US Marine Corps. Metitorusly Promoted in Boot Camp. Got out a Corporal in January 2004, 2141 AAV Mech.

What you want ,but don't even realize, is the US Marine Corps AAAV. Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle. Finishing final testing and design in 2006-2007, we have been told that it will start entering the fleet in 2007. It is replacing the AAV originally produced in 1976.
With a crew of three, a 30 mm bushwhacker cannon, with the most advanced targeting system for any armed vehicle, it will do over 25 knots in the water, weighing in over 72,000 pounds! Fully loaded with 18 combat ready Marines, and hitting any beach from "over the horizon". In water mode the hull is almost boat like, then coming up to shore, just like a transformer toy the tracks deploy and it hits the beach! Powered by an engine with over 2500 HP, she can reach speeds over 65 mph!
Comparison of Selected AAAV Requirements
With AAV's Current Capabilities
Function AAAV requirement AAV capability
------------------------------ ------------------ ------------------
Water speed 23-29 miles per 6-8 miles per hour
Cross-country land speed Keep up with main 15-20 miles per
battle tank, which hour
travels at about
30 miles per hour
Range on water 65 miles 45 miles
Range on land 300 miles 300 miles
Troop-carrying capacity 18 combat- 18 combat-
equipped troops equipped troops
Survivability (armor Survive 14.5mm Can only survive
protection) bullets without 14.5mm bullets if
attaching enhanced enhanced armor
armor plating to plating has been
vehicle's hull attached to vehicle's hull
Lethality (main armament) Defeat light 40mm and .50
armored combat caliber machine
vehicles of 2005- guns, which cannot
2025 time frame defeat light
during day and armored combat
night while moving vehicles of today
AAV: … 1-pics.htmAAAV: what do you think?