Your dead, and you wake up in the nether realm were ever that might be And you manage to come across the following people (Just out of curiosity what would you do. ) 1.Adolf Hitler
2.Kurt Cobain
3.Charles Manson
4.Bruce Lee(For cyborg_ninja-117 onley )
And secondly you date a girl for quite some time but you’ve never stuck it to her before four months along the line she comes clean and confesses that she really is a man. (You’ve done every thing else except intercourse )
2.Kurt Cobain
3.Charles Manson
4.Bruce Lee(For cyborg_ninja-117 onley )
And secondly you date a girl for quite some time but you’ve never stuck it to her before four months along the line she comes clean and confesses that she really is a man. (You’ve done every thing else except intercourse )