
How much do you love/hate the USA? (I am a(n)...)

American who unapologetically loves America30%30% - 100
American who loves america, just not American policy17%17% - 56
non-American who is sympathetic to Americans14%14% - 47
American who has become disillusioned by America5%5% - 17
American who would leave if it weren't a hassle to.3%3% - 10
non-American who hates Americans.17%17% - 59
American or American't...makes no difference to me11%11% - 39
Total: 328
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6968|Teesside, UK

Random-Hero58 wrote:

Really? Care to show some? Because it seems most of the deaths in Iraq are terrorists blowing stuff up.
Heia den som vinner!
+115|6871|Oslo, Norway
I live in the richest, and the best country to live in (announced by the UN) in the world, so no, im not jealous.
But America is such a fake country, there are so many crazy things going on over there...
+572|6972|BC, Canada

Bubbalo wrote:

The only comment I'm going to make, is that the poll allows Americans to vote in shades of grey, whilst the rest of the world must vote in black and white.  People need to learn to ask nuetral questions.
agreed and then some, i notice the same....
+783|7157|Reykjavík, Iceland.

-Solv3r- wrote:

I live in the richest, and the best country to live in (announced by the UN) in the world, so no, im not jealous.
But America is such a fake country, there are so many crazy things going on over there...
I'm second, but we're going to catch up on you next year! Fa'ens Norskere!
smells like wee wee

Random-Hero58 wrote:

BN wrote:

[VS-UK]MrFarmer wrote:

Yet an other good point of why you should not hate the USA, its NOT its people that do this, but a small group of military personnel.
Good point but these types of stories happen all too often
Really? Care to show some? Because it seems most of the deaths in Iraq are terrorists blowing stuff up.
I am not sure where you get your "most of the deaths in Iraq are terrorists blowing stuff". The term is insurgent.

To answer your question. Let's start with these shall we



http://news.independent.co.uk/world/mid … 485489.ece



What a great advert for you guys!

I will let you hunt down the rest, check out this website, they have all your greatest hits.

http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/archi … _iraq.html
GunSlinger OIF II

BN wrote:

Random-Hero58 wrote:

BN wrote:

Good point but these types of stories happen all too often
Really? Care to show some? Because it seems most of the deaths in Iraq are terrorists blowing stuff up.
I am not sure where you get your "most of the deaths in Iraq are terrorists blowing stuff". The term is insurgent.

To answer your question. Let's start with these shall we



http://news.independent.co.uk/world/mid … 485489.ece



What a great advert for you guys!

I will let you hunt down the rest, check out this website, they have all your greatest hits.

http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/archi … _iraq.html
BN dont be a moron.  The majority of dead iraqis are dead because of insurgent activity not coalition forces.  Any OIF vet here will tell you that.

-Solve3r- wrote:

I live in the richest, and the best country to live in (announced by the UN) in the world, so no, I'm not jealous.
But America is such a fake country, there are so many crazy things going on over there...
what country is that? and if your country is doing so well why is it that your country doesn't  take a greater role in global crisis ? the US is always there , with every form of resource needed ,be man power, money  , food, medicine . I'm at the point where i think  the US should just say fuck you  to all the Winnie little counties and take care of our own troubles . we don't need you, you need us . you all need to stop biting the hand that feeds you

BN wrote:

Random-Hero58 wrote:

BN wrote:

Good point but these types of stories happen all too often
Really? Care to show some? Because it seems most of the deaths in Iraq are terrorists blowing stuff up.
I am not sure where you get your "most of the deaths in Iraq are terrorists blowing stuff". The term is insurgent.

To answer your question. Let's start with these shall we



http://news.independent.co.uk/world/mid … 485489.ece



What a great advert for you guys!

I will let you hunt down the rest, check out this website, they have all your greatest hits.

http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/archi … _iraq.html
look THEY ARE TERRORISTS not insurgents
You with the face!
I like all the UNBIASED sources BN.

Every country has problems.  I'll take the "man in the arena" approach (Google T. Roosevelt quotes for more).  I would rather see my country try to help, and fail sometimes, instead of never trying at all.

Last edited by RAIMIUS (2006-05-28 13:00:43)

Dutch Delight

yerded wrote:

Jealousy breeds a lot of hate.
stupid saying like that sure do!!

I don't hate Americans nore America, but I do HATE that cock sucker Bush and 50 or so million ignorant red necks.

something that got me into a fight in a bar somewhere is Pennsylvania....

I'm pulling a bill out of my wallet to pay the bill but its the wrong one its a 20 euro bill instead of a 20 dollar bill.... then some redneck at the bar ask how many USD the 20 euro is worth, I say about 25 USD... then He says you lying sack of shit, no currency in the world is more worth Then the USD, I say sure there is the UK pound... then he starts pushing me around.... and tries the punch me in the face...I get really pissed off and give him a head bud...next thing I have 4 red neck bouncer on my neck and I'm out of the bar......

Stupid people like that really get me going........
The USA is a really nice country and most of the people are nice.... but a whole lot believe what is said in church and on TV..
You with the face!
Calling people ignorant red necks based on their political leanings might also get you into a fight.  Calling the President a cock sucker will not win you any points either.

Last edited by RAIMIUS (2006-05-28 13:19:31)


yaleblor wrote:

-Solve3r- wrote:

I live in the richest, and the best country to live in (announced by the UN) in the world, so no, I'm not jealous.
But America is such a fake country, there are so many crazy things going on over there...
what country is that? and if your country is doing so well why is it that your country doesn't  take a greater role in global crisis ? the US is always there , with every form of resource needed ,be man power, money  , food, medicine . I'm at the point where i think  the US should just say fuck you  to all the Winnie little counties and take care of our own troubles . we don't need you, you need us . you all need to stop biting the hand that feeds you
I believe he's from Norway, and Norway is actually contributing more than five times as much as the US in terms of percentage of GNI, which foreign aid is measured in.

The US has a population of 295 million, and contributes $27,46bn a year to foreign aid, which is $93,1/year/citizen. That's around 0,2% of the GDP per capita.

Norway has a population of 4,6 million, and contributes $2,78bn a year to foreign aid, which is $617,8/year/citizen. That's 1,45% of the GDP per capita.

Just counting the raw monetary figures without taking into account the sactifice of the donating country is a very black and white, and very wrong way of looking at things.

Last edited by mikkel (2006-05-28 14:43:11)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA

BN wrote:

I am not sure where you get your "most of the deaths in Iraq are terrorists blowing stuff". The term is insurgent.
The term is NOT insurgent, the term is terrorists. Most of these so called freedom fighters are being recruited in Palestine and Syria. Insurgents implies that these are the actual Iraqi citizens in which case we would not be bothering to spend trillions rebuilding the nation. If you will look at the modern history of Iraq including the time period when Hussein and the US cooperated with each other you will find overwhelming support for Hussein's overthrow, including a revolt that the US was supposed to support and prevented from doing so at the last minute by, I know this is going to be hard to beleive, the UN. Foreign national Islamic extremists are pouring in from all over the place to get a piece of Saddams pie and carve the country into "my tribe" and "dead people". I know Iraqis, I work with Iraqis, I've lived with Iraqi's (same neighborhood not same house), and they can't believe how badly the situation is being misrepresented. The modern media's revisionary practices are what get people like Yassir Arafat know as the father of palestine when he's actually egyptian. He just wanted to kill some jews and using the old "rebuild the empire" ploy was convenient way to get some money and backers. The term "occupation" is also being misused heavily by these nobs. They brandish it carelessly in the context that the US wants to colonize Iraq, we just want to wait until either they can protect themselves or the region is stable enough to leave on it's own, then get the hell out. People are ignorantly expecting this to happen overnight, while in comparison it took the US the better part of 3 decades to get it's newfound freedom sorted, and we still had a tiff over state's rights and federalism a century later. If these were truly "insurgents" then why the hell would they be blowing up their own fathers and sisters etc. at the local bus stop. I'm too hungover to find it now but one of the news agency's (viacom i believe) memos regarding this matter was leaked and it cause a pretty good fuss on some of the more independent channels, it stated that they were in fact going to use terms like "insurgents" in place of "terrorist" and "suicide bomber". Of course if you only get your news from the AP and such you may not have heard of this due to the old "whoever lives in glass house don't throw rocks" adage.

And raimus is right, I'm sure you won't find the name George Sourous or any of his ilk anywhere in the contributions of any of your sources.
smells like wee wee

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

BN wrote:

Random-Hero58 wrote:

Really? Care to show some? Because it seems most of the deaths in Iraq are terrorists blowing stuff up.
I am not sure where you get your "most of the deaths in Iraq are terrorists blowing stuff". The term is insurgent.

To answer your question. Let's start with these shall we



http://news.independent.co.uk/world/mid … 485489.ece



What a great advert for you guys!

I will let you hunt down the rest, check out this website, they have all your greatest hits.

http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/archi … _iraq.html
BN dont be a moron.  The majority of dead iraqis are dead because of insurgent activity not coalition forces.  Any OIF vet here will tell you that.
Any OIF want to qualify his statement?

The same OIF vets will tell you great stories of when an IED does go off anyone in the area, everyone gets sprayed with bullets. Men, women, children. Way to win the hearts and minds.
+48|7007|United States of America
I live in the US and love it. Bush is in and has been in a tough position for a long time and I think hes doing a pretty good job...

Image being the leader of the most powerful country in the world...
Cereal Killer
+145|6969|The View From The Afternoon
USA is a nice place, i been there twice. But many Americans are confused.
Remember that 59 million voted for Bush.

I rest my case
+276|6968|United States of America

CruZ4dR wrote:

USA is a nice place, i been there twice. But many Americans are confused.
Remember that 59 million voted for Bush.

I rest my case
Tell me what John Kerry had to offer??? Enlighten a confused American about what John Kerry's election would have changed in American Policies since you know so much and are so smart.
Cereal Killer
+145|6969|The View From The Afternoon

Major_Spittle wrote:

CruZ4dR wrote:

USA is a nice place, i been there twice. But many Americans are confused.
Remember that 59 million voted for Bush.

I rest my case
Tell me what John Kerry had to offer??? Enlighten a confused American about what John Kerry's election would have changed in American Policies since you know so much and are so smart.
With candidates like that I'd probably vote blank
USA is doomed anyhow.
smells like wee wee

RAIMIUS wrote:

I like all the UNBIASED sources BN.

Every country has problems.  I'll take the "man in the arena" approach (Google T. Roosevelt quotes for more).  I would rather see my country try to help, and fail sometimes, instead of never trying at all.
What wrong with the sources?

You would rather try help and fail? You exterminate 100,000 people, but hey, at least you tried!
smells like wee wee

SiMSaM16 wrote:

I live in the US and love it. Bush is in and has been in a tough position for a long time and I think hes doing a pretty good job...

Image being the leader of the most powerful country in the world...
Good job? Sep 11th happened on his watch due his administrations failings. How is that "a good job"?
+276|6968|United States of America

CruZ4dR wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

CruZ4dR wrote:

USA is a nice place, i been there twice. But many Americans are confused.
Remember that 59 million voted for Bush.

I rest my case
Tell me what John Kerry had to offer??? Enlighten a confused American about what John Kerry's election would have changed in American Policies since you know so much and are so smart.
With candidates like that I'd probably vote blank
USA is doomed anyhow.
Norway, hmmmm.  What is in Norway that either Bush or Kerry could not have led????  A great military? A great economy.  Is it defending the border from a stampede of immigrants and drugs????  Perhaps it is the ethnic diversity of Norway that takes such great abilities to lead that country???? 

I guess I'll never know, but I am sure the leaders in Norway must have their shit together to make that country the great world power it is.
GunSlinger OIF II

BN wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

BN wrote:

I am not sure where you get your "most of the deaths in Iraq are terrorists blowing stuff". The term is insurgent.

To answer your question. Let's start with these shall we



http://news.independent.co.uk/world/mid … 485489.ece



What a great advert for you guys!

I will let you hunt down the rest, check out this website, they have all your greatest hits.

http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/archi … _iraq.html
BN dont be a moron.  The majority of dead iraqis are dead because of insurgent activity not coalition forces.  Any OIF vet here will tell you that.
Any OIF want to qualify his statement?

The same OIF vets will tell you great stories of when an IED does go off anyone in the area, everyone gets sprayed with bullets. Men, women, children. Way to win the hearts and minds.
hey asshole dont even begin to tell me about what goes on Iraq.  I am an OIF vet.
smells like wee wee

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

BN wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

BN dont be a moron.  The majority of dead iraqis are dead because of insurgent activity not coalition forces.  Any OIF vet here will tell you that.
Any OIF want to qualify his statement?

The same OIF vets will tell you great stories of when an IED does go off anyone in the area, everyone gets sprayed with bullets. Men, women, children. Way to win the hearts and minds.
hey asshole dont even begin to tell me about what goes on Iraq.  I am an OIF vet.
And you think I get my informed view from Fox news?
GunSlinger OIF II
if you are retarded enough to think that coalition forces are responsiblke for the majority of the civilian iraqi deaths, like youve stated, then i sure as shit know you arent getting your info from any veteran out there.  unless of course they wanna fill you up with fantasies they might have had counting sandwhiches in a DiFAC. I was an 11b in Iraq.  dont tell me anything about IED's motherfucker, you dont have the right.
smells like wee wee

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

if you are retarded enough to think that coalition forces are responsiblke for the majority of the civilian iraqi deaths, like youve stated, then i sure as shit know you arent getting your info from any veteran out there.  unless of course they wanna fill you up with fantasies they might have had counting sandwhiches in a DiFAC. I was an 11b in Iraq.  dont tell me anything about IED's motherfucker, you dont have the right.
I get my info from what I saw through my camera lens, talking to locals, talking to serving and returned soldiers, the news. A pretty well rounded view I would think.

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