is it widely reported.

Marketed under the imprimatur of the IPCC, the bladder-trembling and now infamous hockey-stick diagram that shows accelerating warming during the 20th century - a statistical construct by scientist Michael Mann and co-workers from mostly tree ring records - has been a seminal image of the climate scaremongering campaign. Thanks to the work of a Canadian statistician, Stephen McIntyre, and others, this graph is now known to be deeply flawed.

There are other reasons, too, why the public hears so little in detail from those scientists who approach climate change issues rationally, the so-called climate sceptics. Most are to do with intimidation against speaking out, which operates intensely on several parallel fronts.

First, most government scientists are gagged from making public comment on contentious issues, their employing organisations instead making use of public relations experts to craft carefully tailored, frisbee-science press releases. Second, scientists are under intense pressure to conform with the prevailing paradigm of climate alarmism if they wish to receive funding for their research. Third, members of the Establishment have spoken declamatory words on the issue, and the kingdom's subjects are expected to listen.

On the alarmist campaign trail, the UK's Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir David King, is thus reported as saying that global warming is so bad that Antarctica is likely to be the world's only habitable continent by the end of this century. Warming devotee and former Chairman of Shell, Lord [Ron] Oxburgh, reportedly agrees with another rash statement of King's, that climate change is a bigger threat than terrorism. And goodly Archbishop Rowan Williams, who self-evidently understands little about the science, has warned of "millions, billions" of deaths as a result of global warming and threatened Mr Blair with the wrath of the climate God unless he acts. By betraying the public's trust in their positions of influence, so do the great and good become the small and silly.

Two simple graphs provide needed context, and exemplify the dynamic, fluctuating nature of climate change. The first is a temperature curve for the last six million years, which shows a three-million year period when it was several degrees warmer than today, followed by a three-million year cooling trend which was accompanied by an increase in the magnitude of the pervasive, higher frequency, cold and warm climate cycles. During the last three such warm (interglacial) periods, temperatures at high latitudes were as much as 5 degrees warmer than today's. The second graph shows the average global temperature over the last eight years, which has proved to be a period of stasis.

The essence of the issue is this. Climate changes naturally all the time, partly in predictable cycles, and partly in unpredictable shorter rhythms and rapid episodic shifts, some of the causes of which remain unknown. We are fortunate that our modern societies have developed during the last 10,000 years of benignly warm, interglacial climate. But for more than 90 per cent of the last two million years, the climate has been colder, and generally much colder, than today. The reality of the climate record is that a sudden natural cooling is far more to be feared, and will do infinitely more social and economic damage, than the late 20th century phase of gentle warming.

The British Government urgently needs to recast the sources from which it draws its climate advice. The shrill alarmism of its public advisers, and the often eco-fundamentalist policy initiatives that bubble up from the depths of the Civil Service, have all long since been detached from science reality. Intern-ationally, the IPCC is a deeply flawed organisation, as acknowledged in a recent House of Lords report, and the Kyoto Protocol has proved a costly flop. Clearly, the wrong horses have been backed.

Last edited by yerded (2006-05-30 17:00:12)

l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6786|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
We're all gonna die soon and the world is too ignorant to do anything about it. Fair play to the people who are though....
Didn't Al Gore invent the internet? jk...
+255|6865|Westminster, California
Yes and I'm sure his goons are working to shut me down. Did you see the petetion they hacked into my sig?
Unbelievable. The mods must really hate me.
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6908|Broadlands, VA
Wait - if the ice caps break off do I have more pure ice for Martinis?
+255|6865|Westminster, California
And ice cubes for your bong
just nothing
I am super cereal right now you guys.

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

I'm trying to warn you all about man bear pig and I'm super serial but nobody will listen to me and I'm serial.
I'm super cereal! No ones listening to me! MBP is totally evil, cereal!
+255|6865|Westminster, California

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

I'm trying to warn you all about man bear pig and I'm super serial but nobody will listen to me and I'm serial.
I'm super cereal! No ones listening to me! MBP is totally evil, cereal!
You lost me at cereal
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6778|Southeastern USA
I love it when he tried to give a speech on global warming in Chicago while it was in a record low.
When Mount Pinatubo erupted in the Phillipines it released more polluting gases than the entire industrilalized world had since the industrial revolution.
How is he explaining the melting of the polar ice caps on mars? Are those NASA rovers really SUV's?
Shortly after he moved in his VP office was refitted with 5 different types of rare woods, some of which are now the vegetative equivalent to being endangered. When asked for comment his office said that the order had already been placed and he couldn't cancel it when he was sworn in. He's just the VP after all, he doesn't have the power to change a remodeling contract.


Last edited by kr@cker (2006-05-31 16:55:21)

+255|6865|Westminster, California

kr@cker wrote:

I love it when he tried to give a speech on global warming in Chicago while it was in a record low.
When Mount Pinatubo erupted in the Phillipines it released more polluting gases than the entire industrilalized world had since the industrial revolution.
How is he explaining the melting of the polar ice caps on mars? Are those NASA rovers really SUV's?
Shortly after he moved in his VP office was refitted with 5 different types of rare woods, some of which are now the vegetative equivalent to being endangered. When asked for comment his office said that the order had already been placed and he couldn't cancel it when he was sworn in. He's just the VP after all, he doesn't have the power to change a remodeling contract.

His latest claim is that he is "carbon neutral" and that any jetting around the world he does spouting his bs is offset by "investments in eccotechnology" elsewhere.
     I say prove it.

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