"Emo is the new goth, exept goth is still around, so it's becoming unbearable."

-Maddox, http://maddox.xmission.com

I feel strongly about that quote...
Jack Bauer
WWJD - What Would Jack Do

TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

"Emo is the new goth, exept goth is still around, so it's becoming unbearable."

-Maddox, http://maddox.xmission.com

I feel strongly about that quote...
Please don't take this the wrong way, but ..
I feel strongly that Maddox is almost as bad as the emos.  That guy is a negative dipshit, and I would never recommend directly quoting him on anything.


Jack Bauer


Hey, here are some "emo resources" so you guys are at least clear on what you're hating.  They're also by and large kind of amusing.  Here goes:

- Some fairy emo band: http://www.fourfa.com/
- EMO dress guide for females (disturbingly/hilariously accurate, heh): http://www.dobi.nu/emo/girls.htm
- "" for males: http://www.dobi.nu/emo/boys.htm
- Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emo
- Urban def: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=emo

if that's not enough for you....well im not gonna say anything, other than it was more than enough for me.

Kind Regards to all Anti-Emos,

Jack Bauer
/end transmission

Last edited by Jack Bauer (2006-05-21 16:23:29)

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7149|Cologne, Germany

It doesn't seem to be that big of a deal here in germany. Haven't seen much of them anyway.

But why throw that much hate at them ? It's just another trend for teenagers growing up. Skaters, goths, punks, emos, those are just cliches.

tthf wrote:

i wish my grass was emo, so it would cut itself...
+72|6895|Chelmsford, UK
what the hell is an Emo anyway? i really hate Chavs though

Nintendogamer wrote:

what the hell is an Emo anyway? i really hate Chavs though
kinda like chavs, but instead they are a cheap rip off of goth and one step below transvestite

Kick His Ass!
+371|7002|Howell, Mi USA
Emo is the new word for a metro sexual or a flammer. i said the same thing as nintendogamer when my girlfriend said it. i asked her what she was doin, she says "hangin out with my emo friend" i said "wtf is an emo" she explained it and i said "so hes a queer?"

anyway this emo thing needs to stop. those idiots need to quit bitching about how hard life is and whatever else there so depressed about and frickin deal with it. oh yea and quit being gay. that would help.
Everyone should just be a skinhead, the world would be a lot better off.
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns
...ever heard of "tolerance"?

Cougar wrote:

Skaters....I can tolerate to an extent.  I have a few "casual" friends that are quote, un quote, skaters.  Nice people until they start trying to take me to Hurley stores and telling me that I need to "Try on these dope DC shoes man, and when you put them on, don't tie your shoelaces".  FUCK YOU, my mom taught me how to tie my shoelaces when I was three for a reason....so I wouldn't bust my face on the concrete, but it tends to be the exact nature of their existence, busting their faces on concrete over and over again for no purpose.  I swear to GOD if another person tries to pony off an old AFI cd to try and get me "hooked" I'm gonna rip out their fucking heart and eat it.  Also, not one single "sk8er" person I know has a job that amounts to anything more than fast food, and they don't care.  Which is sad.  A guy I went to high school with who is about 23 now, still works at Wendy's and goes to the skate park to hang out with his 15 and 16 year old friends.  Losers.
jeez...that's what a 'skater' has become?  ....so sad.  I skated A LOT back in the early-to-mid 90s, but rarely do so now.  Back then, I thought the 'scene' was already getting pretty lame, as this is the time that skate-centric brands started to bombard the marketplace.  All the sudden my old and worn Jason Lee or Santa Cruz shirts weren't cool.  My 'regular' clothes.....my lord...who would be caught in that??? :-)  Still....loose shoes would have been considered stupid then, just as it *should* now.  How the hell do you skate with shoes that fall off?  And for the record, AFI is crappy, yeah.  Back in 'the day', it was Bad Religion, Descendents, Black Flag, Dwarves etc. that were the trendy bands amongst the skater crowd in my town.  Not too bad when compared to Fallout Boy et al.

If they are happy living their life that way, maybe they've got something right.  I know that all to often, I'm way too stressed, which I know isn't good for me physically or mentally.  I often times wish I could live just a little be simpler.

...and just so you can at least say you "heard of a guy" that skated and had a job, I'm 30, have a degree I earned on full-scholarship, graduated on the Dean's list (3.95), and now work in IT for the federal gov't (U.S.).
It isn't very punk of me, but ah well.  I can think of 3 or 4 friends in similar situations too (skater friends that went on to be professionals in a variety of fields).

In the end,  teenagers can do whatever they want and I don't care.  Trying to find a place to feel like you fit in is part of growing up.  I wish them luck in finding a way to actually grow from those experiences.

If I were going to be 'hatin', I'd pick on the straightedge and skinhead folks.  :-)

Last edited by InnerMonkey (2006-05-30 08:06:49)

i'm gonna put this simply...
MUST FUCKING DIE(this includes straightedge puppies and fucking care bears)

TRUE skaters are gods, there skills shall surpass that which is real and arise in the ether above all!
anyway yea emo's suck

Last edited by SuB (2006-05-30 08:51:25)


B.Schuss wrote:

It doesn't seem to be that big of a deal here in germany. Haven't seen much of them anyway.

But why throw that much hate at them ? It's just another trend for teenagers growing up. Skaters, goths, punks, emos, those are just cliches.

What do you lot care anyway, You cant stand a trend you dislike?

Emo/goth cut and kill themselves, WHERES THE FUCKING DAMAGE? if you hate them so much why do you care if they do this to themselves.

oh and for the record, Ya im against the whole emo thing but its what kids are doin to fit in. Let em do it and hopefully within a couple years they realise that its just a fad and join the rest of society again
it's the [url=http://www.satf.net/flash/1/emo.swf]emoduck![/url]

And not to forget, the [url=http://www.satf.net/flash/1/crawlinginmypotatoskin.swf]emopotato![/url]

Last edited by pihl (2006-05-30 10:40:06)

guess alot of its just lost kids trying to fit in, at least in some way or another.. i especially like the fringe- who started this? and more importantly - why does everyone copy it. Its just another way of conforming to a categery and labelling yourself

as u say tho, i dont hate them at all,
i just find it abit funny that they seem to be clones.. just like chavs - as the guy from chelms said.
i drove past 5 guys once all wearing the same hacket no.1 tshirt..
i almost crashed i was laughing so hard
+72|6895|Chelmsford, UK
is Green Day emo music? if so i guess that makes me an emo
Dropped on request
I'm willing to bet that quite a few people in here bashing emos are emos in disguise. Teenagers have always been emotional whiners though. It's not like it's something new. "Daddy only bought me the 20 GB Ipod and I wanted the 40 GB one. WAHH!!!!"
+-1|6848|Great Britain
I`ve heard of chavs, goths etc but Emo`s is a new one on me.

Where`s the name come from?

Anything to do with this guy? (Emo Phillips)

+98|6965|Penrith, N.S.W, Australia
yeah i hate emo's and goths, all they want is some attention don't give it to them!!!!!
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7117|Marathon, Florida Keys
i hate emos and goths also, they sit outside at lunch on the filthy ass floor with there black baggy clothes that looked like they havent been washed in a month. They stand in a big gay circle in the middle of the hallway so everyone else has to be stuck behind there stupid selves. I HATE THEM
+788|6963|Brisbane, Australia

They give converse a bad name at our school, Fuckin hate em

Anyway, this emo beat down day went pretty well at my school, half the emos didnt even goto school that day
+65|7001|las vegas
hah good find

i guess if i would put a label on myself i would be a "Junglist" ROFL

one who listens to jungle. but im not all Camo wearin and wigger about it...so yeah i guess not...

emo is pretty whack.

but i dont know whats worse emo kids or the indie growd, at least some indie music is good i suppose...but they are just as foul acting as emo
yet another annoymouse - karma.. fantastic considering this is a "hate emo" thread..
whoever you are, i bet your an emo.. and i say this to you

seriously nice annonymous negative karma.. you ball-less fuckups.. grow a pair and leave your name slaptards
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