
What Service branch are / were you in? (NOT LIMITED TO THE U.S.)

Army / National Guard43%43% - 32
Air Force / Air National Guard16%16% - 12
Navy / Coast Guard16%16% - 12
Marines24%24% - 18
Total: 74
+44|6910|Europe and goddamn proud of it
Now this is the kinda shit I have real respect for.
I tottaly agree with KingLou here, protecting innocents, defending your country and building up democracy are some of the best things you can do, you guys really got my respect.

I'm fifteen right now, and I must (not really 'must') choose a job, because of all the educations etc.
And I have really considered joining the Royal Netherlands Army (after studying)..
Squad Leader Light Infantry, Norwegian Army
...to bodly spawn where no one has spawned before!
+66|6938|Born in West-Berlin

Reaxzion wrote:

Now this is the kinda shit I have real respect for.
I tottaly agree with KingLou here, protecting innocents, defending your country and building up democracy are some of the best things you can do, you guys really got my respect.

I'm fifteen right now, and I must (not really 'must') choose a job, because of all the educations etc.
And I have really considered joining the Royal Netherlands Army (after studying)..
Why not the Royal Netherlands Marines?
Sig says it all. Semper Fi killers!!
+23|7080|SE Virgina
quote from a karma tag left for me::: ps no name was left....

get the hell outta hear with your coast guard rhetoric man. Ok you serve but NOW adays, the coast guard is just bloated up rent a cops on a boat

apparently he missed the few years of school when grammar is taught.  here not hear.  with grammar like that and only a line and a half attempting to bash a branch of service, sounds like someone is angry because we stopped some of his dope from getting here.  now he has to sit in his mommy's basement scraping tar out of his bong for a buzz and begging is older brother for a ride to Wendy's for work.  if your gonna try and say something at least back it up with some kind of details, not just "Whhhaaaa Whhhaaa your a poopie-head".  if you want to have a mature discussion about the USCG feel free to send me a message.  If you want to cry about it, go ahead with a message I'll be happy to respond to those also.

Starfleet - thanks again for this thread, now lets all try to stay on topic from now on.
Jack Bauer
WWJD - What Would Jack Do
CTU in Los Angeles.
...to bodly spawn where no one has spawned before!
+66|6938|Born in West-Berlin

lagerfool wrote:

quote from a karma tag left for me::: ps no name was left....

get the hell outta hear with your coast guard rhetoric man. Ok you serve but NOW adays, the coast guard is just bloated up rent a cops on a boat

apparently he missed the few years of school when grammar is taught.  here not hear.  with grammar like that and only a line and a half attempting to bash a branch of service, sounds like someone is angry because we stopped some of his dope from getting here.  now he has to sit in his mommy's basement scraping tar out of his bong for a buzz and begging is older brother for a ride to Wendy's for work.  if your gonna try and say something at least back it up with some kind of details, not just "Whhhaaaa Whhhaaa your a poopie-head".  if you want to have a mature discussion about the USCG feel free to send me a message.  If you want to cry about it, go ahead with a message I'll be happy to respond to those also.

Starfleet - thanks again for this thread, now lets all try to stay on topic from now on.
You're welcome.
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7144|Grapevine, TX
US Marine Corps. Metitorusly Promoted in Boot Camp. Got out a Corporal in January 2004, 2141 AAV Mech.

What you want ,but don't even realize, is the US Marine Corps AAAV.  Advanced Amphibious Assault  Vehicle.  Finishing final testing and design in 2006-2007, we have been told that it will start entering the fleet in 2007.  It is replacing the AAV originally produced in 1976. 

With a crew of three, a 30 mm bushwhacker cannon, with the most advanced targeting system for any armed vehicle, it will do over 25 knots in the water, weighing in over 72,000 pounds!  Fully loaded with 18 combat ready Marines, and hitting any beach from "over the horizon".  In water mode the hull is almost boat like, then coming up to shore, just like a transformer toy the tracks deploy and it hits the beach!  Powered by an engine with over 2500 HP, she  can reach speeds over 65 mph!

            Comparison of Selected AAAV Requirements
                    With AAV's Current Capabilities
Function                            AAAV requirement    AAV capability
------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------
Water speed                     23-29 miles per     6-8 miles per hour
Cross-country land speed   Keep up with main   15-20 miles per
                                        battle tank, which  hour
                                        travels at about
                                        30 miles per hour
Range on water                  65 miles             45 miles
Range on land                   300 miles            300 miles
Troop-carrying capacity      18 combat-          18 combat-
                                        equipped troops     equipped troops
Survivability (armor           Survive 14.5mm      Can only survive
protection)                        bullets without      14.5mm bullets if
                                       attaching enhanced  enhanced armor
                                       armor plating to    plating has been
                                       vehicle's hull      attached to vehicle's hull
Lethality (main armament)       Defeat light        40mm and .50
                                             armored combat      caliber machine
                                             vehicles of 2005-   guns, which cannot
                                             2025 time frame     defeat light
                                             during day and      armored combat
                                             night while moving  vehicles of today

AAV: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ … 1-pics.htm
AAAV: http://www.efv.usmc.mil/

So what do you think?
...to bodly spawn where no one has spawned before!
+66|6938|Born in West-Berlin
Sound nice. One question. Are the Velocities measured in Land Miles per hour or Sea Miles per Hours (aka Knots)?
Δ > x > ¥

Jack Bauer wrote:

CTU in Los Angeles.
So that would be Civil Service, then?  Same here, though a different branch.
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6906|Reisterstown, MD

United States Marine Corps.
...to bodly spawn where no one has spawned before!
+66|6938|Born in West-Berlin

Jack Bauer wrote:

CTU in Los Angeles.
24 Addict??
Holy crap the AAAV is awesome... Replace the RIB with that sexy beast.
...to bodly spawn where no one has spawned before!
+66|6938|Born in West-Berlin
25 Army, 11 Marines. Lots of Infantry among us

Come Soldiers, where are you?

Last edited by Starfleet1403 (2006-06-04 08:03:07)

Six years active duty Army as Field Artillery and Military Police.(lol plz no jokes)
You with the face!
Starfleet, I saw that story a while ago.  Nice!

I will be attending the US Air Force Academy and serving after that.
+65|7008|las vegas
I served 1 year in the Airforce. Dishonrable discharge...nuff said...

drugs are bad mkay..
and jail..umm not ANY fun, but it was only a year.

now im doing great..i think it was good for me. Shit happens for a reason.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7032|Riva, MD
I'm doing Navy Junior ROTC next year in high school.
Should have ducked
+394|6802|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
8yrs US Marine Corps, 0311/8513/8531. Thats Infantry, Combat Instructor, Marksmanship Instructor.
Pvt-Sgt, all billets rifleman-Plt Sgt

Last edited by SgtHeihn (2006-07-28 16:30:41)

Should have ducked
+394|6802|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)

Kylau wrote:

U.S. Army here.

FYI, I think they coast guard should be taken off the poll. I wouldn't count them as military. They are more like law enforcement.
Dude, I have MAD repect for Costie helo pilots, they will fly in anything on the deck. I've seen them do it.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Starfleet1403 wrote:

Kylau wrote:

U.S. Army here.

FYI, I think they coast guard should be taken off the poll. I wouldn't count them as military. They are more like law enforcement.
Alright. One of its important Rolls is Law Enforcement, but according to Wikipedia,
the USCG is a military branch and the smallest of the armed Services of the United States.
If you don't believe me, check it out: United States Coast Guard on Wikipedia
the USCG is no longer part of the department of defense.  They now fall under the department of homeland security.  So technically, they are no more military than U.S. Customs or INS or airport security
the coast guard IS under the department of homeland security BUT in times of war it IS under the department of defense
The Forum Alien
+89|7121|The planet Tophet

lagerfool wrote:

quote from a karma tag left for me::: ps no name was left....

get the hell outta hear with your coast guard rhetoric man. Ok you serve but NOW adays, the coast guard is just bloated up rent a cops on a boat

apparently he missed the few years of school when grammar is taught.  here not hear.  with grammar like that and only a line and a half attempting to bash a branch of service, sounds like someone is angry because we stopped some of his dope from getting here.  now he has to sit in his mommy's basement scraping tar out of his bong for a buzz and begging is older brother for a ride to Wendy's for work.  if your gonna try and say something at least back it up with some kind of details, not just "Whhhaaaa Whhhaaa your a poopie-head".  if you want to have a mature discussion about the USCG feel free to send me a message.  If you want to cry about it, go ahead with a message I'll be happy to respond to those also.

Starfleet - thanks again for this thread, now lets all try to stay on topic from now on.
thanks for serving in the caost guard i plan  on joing them when i get old enough
Trunk Monkey
I spent 8 years in the Army(88-95). I was a truck driver,stinger crew member, and a X-ray tech. 

" We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
    For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
    Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
    This day shall gentle his condition"

                                                 Wm. Shakespeare
+23|7080|SE Virgina

*TS*tphai wrote:

lagerfool wrote:

quote from a karma tag left for me::: ps no name was left....

get the hell outta hear with your coast guard rhetoric man. Ok you serve but NOW adays, the coast guard is just bloated up rent a cops on a boat

apparently he missed the few years of school when grammar is taught.  here not hear.  with grammar like that and only a line and a half attempting to bash a branch of service, sounds like someone is angry because we stopped some of his dope from getting here.  now he has to sit in his mommy's basement scraping tar out of his bong for a buzz and begging is older brother for a ride to Wendy's for work.  if your gonna try and say something at least back it up with some kind of details, not just "Whhhaaaa Whhhaaa your a poopie-head".  if you want to have a mature discussion about the USCG feel free to send me a message.  If you want to cry about it, go ahead with a message I'll be happy to respond to those also.

Starfleet - thanks again for this thread, now lets all try to stay on topic from now on.
thanks for serving in the caost guard i plan  on joing them when i get old enough
IF you want any info please feel free to PM me, that goes to everyone as well
how about this thread for whiners
+15|6890|federal way washington
united starts navy seabees
mcb 9
mcb 11

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