Wow.. that was gay..
I need around tree fiddy.
Close them all and stop aid. | 25% | 25% - 50 | ||||
Just close bases now that they don't need protection. | 16% | 16% - 32 | ||||
Just cut aid. | 7% | 7% - 14 | ||||
Lower number of bases and aid. | 10% | 10% - 21 | ||||
Lower just bases. | 5% | 5% - 10 | ||||
Lower aid. | 3% | 3% - 6 | ||||
Just cut the French out. | 32% | 32% - 65 | ||||
Total: 198 |
Intolerance begins with generalization.. It's equally dumb to blame America as a whole for something, as it is to in return blame a group of countries (Europe) for something else..afrocullions wrote:
sorry about the comma thing
yeah i enjoy the euros bashing us actually i mean prolly never met an american doesnt impact your life in the least and yet you bitch and moan about us all the time ..awesome
Last edited by DonFck (2006-05-30 00:14:17)
I haven't listened to worthless american HipHop in ages. I prefer finnish music, and european techno. Sure we watch your movies thats true, and some of us wear your clothes. I don't, and i can only come up with one american brand of clothes that i have in my closet, and thats GAP. We sure as hell don't eat your food, that's why we aren't as fat as you guys. And for a start, please mention an american dish for me. I cant come up with one. And no, we don't use your slang, i don't say "yo", "ya", or "hood"afrocullions wrote:
actually youll find that just about every country wants to be american
listening to our music watching our movies wearing our clothers eating our food using our slang and eventually moving here to get out of shitholes like austrailia
Last edited by Sh1fty2k5 (2006-05-29 23:52:58)
Europeans are not bashing Americans. They are bashing American government policy. We disagree with the current US administration. I know many Americans and work with a few here in Dublin and they are fine people. I also lived in the US for 4 months at one point and met both nice and ignorant Americans. The US did help rebuild Europe but just because you a previous govenrments helped us we are not going to be held to ransom to support actions that are morally wrong and in fact illegal. If you had a just cause we would back it wholeheartedly.afrocullions wrote:
sorry about the comma thing
yeah i enjoy the euros bashing us actually i mean prolly never met an american doesnt impact your life in the least and yet you bitch and moan about us all the time ..awesome
I had to pay an extra $35 over the normal amount per person for "oil and fuel" when I booked our summer cruise earlier this year. The effects of the war hits everyone, everywhere.afrocullions wrote:
sorry about the comma thing
yeah i enjoy the euros bashing us actually i mean prolly never met an american doesnt impact your life in the least and yet you bitch and moan about us all the time ..awesome
lol what an ignoramus.afrocullions wrote:
hey douche thats the fuckin front page click on countries and scroll through all the countries that we give aid to ... and thats just one organization
heard of c.a.r.e ? rebuilt europe after ww2 ? rebuilt former yugoslav states ? fuck you douchefuck i know plenty about eu... i know that europe gives abosolutely nothing to US its a one way street and ungratefull fruits such as yourself wont make us stop helping because we know there are people in your continent that arent total arrogant asswipes like you and need help..
next time you try and talk shit like you are intelligent try to have anything valid to say or point out cuz just pointing your finger and saying stupid and nothing in refrence to makes you look like the stupid shit you are
Last edited by Vilham (2006-05-30 04:01:58)
Last edited by DonFck (2006-05-30 04:26:51)
sounds like fun - but... what should we do for the rest of the day then?Cold Fussion wrote:
I'm sure we all want an american education. Especially in geographyafrocullions wrote:
actually youll find that just about every country wants to be american
listening to our music watching our movies wearing our clothers eating our food using our slang and eventually moving here to get out of shitholes like austrailia
You have the approval of:Sh1fty2k5 wrote:
Lets discuss Cheese instead. German cheese is crap.
Last edited by DonFck (2006-05-30 05:54:42)
http://www.internationalfundforireland.com/Beginning in 1986, the United States has contributed aid each year to the International Fund for Ireland, of which 75 percent is required to go to Northern Ireland. As the main contributor to the fund, the United States gave more than $300 million by 2001 and now gives about $25 million a year.
Do not insult Winston Chirchill or you can suck the sweat off of my balls Dickheadafrocullions wrote:
churchill was over here massaging roosevelts ballsack to save his ass.. yeah we did youre welcome
Guess you dont know that the reason D-Day occured when it did was due to the fact that Stalin threatened go into a pact with hitler because Russia couldnt take the pounding this information is agreed by hundreds of historians and documents from the world war. Heres a short list of some of the books that ive read that state this:afrocullions wrote:
to vilham: Thats funny how you call me ignorant but dont know shit about history and decide to spread misinformation anyhow.. ill help you out. Germany was allied with Russia and they both attacked Poland but hitler hated the bolsheviks, the Russians werent aryan, and he attacked Russia in 1939. Hitler would have never allied with Russia and vice versa after he attacked them. Also if you knew your history youd know that there was a nazi diplomatic relation between england and hitler tried to ally with churchill.. but churchill was over here massaging roosevelts ballsack to save his ass.. yeah we did youre welcome
russia ally with hitler? youre a fucking dumbass...
Dont worry he doesnt realise that Roosevelt was licking Stalin the COMMY's balls. Btw you know roosevelt wasnt even supported by his own military and the reason the americans lost so many men in WWII was because it was their first real war thus their commanders were unexperienced.DazBurt wrote:
Do not insult Winston Chirchill or you can suck the sweat off of my balls Dickheadafrocullions wrote:
churchill was over here massaging roosevelts ballsack to save his ass.. yeah we did youre welcome