
Should America close military bases and stop aid to EU?

Close them all and stop aid.25%25% - 50
Just close bases now that they don't need protection.16%16% - 32
Just cut aid.7%7% - 14
Lower number of bases and aid.10%10% - 21
Lower just bases.5%5% - 10
Lower aid.3%3% - 6
Just cut the French out.32%32% - 65
Total: 198
homeless and poor people come in all colors lotting all blacks into that is racist. noone is subjected to living conditions this is america and you are what you make it. is ireland socialist ? no homeless people there i guess ..

america is no tyrant nor imperialistic

i forgot to say that i was wrong about recieving aid from europe as we did get some contributions from europe towards katrina altough it wasnt much is wouldnt want to diminish it so thanks
+18|6855|Outer Space

afrocullions wrote:

products and culture are two different things dumbfuck

watch our movies be infatuated our celebrities litsen to our music etc etc then say you hate americans that makes you a fuckin eggplant

Vilham wrote:

Between August 1939 and June 1942 the Nazis and Soviet empires had been partners
really operation barbosa june 1941 ? thats what you cant seem to comprehend they never trusted each other it was allways a shaky partnership of convienince and hitler mistrusted him so much that he wexpected him to attack germany and did a preeemptive attack. but hey you still believe germany was gona ally with russia and destroy the world so who gives a fuck what you think about anything. ive allready done 2 years of college little boy so good try on that.

the gdp of the entire eu is about half that of the us while being twice the population... not too competitive. i said over and over we contribute to countries IN the EU not the entire EU. prolly the majority to former yugoslav states and baltic states/east europe.

and revolutionary war 1812 civil war spanish american war ww1 us has more modern battle experience than any other country. as to losses united states has the fewest causulties to kills compared to any country during ww2 .. maybe as a result of our experiene andd good planning. go look up west point thats one place where we make the superior stratagists for the past 200 years.

1. I don't know where the "hating americans" came from, I don't recall seeing it form the people you argue with. If it did, my mistake. Rub it in my face.

2.It's Operation "barbosa" now, is it? I learned in school that it was Barbarossa. Preemptive attack? Learn what "Drang nach Osten" means and then we can discuss which of the two it really was. As you might have noticed, I have carefully avoided the subject of a treaty, that some on this forum have been pushing for. That is because I do not have enough information on it, and I do not wish to look like a fool saying half truths and lies. To be honest though, some sources say, that Stalin might have settled for a ceasefire and return to pre-war borders.

3.EU gdp half that of US?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EU#Compari … onal_blocs

Your truth, my truth.

4.Aid to EU. I checked the budget of my country, namely Slovenia(I would post a link, but somehow I doubt you are proficient in the fine art of speaking my language), and I see no US aid under INCOME section. Perhaps it isn't mentioned, but that would be quite an oversight in an official budget(we're talking 2006 here). I admit I could be mistaken. But EU 15 definitely needs no aid (I cannot speak for other new EU members).


tonybls12 wrote:

the gdp of the entire eu is about half that of the us while being twice the population... not too competitive. i said over and over we contribute to countries IN the EU not the entire EU. prolly the majority to former yugoslav states and baltic states/east europe.

yugoslav states  and baltic states/east europe are not in the EU
You owned yourself here m8.(@tonybls12)

6. If you are going name countries, make sure you get it right. It is not "bosnia herzegovenia" but "Bosnia and Herzegovina". And that is one state http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/fac … os/bk.html

You see afrocullions, I wouldn't bother you with getting the dates and names right, anyone can make a mistake. But you are bragging with your superior college education, and are very arrogant in general. You post links to sites you have not even read in full to back up your arguments, but your arguments get invalidated most of the time by the people who have actually read the sites to which you linked.

You say we who criticise you or US politics or even american style of life hate Americans(you didn't say that directy I believe, but it can be surmised from your posts, so don't take it literally). That is not true(well, mostly, I can only speak for myself). What I DISLIKE, is your attitude. If you cannot figure out what is wrong with your attitude, then I cannot help you.
nah i said it bascially through all the eurotrash i see on this site spewing thier hatred of america at any given moment ..

good post tho i dont bother being anal about grammar as this is just some game forum and not a college thesis if you choose to invalidate arguements based on that merit then sobeit doesnt concern me

you really have no clear picture of me or my attitude ac ouple flames is all i dont worry about that

and it it true that hitler saw operation BARBAROSSA as a preeemptive attack against what he considered an inevitable attack by the russians.. whether he truely believed that is specualtion.

i never went to brag about my education it was directed only twards the little eurotrash cunt who decided to insult me and american education in gerneral.
+18|6953|I Fight for Bush !!
As a matter of fact Slovenia gave the US $120,000 in aid in the form of logistical supplies and equipment to the victims of Hurricane Katrina.... SLOVENIA is one of the most fantastic countries I have ever visited. Take the best parts of every country in Europe and put them all together.. and you have Slovenia. The People are wonderful, the landscape is rugged and beautiful (reminds me a lot of being in the Carpathian mountains of Romania.. one of my favorite countries in the world) probably the healthiest economy of all transition countries in the region, storied history, great food and from what I saw a large number of super hot women.

2 thumbs up

To those that are too eager to down things before even having experienced them.. step out from behind the keyboard.. travel.. read.. experience.. it is soooo easy to stay ignorant and lazy your entire life, but it sure isn't a lot of fun. I am a true red blooded American who has bled for his country, but I am not so single minded that I have blocked out any ability to respect and understand another's culture, even if its ideals and goals differ from our own.

Last edited by agwood (2006-05-31 20:07:17)

yeah wow them slovenian commies that initiated the yugoslavian confict man what a peacefull great people of muslim massacring folks. i couldnt pick a finer group to judge international politics. well maybe a nazi group but thats about it.

katrina initial estimates are around 300 billion but thanks for that 100k man theyll parade for slovenia forever about hat

I promised a while ago, that I have nothing to add to this topic.

Actually it seems that no one has, afrocullions' comments have turned out to be nothing but provocative, and the initial topic "Should America close bases and stop aid to EU?" is in itself just plain... Dumb?

As this thread is well on its way towards a flaming inferno, and will hopefully be closed due to the lack of Debate and Serious Talk, I feel it in place to contribute with my own stupid post (I'm good at those)

So, without further presentation, here's a picture of a nut and a bolt!


See, even that makes more sense than the previous pages..

Last edited by DonFck (2006-06-01 00:45:12)

I need around tree fiddy.

afrocullions wrote:

yeah wow them slovenian commies that initiated the yugoslavian confict man what a peacefull great people of muslim massacring folks. i couldnt pick a finer group to judge international politics. well maybe a nazi group but thats about it.

katrina initial estimates are around 300 billion but thanks for that 100k man theyll parade for slovenia forever about hat
do you mean  SERBIA in the KOSOVO WAR?
did you really expect some serious debate to come from the initial topic ?

do you mean slovaks have no relationship with serbia?
+18|6953|I Fight for Bush !!
I can understand the point you are trying to make, but Slovenia merely initiated a claim for Independence in 1991 and a 10 day war with Yugoslav forces followed , a ceasefire was reached and the Slovenes remained pretty much out of the Yugoslav wars the rest of the time. Milosevics conception of "all Serbs in one state" or "Greater Serbia" had WAY more to do with the atrocities of the Yugoslav wars, it is just largely idealized that Slovenia started all of it because they were the first of the republics to take a stand against the JNA (Yugoslav) army.

As far as your assertion that $120,000 in Slovenian aid for Katrina victims will be the source of nationalist chest beating, I can't say if you are correct or not, to me it really does not matter. The fact that they stepped up at all to offer a hand means more than the numbers involved.

Last edited by agwood (2006-05-31 21:41:16)

well honestly ive only meant 1% of what ive said i was sincere in douches insisting on spreading misinforamtion about ww2

however i dont hate euros i have brit frineds i like irish alot espcially thier alcoholism i just intended to ruffle ignorant feathers and im becoming bored

*edit* i forgot if slovenia gave 50 cents or 100k it doesnt matter its the sentiment

Last edited by afrocullions (2006-05-31 22:10:30)


afrocullions wrote:

nah i said it bascially through all the eurotrash i see on this site spewing thier hatred of america at any given moment ..

good post tho i dont bother being anal about grammar as this is just some game forum and not a college thesis if you choose to invalidate arguements based on that merit then sobeit doesnt concern me

you really have no clear picture of me or my attitude ac ouple flames is all i dont worry about that

and it it true that hitler saw operation BARBAROSSA as a preeemptive attack against what he considered an inevitable attack by the russians.. whether he truely believed that is specualtion.

i never went to brag about my education it was directed only twards the little eurotrash cunt who decided to insult me and american education in gerneral.
Um... I hate to interrupt you here.... but actually your stated "truths" in here need some correction.... Operation Barbarossa had never been a preemptive attack against the USSR because someone feared they would attack inevitably.... Operation Barbarossa was actually a planned attack... an attack that Hitler planned to do from day one of the War.... The only thing that held im back was the somewhat unexpected declaration of war by the western allies following his attack on Poland.

In this, there is no speculation... he already clearly stated this in his book that wrote in 1924 while being incarcerated.

He only struck a deal with Stalin to avoid a war on two fronts and to get the required resources to conduct a war in the west.

Oh... just in case you wonder.... this post is written by German Eurotrash that happens to have a university degree in ancient and modern history...
taken from wikipedia

Ostensibly, the Germans feared that the Red Army was preparing to attack them, and their own assault was thus presented as a preemptive war.

afrocullions wrote:

did you really expect some serious debate to come from the initial topic ?

do you mean slovaks have no relationship with serbia?
Owned yourself AGAIN!

SLovenia had a fully peaceful transition seceding from Yugoslavia and have nothing to do with Serbian atrocities.
Slovenia is home to the SLOVENES. SLOVAKIA is home to the SLOVAKS. It used to be part of CZECHOSLOVAKIA. A country with zero to do with Serbia. Quit while your dignity is barely intact (well actually at this stage it isn't).
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Spark wrote:

He HAD to see it coming.
I need around tree fiddy.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

DonFck wrote:

Spark wrote:

He HAD to see it coming.
Maybe he wouldn't have been banned if we presented his arguments in a logical and reasonable manner - instead of trying to insult someone with every word and feeling the urge to put swear words every inch.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Spark wrote:

DonFck wrote:

Spark wrote:

He HAD to see it coming.
Maybe he wouldn't have been banned if we presented his arguments in a logical and reasonable manner - instead of trying to insult someone with every word and feeling the urge to put swear words every inch.


Why am I getting the feeling that... ...I'm going to miss his posts?

Guess I'm twisted in that way. In any case, I think we might agree that due to the banning of Mr. afrocullions and the fact that the last couple of pages have been his arguments followed by replies to them, this topic can now be closed by someone with the power to do so.
I need around tree fiddy.
+110|6901|United States of America
The part about the bases being closed or not is actually a pretty good debatable question.  I for one think it is up to the US and Each individual Country and I will let my government decide that.  We and the world does need to have a US Military presence close by just to stop some stupid dictator from overthrowing some small country.  Most of the time the Military presence alone is enough to stop this.

Somebody said that we should not have any troops anywhere in the world and we should close all bases and send them all home.  We have to keep some troops on the North and South Korean border but I dont know if 38,000 is the right number.  If N. Korea ever does something really stupid then we will need alot more than 38,000 but S. Koreas military is much better equipped than they were during the Korean war.  Iraq definitly needs the help of all the troops over there not just American and many communities benefit in many ways from the bases we have (i.e. jobs money deterence).
This thread should be sticky IMO

Sh1fty2k5 wrote:

This thread should be sticky IMO
I need around tree fiddy.
....We dont have anything against the USA or the people living there, its more your current president and his
political way...

EDIT: btw. what do you have against French?! o0

Last edited by Frytrixa (2006-06-01 01:55:37)


Frytrixa wrote:

EDIT: btw. what do you have against French?! o0
What does who have against the French?
I need around tree fiddy.
Say wat!?

afrocullions wrote:

tonybls12 wrote:

the gdp of the entire eu is about half that of the us while being twice the population... not too competitive. i said over and over we contribute to countries IN the EU not the entire EU. prolly the majority to former yugoslav states and baltic states/east europe.

yugoslav states  and baltic states/east europe are not in the EU
you should learn about your own country

slovenia former yugoslav state and member of the eu. croatia serbia montenegro bosnia herzgovenia are all applying. eastern european countries are latvia estonia lithuania ... good game

and yes you are a little boy you said youre 18 and havent been to college so you are much younger than me little boy. i dont have to read some book you keep talking about to know youre misinformed and ignorant. you still think russia and germany were gona dominate the world so youre still a retarded peon to me. and dont compare iraq to vietnam you dumbass little shit as far as conflicts go iraq is one of the most dominated and precise conflicts in history.
for the last time put forwards some evidence or shut the fuck up, and your a moron i just finished college and am going to uni in 3 months time.

edit -  well i see that now his account is banned he had more time to go read books like:

D-day : june 6 1944 the battle for the normany beaches.

now i hope that ends this debate, which kinda deviated abit, which was partly my bad.

Last edited by Vilham (2006-06-01 02:33:13)

+18|6855|Outer Space
Don't bother, he can't answer.
Say wat!?

Sorcerer0513 wrote:

Don't bother, he can't answer.
yup just read that far.

btw don it should be sticked coz its funny and the "who" is afro, or rather ex-afro.

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