
What Service branch are / were you in? (NOT LIMITED TO THE U.S.)

Army / National Guard43%43% - 32
Air Force / Air National Guard16%16% - 12
Navy / Coast Guard16%16% - 12
Marines24%24% - 18
Total: 74
...to bodly spawn where no one has spawned before!
+66|6938|Born in West-Berlin
Hello there.

I always wanted to make a Poll, so here it is. I am interested, in what Branch all of you Servicemen are or have been. So let's do it.

Last edited by Starfleet1403 (2006-05-20 00:51:52)

+23|7080|SE Virgina
US Coast Guard -- Operational Specialist 1st class -- mainly telecommunications work which these days is becoming all IP based routing -- getting away from old school HF
Dutch Delight
Army/ Royal Dutch Comandos.
...to bodly spawn where no one has spawned before!
+66|6938|Born in West-Berlin

lagerfool wrote:

US Coast Guard -- Operational Specialist 1st class -- mainly telecommunications work which these days is becoming all IP based routing -- getting away from old school HF
Started as OS Recruit. Specialized in Radar Picture Compilation. But in the end I became a QM2, with a Specialization in Navigation. Things are somehow different in the German Navy
...to bodly spawn where no one has spawned before!
+66|6938|Born in West-Berlin

delta4bravo*nl* wrote:

Army/ Royal Dutch Comandos.
Saw your real Life Stats. 7 Medals? I am interested. What do you get them for?
U.S. Army here.

FYI, I think they coast guard should be taken off the poll. I wouldn't count them as military. They are more like law enforcement.
...to bodly spawn where no one has spawned before!
+66|6938|Born in West-Berlin

Kylau wrote:

U.S. Army here.

FYI, I think they coast guard should be taken off the poll. I wouldn't count them as military. They are more like law enforcement.
Alright. One of its important Rolls is Law Enforcement, but according to Wikipedia,
the USCG is a military branch and the smallest of the armed Services of the United States.
If you don't believe me, check it out: United States Coast Guard on Wikipedia

Last edited by Starfleet1403 (2006-05-19 23:44:18)

GunSlinger OIF II

Starfleet1403 wrote:

Kylau wrote:

U.S. Army here.

FYI, I think they coast guard should be taken off the poll. I wouldn't count them as military. They are more like law enforcement.
Alright. One of its important Rolls is Law Enforcement, but according to Wikipedia,
the USCG is a military branch and the smallest of the armed Services of the United States.
If you don't believe me, check it out: United States Coast Guard on Wikipedia
the USCG is no longer part of the department of defense.  They now fall under the department of homeland security.  So technically, they are no more military than U.S. Customs or INS or airport security
...to bodly spawn where no one has spawned before!
+66|6938|Born in West-Berlin

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

the USCG is no longer part of the department of defense.  They now fall under the department of homeland security.  So technically, they are no more military than U.S. Customs or INS or airport security
That fact is also covered by Wikipedia. But since this Poll is for Servicemen from past AND present, I see no reason to remove the Coast Guard from the Poll.
i was British army. royal electrical and mechanical engineers

(u break it we can fix it) i also trained as a combat medical technician class 3
...to bodly spawn where no one has spawned before!
+66|6938|Born in West-Berlin

scouseclarky wrote:

i was British army. royal electrical and mechanical engineers

(u break it we can fix it) i also trained as a combat medical technician class 3
Did you get your own Defibrilators?
I agree that it should be on the poll for prior servicemembers.
...to bodly spawn where no one has spawned before!
+66|6938|Born in West-Berlin

Kylau wrote:

I agree that it should be on the poll for prior servicemembers.
Thanks. I appreciate it.
Mass Media Casualty

ATC!! That's Air training Corps - when I was thirteen/fourteen. All we did was parade parade parade, we went on one camp, they didn't like us firing .22s, they organised one flight, (in a small Beechcraft,) and stole my throwing knife.

Okay, so they confiscated my throwing knife - same thing, after I threw it at an NCO's foot, (sneaky bugger, swept into the tent as the knife released from my hand.)
Apparently I'm a legend there now for that incident, (and others.) They keep telling the new guys the story. I left soon after but my mate's still there and I think he got promoted to Corporal.

I should really go get my knife back. And give my uniform back. Ratty moth-eaten thing...

Last edited by Tyferra (2006-05-20 03:28:34)

[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
...to bodly spawn where no one has spawned before!
+66|6938|Born in West-Berlin

Tyferra wrote:

ATC!! That's Air training Core - when I was thirteen/fourteen. All we did was parade parade parade, we went on one camp, they didn't like us firing .22s, they organised one flight, (in a small Beechcraft,) and stole my throwing knife.

Okay, so they confiscated my throwing knife - same thing, after I threw it at an NCO's foot, (sneaky bugger, swept into the tent as the knife released from my hand.)
Apparently I'm a legend there now for that incident, (and others.) They keep telling the new guys the story. I left soon after but my mate's still there and I think he got promoted to Corporal.

I should really go get my knife back. And give my uniform back. Ratty moth-eaten thing...
Member 5307
Did my 2 and a half year stint in the Singapore Army.
Armor Recon Platoon.
+22|6895|haderslev, denmark
danish army for 7 years this september. the signals regiment.

was in Afghanistan feb-may 2005 (ISAF HQ) and it was exactly like BF2 - we also had uniforms..
US Air Force.  SSgt, stationsed at Shaw AFB, SC
+11|6890|Good old Blighty
Ex Army, Royal Signals did nearly 8 years.

Saw active service in Bosnia in 95.
+79|6939|Las Vegas
Now this is the kinda shit I have real respect for.  Show me some real honest to goodness military badges, medals, and ribbons.......and you've earned something in my book.  Video game stats don't earn you prestige.......serving your country does.

I gave much, much serious consideration to joining the military in the dental program.  Hell, I could be a second lieutenant right now.....and a captain upon graduation.  Unfortunately, I finally came to the conclusion that joining the military just didn't coincide with many of my other plans for the future.  On many levels now, and in the future, I'm sure I will always have regrets about never serving in the military.  I'll never know the discipline of serving........the brotherhood and the unity........and I'll never be able to tell my grandchildren about my days in the service (though I'm sure as a military dentist, they wouldn't be the MOST exciting stories).  It was a hard decision for sure. 

For all those that serve.........I admire you.  All of you have my support, and are in my prayers.  For those in active service in combat zones........do us all a favor, and be sure to come home to your families in one piece. 

+44|7042|West Berlin!
German KSK
...to bodly spawn where no one has spawned before!
+66|6938|Born in West-Berlin
German KSK FTW!

Gave you -1 Karma as requested in your Sig.
+23|7080|SE Virgina
You really need to do a little reading before typing, grunt.  We've lost men in Iraq. We are the oldest continuous sea-service.  We brought you boys ashore at Dog Sector and Utah Beach.  We have been part of every single US armed conflict since our inception.  If you doubt that take a look at the battle streamers on our flag.  We protect over 12000 miles of coastline with less people than the NYPD.  One of our men was awarded the Medal of Honor for evacuating 500 Marines off Point Cruz, Guadalcanal.

Starfleet1403 -- thank you so much for standing up for us.  He's from Germany and knows more about the CG then an army grunt.

Last edited by lagerfool (2006-05-20 05:30:12)

...to bodly spawn where no one has spawned before!
+66|6938|Born in West-Berlin

lagerfool wrote:

Starfleet1403 -- thank you so much for standing up for us.  He's from Germany and knows more about the CG then an army grunt.
Always fair winds and following Seas. It's a Pleasure. Speaking of standing up for you, check out this:

Washington, D.C., Sept. 26, 2001 — More than two weeks have passed since the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Reaction to the attacks and expressions of support for the United States continue to be received.
What follows is a first-person account of a day at sea aboard one of the Navy's newest guided missile destroyers, USS Winston S. Churchill (DDG 81) in the days following the attacks. This account was in an e-mail sent home by one of Churchill's officers.

" We have seen the articles and the photographs [of the attacks], and they are sickening. Being isolated as we are, I don't think we appreciate the full scope of what is happening back home, but we are definitely feeling the effects.

"About two hours ago the junior officers were called to the bridge to conduct Shiphandling drills. We were about to do a man overboard when we got a call from Lutjens (D 185), a German warship that was moored ahead of us on the pier in Plymouth, England.

"While in port, Winston S. Churchill and Lutjens got together for a sports day/cookout on our fantail, and we made some pretty good friends. Now at sea they called over on bridge-to-bridge, requesting to pass us close up on our port side, to say goodbye. We prepared to render them honors on the bridge wing, and the captain told the crew to come topside to wish them farewell.

"As they were making their approach, our conning officer ... announced that they were flying an American flag. As they came even closer, we saw that it was flying at half-mast. The bridge wing was crowded with people as the Boatswain's Mate blew two whistles — Attention to Port."

Lutjens "came up alongside and we saw that the entire crew of the German ship were manning the rails, in their dress blues. They had made up a sign that was displayed on the side that read "We Stand By You". Needless to say there was not a dry eye on the bridge as they stayed alongside us for a few minutes and we cut our salutes. It was probably the most powerful thing I have seen in my entire life and more than a few of us fought to retain our composure.

"It was a beautiful day outside today. We are no longer at liberty to divulge over unsecure e-mail our location, but we could not have asked for a finer day at sea. The German Navy did an incredible thing for this crew, and it has truly been the highest point in the days since the attacks. It's amazing to think that only a half-century ago things were quite different, and to see the unity that is being demonstrated throughout Europe and the world makes us all feel proud to be out here doing our job.

"After [Lutjens] pulled away and we prepared to begin our man overboard drills, the Officer of the Deck turned to me and said "I'm staying Navy."

I served on FGS Lütjens at that time. We rendered the same honors to USS Gonzalez (DDG-66) which sailed several hundres yards ahead of the USS Winston S. Churchill. That day we felt It'd be the right gesture.

Last edited by Starfleet1403 (2006-05-20 06:11:17)

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