maybe someone said this already but the bases could still be there because of deployment reason. a lot eaasier to deployed from a base there than the us if going to iraq. also havning some AF bases close is nice to have if you need them in a hurry. like when you have a couple of migs flying over ur base.
Should America close military bases and stop aid to EU?
Close them all and stop aid. | 25% | 25% - 50 | ||||
Just close bases now that they don't need protection. | 16% | 16% - 32 | ||||
Just cut aid. | 7% | 7% - 14 | ||||
Lower number of bases and aid. | 10% | 10% - 21 | ||||
Lower just bases. | 5% | 5% - 10 | ||||
Lower aid. | 3% | 3% - 6 | ||||
Just cut the French out. | 32% | 32% - 65 | ||||
Total: 198 |
" and stop aid to EU? great example of your ignorance you must think that everyone needs the USA but the USA needs noone. If you would actually look at the facts you d see that many countries give more $$ to poor countries "
That is what I recieved a negative karma for!! Ignorance when the asshole Can't Even formulate an educated opinion, nor has the balls to leave his name! This proves that we should stop all aid and close the bases and finally forget about the world!! Then make a huge facking sign, so big that it could be seen everywhere leave us alone or we will get you!!! Just to make it clear i could care less about Karma but some asshole decided to give me negative karma with out even posting a reply, or leaveing his name when he did so!!!! Can you say "Spine-less Jelly Fish" now say it ten times fast. lol just kidding its hard!!! Not to mention, its funny how i could get plus two karma for this post and then a negative one! I would like to thank the people who made the karma system, cuz i get to see why people are being cool, or stupid!!!
I would like to thank the spineless jelly fish once again becuase ill probably save a lot of money in future!
Remeber that if you are addressing Mr. Blitzkrieg you are talking to someone who has grown up with money, that hates the people who are wealthy and that dont help others, or the wealthy that thinks there better than anyone else. So the million dollars or so that is donated by my family every year, is about 75% amercian donation, and 25% foregin donations! Before you go judging me, i got a ? for you how much do you donate! A dollar would help, but i doubt even half the people on here including the Fish that - karmad me donate even that! maybe a few pence here and there right!
Now to finally to give my answer the the Jelly FISH, i wouldn't for one second think that our country is the best, or doesn't need anyone. We heavily depend on many countries for our success. " BTW asshole noone is not a word" Learn English. haha And im the ignorant one! Im just sick and tired of seeing people hate America for bullshit reasons, ones that hate us for good reason keep hating, you have that right, i guess! Also where are you FACTS i would like to see them! I doubt you even look it up! after a couple tries i couldn't pull up any side by side comparsions of donations by country so untill you show me, piss off!!! I will admit the vast majority of the american people are ignorant because they are uninfored. But I certainly am not!! I simply said that the amount of time money and energy that this country uses to help others is as great or greater than any one country in the EU, because the EU is a group of countries not states!! But that has nothing to do with the fact, that we should remove our troops from bases and stop aid. If you didn't notice our country is in some debt 9,000,000,000,000 in fact! So if we said FU TO THE EU AND EVERYONE ELSE, WE COULD FOCUS ON US FOR ONCE.
In conclusion: Piss off anyone that doesn't have respect for the american people, IF YOU DONT LIKE OUR GOVERNMENT, JOIN THE CLUB, WE DONT EITHER. ( the people are not the government) We could sit here and judge ya'll, but we try not too! In all honesty, i think most people hate that one of the most powerful countries in the world is one of the youngest!
P.S always remeber how much your life revolves around american culture: Whatever it may be!! (IF you dont have anything, remeber the box you watch tv on, or the computer, Dont forget the INTERNET! ) Oh yeah keep your opinion about my country to yourself, inless you have visited the USA then you have a right to say something; i wouldn't say something about a country untill i have been there to see for my self!
P.S.S China is the most powerful country!!!!!
That is what I recieved a negative karma for!! Ignorance when the asshole Can't Even formulate an educated opinion, nor has the balls to leave his name! This proves that we should stop all aid and close the bases and finally forget about the world!! Then make a huge facking sign, so big that it could be seen everywhere leave us alone or we will get you!!! Just to make it clear i could care less about Karma but some asshole decided to give me negative karma with out even posting a reply, or leaveing his name when he did so!!!! Can you say "Spine-less Jelly Fish" now say it ten times fast. lol just kidding its hard!!! Not to mention, its funny how i could get plus two karma for this post and then a negative one! I would like to thank the people who made the karma system, cuz i get to see why people are being cool, or stupid!!!
I would like to thank the spineless jelly fish once again becuase ill probably save a lot of money in future!
Remeber that if you are addressing Mr. Blitzkrieg you are talking to someone who has grown up with money, that hates the people who are wealthy and that dont help others, or the wealthy that thinks there better than anyone else. So the million dollars or so that is donated by my family every year, is about 75% amercian donation, and 25% foregin donations! Before you go judging me, i got a ? for you how much do you donate! A dollar would help, but i doubt even half the people on here including the Fish that - karmad me donate even that! maybe a few pence here and there right!
Now to finally to give my answer the the Jelly FISH, i wouldn't for one second think that our country is the best, or doesn't need anyone. We heavily depend on many countries for our success. " BTW asshole noone is not a word" Learn English. haha And im the ignorant one! Im just sick and tired of seeing people hate America for bullshit reasons, ones that hate us for good reason keep hating, you have that right, i guess! Also where are you FACTS i would like to see them! I doubt you even look it up! after a couple tries i couldn't pull up any side by side comparsions of donations by country so untill you show me, piss off!!! I will admit the vast majority of the american people are ignorant because they are uninfored. But I certainly am not!! I simply said that the amount of time money and energy that this country uses to help others is as great or greater than any one country in the EU, because the EU is a group of countries not states!! But that has nothing to do with the fact, that we should remove our troops from bases and stop aid. If you didn't notice our country is in some debt 9,000,000,000,000 in fact! So if we said FU TO THE EU AND EVERYONE ELSE, WE COULD FOCUS ON US FOR ONCE.
In conclusion: Piss off anyone that doesn't have respect for the american people, IF YOU DONT LIKE OUR GOVERNMENT, JOIN THE CLUB, WE DONT EITHER. ( the people are not the government) We could sit here and judge ya'll, but we try not too! In all honesty, i think most people hate that one of the most powerful countries in the world is one of the youngest!
P.S always remeber how much your life revolves around american culture: Whatever it may be!! (IF you dont have anything, remeber the box you watch tv on, or the computer, Dont forget the INTERNET! ) Oh yeah keep your opinion about my country to yourself, inless you have visited the USA then you have a right to say something; i wouldn't say something about a country untill i have been there to see for my self!
P.S.S China is the most powerful country!!!!!
The only permanent US base in Europe is in Germany. It is a point of forward positioning in any even that the US needs to respond to events like the Bosnian War. It benefits us for positioning and it benefits Germany's economy.
All of the other bases like the one in Naples, Italy are simply makeshift. They are used for stores and supplies during NATO excercises.
All of the other bases like the one in Naples, Italy are simply makeshift. They are used for stores and supplies during NATO excercises.
Biased poll. Doesn't fit the thread. It should be somethign along the lines of "How do you think the US should approach closing bases and closing aid to Europe?".
I mean the poll doesn't even give an option for "Everything should be kept the way it is"!
I mean the poll doesn't even give an option for "Everything should be kept the way it is"!
Do you count NSA bases? Their "field station F83" is officially an RAF base but everyone knows that the US has been operating it since the 1960s and the only UK personnel are the security guards.M1-Lightning wrote:
The only permanent US base in Europe is in Germany. It is a point of forward positioning in any even that the US needs to respond to events like the Bosnian War. It benefits us for positioning and it benefits Germany's economy.
All of the other bases like the one in Naples, Italy are simply makeshift. They are used for stores and supplies during NATO excercises.
Read the thread. We've successfully shown that no aid comes from the US to the EU.tonightless wrote:
Biased poll. Doesn't fit the thread. It should be somethign along the lines of "How do you think the US should approach closing bases and closing aid to Europe?".
I mean the poll doesn't even give an option for "Everything should be kept the way it is"!
aside from little things like the missile defense system that's in the works, but you know, those things don't count
Hey - nobody has agreed on that yet. The US would love to place that thing on our soil. However - only the UK are beating a big drum about installing something like that wrote:
aside from little things like the missile defense system that's in the works, but you know, those things don't count
PS It would hardly be a selfless act.
Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-06-12 15:49:13)
these are going to be a lot more the 2 cents...
i think there are 2 problems.
1. the question is not entirely clear, resulting in much of the earlier dispute. The EU "mainland", what Mr. Rumsfeld so endearingly called Old Europe, certainly does not get any kind of aid from the US, and the military presence here is either in the form of NATO installations or just bases for the US Army' s international adventures.
Being from Germany myself i know that ppl do not exactly care for them, they bring some money and the army ppl stick to themselves, in fact even their civillian parts are usually high-security areas because they suspect terrorists everywhere. The only thing ppl do NOT like is that these bases are used for attacks in other countries (iraq etc) when germany does not take part in the war, hence demonstrations.
so clearly the bases are there for americas sake, close them or not, nobody cares. aid doesn´t exist exept to some post-communism states, some might be aspiring EU members.
this aid is
a) ususally part of "dollar diplomacy" and ensures the willing cooperation in global US politics
b) discontinued already or when said states join the EU
so i think the question that got the thread started is pretty much pointless. coming to
2. much more intersting is the question why ppl get so angry about things like that. having worked in LA, SF and lived and worked in Tacoma and Seattle as well having had an ameican girlfriend for 5 years i might count myself as qualified to shed some light on this subject, or at least share my view on this.
being very sceptical on certain items of american politics, such as overthrowing foreign governments, treatment of "terrorists", grand global data theft, an obvious failure in the democratic process (the last 2 presidential elections would have never happend in a 3rd world state without lots of commotion or outright civil war), i was prepared to have lenghty discussions about these topics with americans when i went there.
to my surprise there seems to be a wide gap between what the government says and what the media presents as popular opinion and what people actually say and think. most ppl agreed with me, or at least we got to an understanding. (this maybe because California and washington are not exactly redneck states though).
i think thats where a lot of the hard feelings come from: you hear only harsh reactions from the eu (and the rst of the world) to official politics, which are in turn the only thing we hear from you. as is usually the case when ppl shout at each other incoherently about some perceived insult or hurt feeling of national pride, getting together as humans solves it pretty quick.
oh and something else i wanted to say for a long time: IMO, the reason why ppl find it hard to take some americans serious is because you always overdo it. everything that happens is transformed into an instance of national hysteria, with by-the-minute-live coverage, lots of experts and a psycologist who explains just how seriously the victims will be scarred for the rest of their lives. i honestly remember a tv show about how cigarette lighters are the "hidden killers - even in YOUR household!" because ppl could use them to start a fire...please. same for the anthrax business, religion. sex, swear words, alcohol, age, saying "i love you", ...looking for threats around every corner.
i know it´s all down to cultural differences, and not meant offensively, but if you would just relax a little more the world would seem a lot more friendly to you.
sorry for the long post...
i think there are 2 problems.
1. the question is not entirely clear, resulting in much of the earlier dispute. The EU "mainland", what Mr. Rumsfeld so endearingly called Old Europe, certainly does not get any kind of aid from the US, and the military presence here is either in the form of NATO installations or just bases for the US Army' s international adventures.
Being from Germany myself i know that ppl do not exactly care for them, they bring some money and the army ppl stick to themselves, in fact even their civillian parts are usually high-security areas because they suspect terrorists everywhere. The only thing ppl do NOT like is that these bases are used for attacks in other countries (iraq etc) when germany does not take part in the war, hence demonstrations.
so clearly the bases are there for americas sake, close them or not, nobody cares. aid doesn´t exist exept to some post-communism states, some might be aspiring EU members.
this aid is
a) ususally part of "dollar diplomacy" and ensures the willing cooperation in global US politics
b) discontinued already or when said states join the EU
so i think the question that got the thread started is pretty much pointless. coming to
2. much more intersting is the question why ppl get so angry about things like that. having worked in LA, SF and lived and worked in Tacoma and Seattle as well having had an ameican girlfriend for 5 years i might count myself as qualified to shed some light on this subject, or at least share my view on this.
being very sceptical on certain items of american politics, such as overthrowing foreign governments, treatment of "terrorists", grand global data theft, an obvious failure in the democratic process (the last 2 presidential elections would have never happend in a 3rd world state without lots of commotion or outright civil war), i was prepared to have lenghty discussions about these topics with americans when i went there.
to my surprise there seems to be a wide gap between what the government says and what the media presents as popular opinion and what people actually say and think. most ppl agreed with me, or at least we got to an understanding. (this maybe because California and washington are not exactly redneck states though).
i think thats where a lot of the hard feelings come from: you hear only harsh reactions from the eu (and the rst of the world) to official politics, which are in turn the only thing we hear from you. as is usually the case when ppl shout at each other incoherently about some perceived insult or hurt feeling of national pride, getting together as humans solves it pretty quick.
oh and something else i wanted to say for a long time: IMO, the reason why ppl find it hard to take some americans serious is because you always overdo it. everything that happens is transformed into an instance of national hysteria, with by-the-minute-live coverage, lots of experts and a psycologist who explains just how seriously the victims will be scarred for the rest of their lives. i honestly remember a tv show about how cigarette lighters are the "hidden killers - even in YOUR household!" because ppl could use them to start a fire...please. same for the anthrax business, religion. sex, swear words, alcohol, age, saying "i love you", ...looking for threats around every corner.
i know it´s all down to cultural differences, and not meant offensively, but if you would just relax a little more the world would seem a lot more friendly to you.
sorry for the long post...
Last edited by [PED] soul76 (2006-06-12 16:03:29)
I just say we assasinate bush. All world problems would be solved.
Bush an Bin landen are 2 seprate parts of the SAME 7 headed DRAGON
Bush an Bin landen are 2 seprate parts of the SAME 7 headed DRAGON
someone's been talking to .........

Lol, I'm not going to read all 11 pages.CameronPoe wrote:
Read the thread. We've successfully shown that no aid comes from the US to the EU.tonightless wrote:
Biased poll. Doesn't fit the thread. It should be somethign along the lines of "How do you think the US should approach closing bases and closing aid to Europe?".
I mean the poll doesn't even give an option for "Everything should be kept the way it is"!
lol another neg karama for this shit, not even a reason left now there is something i want to say
J hanem Kana, Gyote:
J hanem Kana, Gyote:
you are most definitely NOT qualified to comment on america. four months and a few vacations does not make you an expert on ANYTHING!CameronPoe wrote:
Afrocullions knowledge of the EU must be incredibly poor. Armenia is not in the EU and is never likely to be a member. It's practically in Asia. I looked up that website prior to posting anything and was content to see that the EU 15 receive nothing in US aid. Afrocullions - try thinking through your arguments - not just rushing to a website, seeing something that looks like it might be good to post and then post it without thinking through the consequences. You'll end up looking like a complete retard.afrocullions wrote:
yeah hes a dumbass we give plenty of aid although prolly not so much to sweeden … rence.html
PS to karma idiots: I lived in the US for four months and have been there several times on holiday and on business, therefore I am qualified to comment on America.
Frankly everyone is qualified to comment on America - it gets crammed down our necks through the media so much it's coming out our anus. Cheers for the negs.-=CB=-krazykarl wrote:
you are most definitely NOT qualified to comment on america. four months and a few vacations does not make you an expert on ANYTHING!CameronPoe wrote:
Afrocullions knowledge of the EU must be incredibly poor. Armenia is not in the EU and is never likely to be a member. It's practically in Asia. I looked up that website prior to posting anything and was content to see that the EU 15 receive nothing in US aid. Afrocullions - try thinking through your arguments - not just rushing to a website, seeing something that looks like it might be good to post and then post it without thinking through the consequences. You'll end up looking like a complete retard.afrocullions wrote:
yeah hes a dumbass we give plenty of aid although prolly not so much to sweeden … rence.html
PS to karma idiots: I lived in the US for four months and have been there several times on holiday and on business, therefore I am qualified to comment on America.
Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-06-13 16:36:41)
LOL I get -1 for "breaking the law" theres laws against what i posted???? What country you live in?
I live in AMERICA, i reserve my right to FREE SPEECH. MEANING I CAN SAY WHAT THE FUCK I WANT. THAT and id say that shit to bushes face.
I live in AMERICA, i reserve my right to FREE SPEECH. MEANING I CAN SAY WHAT THE FUCK I WANT. THAT and id say that shit to bushes face.
as with most ignorant people, you cannot understand the simple fact that if you do not listen to the media, it cannot be crammed anywhere. if you do not like what you are hearing on the radio TURN IT OFF, OR TO SOMETHING ELSE! if you do not like what you are seeing on the t.v. TURN IT OFF, OR TO SOMETHING ELSE! if you do not like what you are reading STOP, OR READ SOMETHING ELSE! to me these concepts are common sense, (you might know it as uncommon sense). and i didn't give you any negative karma.CameronPoe wrote:
Frankly everyone is qualified to comment on America - it gets crammed down our necks through the media so much it's coming out our anus. Cheers for the negs.-=CB=-krazykarl wrote:
you are most definitely NOT qualified to comment on america. four months and a few vacations does not make you an expert on ANYTHING!CameronPoe wrote:
Afrocullions knowledge of the EU must be incredibly poor. Armenia is not in the EU and is never likely to be a member. It's practically in Asia. I looked up that website prior to posting anything and was content to see that the EU 15 receive nothing in US aid. Afrocullions - try thinking through your arguments - not just rushing to a website, seeing something that looks like it might be good to post and then post it without thinking through the consequences. You'll end up looking like a complete retard.
PS to karma idiots: I lived in the US for four months and have been there several times on holiday and on business, therefore I am qualified to comment on America.
im sure you wouldn't because if you did you would be the biggest dumbas in the world and make yourself look like a major asshole and gain no respect from anyonedankassasin42o wrote:
LOL I get -1 for "breaking the law" theres laws against what i posted???? What country you live in?
I live in AMERICA, i reserve my right to FREE SPEECH. MEANING I CAN SAY WHAT THE FUCK I WANT. THAT and id say that shit to bushes face.
Please Whoever Created This Poll Delete It Because Thi Thread Is Retarded
Sounds like you don't like what you're reading on these forums.... I've got a little suggestion for you, it's something along the lines of what you just said....-=CB=-krazykarl wrote:
as with most ignorant people, you cannot understand the simple fact that if you do not listen to the media, it cannot be crammed anywhere. if you do not like what you are hearing on the radio TURN IT OFF, OR TO SOMETHING ELSE! if you do not like what you are seeing on the t.v. TURN IT OFF, OR TO SOMETHING ELSE! if you do not like what you are reading STOP, OR READ SOMETHING ELSE!
Hmm, aid to EU? I think it's aid to Europe you meant. Eastern Europe, the former communist states to be correct.
And also:
Armenia isn't a member of the EU yet.
Some countries on the Balkan aren't members of the EU, like Serbia.
And also:
Armenia isn't a member of the EU yet.
Some countries on the Balkan aren't members of the EU, like Serbia.
After voting for lowering the number of bases and aid, I was quite amused to see the number of votes for 'Just cut the French out'!
Ill bet your life on this. That i will. And with that as a bet. You had better hope i would say it also. I have no RESPECT FOR ANYONE WHO SUPPORTS BUSH. HES A TERRORIST. 9/11 = BUSHES FAULT / BIN LADEN (is a devil also) = but in this case hes the fallout guy. Why you ask? So bush could take over IRAQ for OIL. Thank you. And if you dont think it possible, i also have no respect for you. and you should be drug into the street an shot in the face.bigp66 wrote:
im sure you wouldn't because if you did you would be the biggest dumbas in the world and make yourself look like a major asshole and gain no respect from anyonedankassasin42o wrote:
LOL I get -1 for "breaking the law" theres laws against what i posted???? What country you live in?
I live in AMERICA, i reserve my right to FREE SPEECH. MEANING I CAN SAY WHAT THE FUCK I WANT. THAT and id say that shit to bushes face.
End of discussionLONG LIVE SCANDINAVIA!!!!
why do ppl start this stuff back up, JUST KEEP YOUR OPINION TO URSELF PPL