The Lizzard
Which proves politicians who are members of said party are racist, *not* that liberals are racist.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA
Objecting to the 1948 nomination of Harry S Truman for President by the National Democratic Party, Thurmond ran as the presidential candidate of the States Rights' Democratic Party and won four southern states (Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina)


just wanted to get that in b4 someone brings up him being republican, he was a RINO, switched just because it was politically expedient at the time and he knew the DNC already had their pick for pres
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA

Major_Spittle wrote:

Here is my last few Karma comments:

Que tu solo abres el hocico para decir pendejadas ? 
Es la pendejada mas grande que he oido 
minority Muppets????? 4 bein a KKK member 
Hijo de tu puta madre 
Ve y chinga a tu madre pendejo 
Fuck you 
Ann Coulter is an ugly whore

I wish I could understand Spanish to know what they are saying, but I never took spanish in high school because the only people I heard speaking spanish were doing unimportant jobs that I am not willing to do, so I figured I will never need to speak to them because they would never have anything important to say.

The only other time I wish I knew spanish was during that taco bell commercials with the dog.  I swear he was telling the Mexicans to run across our boarder or something in spanish, but who knows????
Something about he'll open his mouth for your dick,
is your dick bigger than the muppets,
your a son of a bitch,
come fuck my mom,
i love you very much,
i wish i could fuck ann coultier,

of course my spanish is limited to "La migra!!", but im sure i'm pretty close god i wish i had enough posts to give karma
+276|6968|United States of America

kr@cker wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

Here is my last few Karma comments:

Que tu solo abres el hocico para decir pendejadas ? 
Es la pendejada mas grande que he oido 
minority Muppets????? 4 bein a KKK member 
Hijo de tu puta madre 
Ve y chinga a tu madre pendejo 
Fuck you 
Ann Coulter is an ugly whore

I wish I could understand Spanish to know what they are saying, but I never took spanish in high school because the only people I heard speaking spanish were doing unimportant jobs that I am not willing to do, so I figured I will never need to speak to them because they would never have anything important to say.

The only other time I wish I knew spanish was during that taco bell commercials with the dog.  I swear he was telling the Mexicans to run across our boarder or something in spanish, but who knows????
Something about he'll open his mouth for your dick,
is your dick bigger than the muppets,
your a son of a bitch,
come fuck my mom,
i love you very much,
i wish i could fuck ann coultier,

of course my spanish is limited to "La migra!!", but im sure i'm pretty close god i wish i had enough posts to give karma
hmmmm, nothing about tacos though.  I like tacos.  El Grande Taco Supremo Port-a-vor<----That is me speaking spanish saying get me a fucking taco bitch.....i think.
+32|6980|Edinburgh, Scotland

psychotoxic187 wrote:

Capt. Foley wrote:

Havent experienced this radio or w/e but I seriously hate liberals and there constanly critiziing the people that give them the rights to do the bs that they do.
Funniest thing about them, is the way they criticise Bush for EVERYTHING he does, but yet they never offer a better solution, or any solution for that matter. It's either he took to long, or it wasn't enough.
Funny, can you think of a better solution for Germany in 1930 than a war to distract the public from the recession they were suffering.

Wonderful parallels there.

And if you're going to tar everyone with a liberal point of view with the same brush, I guess the rest of us will do the same.

This planet has suffered enough from the people who are only out for themselves.  Perhaps it might be time for you lot to realise that there are other people out there.  It's not like your way of life is exactly a self sustaining one - when you've finished taking everything from the people around you.  There's either going to be a barren rock around you, in which case your money doesn't save you.  Or the people you've taken from will take it all back.

Bubbalo wrote:

And if they die?  Or, shock horror, can't affored insurance?

For a single male in zip code 10021 (New York), monthly insurance costs $365.50 (according to eHealth.  Minimum wage is $5.15 an hour (according to US Department of Labor.  That means that, assuming an 8 hour work day 5 days a week, you end up with $824.  That means that you spend 45% of your monthly earnings on health insurance.  If we assume $5 a day for food (which I think is *much* less than needed), that takes $140.  That leaves you with $318.50.  With this you must:  Find somewhere to live, buy clothes, pay electricity/water/etc., and have enough left over to actually be able to enjoy life.  Oh yeah, that's an easy existence.  How I wish I lived like that.

I short, you're all either blinkered or dumber than I thought.
Sounds like pretty good incentive to get educated and make yourself marketable doesn't it??
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6987|Canada Eh?

kr@cker wrote:

Vampira_NB wrote:

I'm liberalish, I have liberal morals but the liberal political parties in Canada are too conservative for my taste, I'm more of a Socialist and believe that Marx was a genius, TAKE THAT YOU COMMIE BASHERS!

and as for Liberals being racists? LMAO What kinda bullshit was that? There's bound to be some, but don't generalise unless you are truly informed and are not an ignorant conservative pushing your views.
It was democratic governors that locked blacks out of schools, Strom Thurmonds presidential campaign was based on segregation, Robert "sheets" Byrd  Senator of West Virginia (i think) is a member of the kkk, Ray Nagin vowed to rebuild New Orleans as a "chocolate city", when GWB nominated Alberto Gonzales to the court DNC e-mails were leaked stating that "he is a successful hispanic and would not be beneficial to our agenda", the DNC tried to install another white Landreau (sp?) as in Mary Landreau the gov of La. as mayor of N.O. b/c they thought they didnt have enough white voters in the city, Howard Dean stated "The RNC couldn't get this many minorities in a convention room unless it was the hotel staff", maybe not all libs are racists, just the ones in power.
Hmm no mention of conservative racists in power? Of course not, that would shock your anti-liberal views.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA
No mention of em on your part either? Of course not, can't name any. I pulled all those out of my ass, no research, just by memory. Yeah, it's that bad when it comes to hypocri...I mean libs. I'm sure if I dug around I could find you some more. Codoleeza Rice? Man she hates them bitchy ass women. Colin Powell? Sure can't stand them niggers. Gonzalez? got no use for a spic unless they're cleaning his hotel room. If you can find an administration with more minorities in higher ranks and that has attempted to place more (funny how the Dems in congress kept filibustering female appointees) than what we've had over the past two terms plz enlighten me. Funny thing is how they don't go around bragging about it.

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-05-26 20:19:06)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA

chuckle_hound wrote:

Funny, can you think of a better solution for Germany in 1930 than a war to distract the public from the recession they were suffering.

Wonderful parallels there.
If you're attempting to imply that Bush went to Iraq to kickstart an economy, we were recovering from the Bill Bust before 9-11, and recovering from 9-11 before our second trip to rock the casbah. The only parrallels were that Hitler broke the terms of Bismarck's treaty, and Hussein broke the terms of his own. The turn of the century Germany had based it's economy on being an expansionist war machine, they lost the war, the terms stated they had to dismantle their shipyards and other manufacturing facilities, they suffered the consequences. That's what happens when you keep going around playing world war and losing. So obviously the answer is to rebuild your economy around being an expansionist war machine. The solution was to rebuild and redirect your nation's efforts, that's the only solution, same goes for Iraq. As for Bush's recession, why don't you check how many record high stock market closings there have been, or 32 straight months of job growth resulting in 2 million new jobs, how EVERYONE that pays taxes in the US has received at least 3 tax cuts yet the total tax revenue has increased (of course the lil bastard spends a lil too much imoho). If this is news to you check my rant on media bias, can't remember where i put the damn thing and don't feel like looking it up for you.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA

Bubbalo wrote:

Which proves politicians who are members of said party are racist, *not* that liberals are racist.
Im not enough of a nerd to be bothered with putting all these in one tag. Sue me. I believe from past entries that you are Australian, I'm not sure if you're aware but in the US the libs gravitate to the Democrats and the Green party. Conservatives tend to be Republican and Libertarian. Though all these groups have tiffs with each other from time to time. Many Republicans will think that Libertarians (very different from liberals, confusing I know) are too radically left and many in the Green party will accuse the DNC of being too middle of the road. To say that the head of a party is not representative of the whole as an average is like saying that your parents are nothing at all like you.
The Lizzard

lowing wrote:

Sounds like pretty good incentive to get educated and make yourself marketable doesn't it??
Sure.  And how am I going to get food and a place to live whilst going to school?
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

lowing wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

lowing wrote:

Maybe so but it would seem they are "interested in making life better for ALL Americans" on the backs of those people that have actually WORKED for a better life.
Many liberals are hard working.  They are political and environmental activists.  Just because you are not in the military doesn't make you lazy or not worthy of freedom of speech.
LOL I hope you realize that you list political and evironmental activist as having a feakin job!!.......now that really does figure.
The day you see the light will be the day the world ends.

Bubbalo wrote:

lowing wrote:

Sounds like pretty good incentive to get educated and make yourself marketable doesn't it??
Sure.  And how am I going to get food and a place to live whilst going to school?
Well, I guess just like everyone else does.
The Lizzard
And that would be?

Spearhead wrote:

lowing wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

Many liberals are hard working.  They are political and environmental activists.  Just because you are not in the military doesn't make you lazy or not worthy of freedom of speech.
LOL I hope you realize that you list political and evironmental activist as having a feakin job!!.......now that really does figure.
The day you see the light will be the day the world ends.
What a great response, no denial, just cliche's.

Bubbalo wrote:

And that would be?
Well if you really have no idea how on earth you can work, eat and learn all in the same 24 hr period, then it is best you stay a liberal, and keep pressing for the government to be responsible for your idiotic actions.
The Lizzard
Ok, let's draw up a timetable.

8:20am Arrive at school
8:30am School starts
10:10am Recess, spent studying.
10:25am Off to class
10:30am Recess ends, class begins.
12:45pm Lunch begins. Start eating
12:55pm Food eaten, start studying.
1:35pm Off to class
1:40pm Lunch ends, class begins
3:10pm School ends, study
6:00pm Study ends, work
12:00am Work ends, sleep
8:00am Sleep ends, study

That leaves me with $618 a month to live on.  And not only that, I have to find a job that allows me to work said hours.  *And* we haven't factored in study times.  And I only have time for hours of study per day.  Fine most of the year, but when study time rolls around................

Bubbalo wrote:

Ok, let's draw up a timetable.

8:20am Arrive at school
8:30am School starts
10:10am Recess, spent studying.
10:25am Off to class
10:30am Recess ends, class begins.
12:45pm Lunch begins. Start eating
12:55pm Food eaten, start studying.
1:35pm Off to class
1:40pm Lunch ends, class begins
3:10pm School ends, study
6:00pm Study ends, work
12:00am Work ends, sleep
8:00am Sleep ends, study

That leaves me with $618 a month to live on.  And not only that, I have to find a job that allows me to work said hours.  *And* we haven't factored in study times.  And I only have time for hours of study per day.  Fine most of the year, but when study time rolls around................
Once again I couldn't care less about your time table, you have the same exact 24 hours in a day that everyone else has. If people that want to succeed do so, and those that don't vote democrat.

Last edited by lowing (2006-05-26 22:03:33)

The Lizzard
So, you're going to ignore the fact that it isn't feasible?  Poor people just need enough will power to create an extra few hours in the day, and break the laws of the Universe whilst they're at it?  Well, when you put it like that, it makes *much* more sense.  Really.

Bubbalo wrote:

So, you're going to ignore the fact that it isn't feasible?  Poor people just need enough will power to create an extra few hours in the day, and break the laws of the Universe whilst they're at it?  Well, when you put it like that, it makes *much* more sense.  Really.
Nope, like I said, smart ass, poor people have the same amount of time in a day that everyone else does, if they choose not to spend it wisely and productively, then I have no problem leaving them behind.  I am only willing to help those that help themselves. You are asking for a hand OUT not a hand UP. There is a difference
The Lizzard
And does everyone else have to work *and* go to school?

Bubbalo wrote:

And does everyone else have to work *and* go to school?
Nope, only those that have the drive to do something with their lives, instead of bitch about how the govt. is keeping them down
The Lizzard
But where do they get the time to do it from?
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

lowing wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

lowing wrote:

LOL I hope you realize that you list political and evironmental activist as having a feakin job!!.......now that really does figure.
The day you see the light will be the day the world ends.
What a great response, no denial, just cliche's.
I don't want to waste anymore time than I already have (and half of the community, it seems like) trying to knock some sense into your head. 

You think being an activist isn't a job?  Get a grip with reality, my friend.  Without activists your rights as a citizen would probably be nothing but shit.  You think being an activist is standing around holding signs?  Being an activist is much, much more, Iowing.  Without activists we would still be back in the 18th century, 100 percent of women would be at home without a job caring for the family and blacks and other racial minorities would still be enslaved. 

There are other ways of fighting evil and oppression than by force.  And guess what?   You're just going to respond to this with some other BS enriched crap like you always do.  Or personal attacks.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA
Holy christ I think he's still in high school (or whatever they call it down there), at this point you are living with your parents, and you get a job on the weekends just for extra scratch.  If you are in college even a full time schedule would leave you with most of you afternoon free if you start early enough, or some time in the morning for study or work if you finagle a late enough schedule. Once again, see my rant about minimum wage, supporting families, and most importantly sterilization. By the time I was 20 I was working at a mall, at a propane shop, managing the college radio station on a stipend ($250 a semester, what's the point), and taking a full class load. Now because I worked my ass off, 9 years later I'm getting more than 2x my age, kickass benefits, sweet hours, and will soon be ordering a new Mustang GT convertible, all without robbing my neighbor. As for your previous statement on some thread somewhere about how much you earn isn't related to how hard you work, sheeeeeyiiiiit. Sometimes I was training people that made more money than me, although I was more skilled, they had simply been around longer. Not their fault, they had put in their time and were reaping the rewards. It may not happen right away but if you WORK it will happen. 

Tired of working? Vote democrat-seen on a bumper sticker

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