Take just one topic, Private ownership of Firearms. The media has such a Bias that it staggers the Imagination.
They call it " Gun Control " It is not. All a gun can do on its own is rust.
This whole " USA " thing got started when (our Government at the time) deiced to Seize the Firearms stored at Lexington and Concord.
Someone had the sense to say " That sounds like the start of something very bad. Lets end our cooperation right here "
Here are some of their more memorable Hysteria bent tag lines and the reality to it.
Cop Killer Bullets .......... Doesn't wear the Barrel as bad because its Teflon coated. Basicaly a lubrecation.
Used exclusively be Police, Never fired at a Police Officer.
Exploding Bullets........... Soft Point ammo will expand on impact with target about .50 in Dia. wont
over penetrate ( pass thru intended target ) less prone to ricochet.
Assault Rifles .............. Only Look just like Real assault rifles!
Devastator Bullets ...... Soft Point ammo will expand on impact with target about .50 in Dia. wont over
penetrate (pass thru intended target) less prone to ricochet.
Sniper Rifles................. We hopefully all know That sniping is an "act" that can be done with most any weapon.
Saturday Night specials........ Small and less likely to kill
Anyone with any real knowledge on this topic (particularly Police) will tell you it was
"All over hyped manufactured phrases" to push through, unneeded, useless, Hindering legislation to promote the left wing agenda and weaken the Conservative base of support, which it did. The NRA walked out on G.H. Bush in 92 an it hurt him. No bias? hardly. Unless some people can own up to the Fact that the Media is Slanted left and heavy, ( Cheering in the News rooms when states came in for democrats ) no real discourse can take place.
I didn't buy " the Media has no agenda ". They NRA never gets its voice heard, Ever.
They won't even let the NRA purchase adds Is that not Bias? so cancle that whole theroy.
They harp on pet phrases, Falsify stories and statistics and down right Vilify Gun owners.
When Katie Curaic asked about the ( then new ) " Brady Bill "
A ( Hero of the Day ! Foiled a Bank Robbery single handed ) Cop replied
" Its no help at all and useless. It will only hurt the Law abiding. "
Her 15 minutes of fame was cut short. Katie didn't want to continue her interview, Hero or not.
When a Florida Law enforcement official was asked By Brant Gumball
" why so many tourist are getting mugged at the Airport? " He candidly replied.
" We had bad Crime here so we made it easier to get a concealed carry permit. Now the only safe place for a criminal is the Airport were these people just passed through a metal detector. "
End of his interview.
When a Woman on a Donahue show about Rampant crime said she
" prevented her rape with a Pistol she kept in her purse "
Phil ended her interview and said " thats for a different show "
The list is Endless.
A gun owner can say, " No thanks , I don't want to get on the Train. " can you ?
Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-05-20 09:06:53)