Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Superior Mind wrote:

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Wasn't intending it to be funny, and yes I have smelled smegma. When I was young, I did not put very much emphasis on cleaning my little soldier every single day, so naturally the cottage-cheese like substance would develop under the foreskin.
lol im circumsized.
Well circumcision has ups and downs. The ups are you don't have to clean it thoroughly all the damn time... the down is you are less sensitive because the glans has constantly been exposed and rubbed on clothing and such, so, sex becomes less pleasurable than an uncut male.
Yeah, I know. Stop reminding me
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

rdx-fx wrote:

human feces/waste burned with diesel fuel..
burning hair..
terminally ill old people (sickly sweet nauseating smell of impending death a.k.a the 'nursing home smell' x100)

smell of kimchi embedded in the lining of a 'fridge.
Camels, and anything to do with camels

Edit: gotta love this forum.  only place I'm not surprised to see two men intelligently discussing the pros and con's of circumcision, while others calmly discuss the offensiveness of sulfur & excrement.
LOL +1

This thread rulez
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
The worst smells in no order are:
rotting cadavers
gutting an animal (rabbits, birds are the worst, while deer and wild boar not as bad)
The worst smell is when i am playing BF2 and my dog farts...
+167|6926|Manitowoc, WI
in our football practice field, there is a field right across from it and there is something that smells like rotten milk every single day.  that is the worst i have smelled
S!l3nt But D3adly
+86|6911|Pickle Village

(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:

The worst smell is when i am playing BF2 and my dog farts...
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6898|Your attic

VidSicious wrote:

The worst smells in no order are:
gutting an animal (rabbits, birds are the worst, while deer and wild boar not as bad)
Got that right, plucking and gutting game birds is not something I enjoy.

P.S Yes to all you animal rights activists I do shoot, sue me.

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Superior Mind wrote:

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Wasn't intending it to be funny, and yes I have smelled smegma. When I was young, I did not put very much emphasis on cleaning my little soldier every single day, so naturally the cottage-cheese like substance would develop under the foreskin.
lol im circumsized.
Well circumcision has ups and downs. The ups are you don't have to clean it thoroughly all the damn time... the down is you are less sensitive because the glans has constantly been exposed and rubbed on clothing and such, so, sex becomes less pleasurable than an uncut male.
What in the fuck?  The cottage cheese statement even made ME cringe in disgust, and thats pretty damn hard to do.

Worst smell....lets see here...well my family did own a Tyson Hogfarm when I was in school and made me work there during the summer.  Talk about some rank shit.  The worst smell ever was definitly one day whe the dead truck flipped over in our driveway.  I know I know....let me explain:

The Nix family barn houses over 650 sows and almost 15 boars.  At any one giving moment there are up to 1400 baby piglets in the barn.  The "barn" is actually three barns--Breeding, Gestation and Nursery.  Now when you have this many animals in one place, naturally some DIE.  Baby pigs get squashed by thier mothers, pigs are born still-born, some born "mummy", some die from health complications or are put down for being runts.  You also have the larger sows and boars die from time to time.  Now every morning, my job was to go around and collect dead baby pigs and deposit them into the "dead box", which was a large refrigerated box about 100 feet from the barns next to the road.  Twice a week the "dead truck" would come and empty our box and the boxes of nearby barns.  The "dead-truck" was a large 18-wheeler with what appeared to be a rock hauling trailer but instead had a blue plastic lining and a blue tarp that covered the tarp.  The dead truck driver would come to the barns and empty the box into the back of the trailer via forklift and then be on his way. 

Well, one day the "dead truck" was coming to pick up our box.  Our driveway (which was 1/2 mile long and made out of road rock) was notorious for washing out and creating deep potholes.  As the truck was coming down the road, he hit a pothole which was much deeper than it appeared and he rolled the entire rig, thus dumping the entire load into our driveway.  What was worse than that, was that we were the last stop that day, so his truck was full.  It took them 3 days to get it cleaned up and this was in the middle of July in Oklahoma.  You wanna talk about some rancid odors?  Wait until you've smelled 6 tons of rotting pig carcasus' and afterbirth in a hot July Oklahoma sun after 3 days.

+183|6980|A sunburnt country
^^^^^  so far you win!

I hate the smell of rotting beer.  I use to work at a golf course as a kid and all the (mostly) empty beer bottles would go in the bins, out in the hot sun, until collection day and it would stink.

And to RDX-FX who wrote "Edit: gotta love this forum.  only place I'm not surprised to see two men intelligently discussing the pros and con's of circumcision, while others calmly discuss the offensiveness of sulfur & excrement.", you gotta love being Male!!!
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7078|AUS, Canberra
Member 5307
its avocado....

this coming from the_fart_attack.....
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7078|AUS, Canberra

tthf wrote:

its avocado....

this coming from the_fart_attack.....
i refuse to learn anything about about it, even how to spell it. shows how much i hate it.

its the devils food.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

The smell of aussies!!!
+3|7021|fort worth, tx.
a burnt body trust me you dont want that smell around!!
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6986|Broadlands, VA
Cougar - yep - you win.  I was going to try and tell a tale about 45 Boy Scouts afer a week in the De-Mar-Va part of the Chesapeake Bay without showers, in the summer....

But you win.

I need to go and puke now.
+77|6928|the side hatch
massive hog farms are up there, especially the ones with the huge open ponds of pig feces, before i got to the end of your story Cougar i was gonna ask you if you had lived in oklahoma, i did and do, my stories come from here as well

i aint the kinda guy who is easily disgusted, the town i grew up in and still work in has a purina (dog food) and a cain's (coffee) factory near it, 99% of the time they dont produce any odor that i can smell but every so often they will both get going at once...the actual smells arent that terrible but the bad part is that just for a second it kinda smells good and might even make you think of a nice breakfast until one remembers what it actually is

but that smell and all the locker room and fart smells pale in comparison to what i am convinced is the worst smell ever

when i was a kid i had the job of taking out the garbage, i think i was probably around 11 or 12 when the story takes place...a whole chicken wrapped in plastic had passed it's expiration date and so i was charged with tossing it directly in the can outside (since it was raw meat it had to go directly outside) i remeber being a little naseated simply by carrying it even though it didnt smell at all at that point, i went outside and as was my custom tossed it at the can from about 10 meters away, i missed and it rolled under a small bushy tree...i was a lazy and apathetic youth and knew no one would be around there anytime soon except me while i was mowing the lawn so i just left it there and figured maybe some animal would carry it off or it would just dry up, flatten out and be reclaimed by mother earth like the pumpkin from last halloween that i had done the same thing to

did i mention it was august? the hottest part of the summer here in Oklahoma, with the days reaching over 100 for weeks at a time, this was a particularly hot summer as i remember...i occasionally took a peak when was near on some errand or another and was interested because the chicken didnt seem to change at all, aside from the plastic getting dusty, the chicken was wrapped and looked virtually the same as when i had first tossed it, then came the horrible day...i dont know the exact chemical reaction that had taken place inside that plastic bag over the weeks that i had left it there but something treacherous and demonic had taken place, the smell was very localized too, it seemed to only occupy a place of about 10 feet...something had happened and the bag had burst, i dont know if it was the final buildup of the gass released from the rotting chicken or some intrepid insect but the foul demon within was free

worst part of all was that the chicken, which looked perfectly normal, disolved at the touch, it was entirely liquified, much like a mold in the shape of a chicken but with the consistency and color of vanilla pudding, protected from the normal insects that would have devored it by the bag it had stewed in its own bacteria in a totally closed biome for several extremly hot weeks in the prairie sun until it let loose the most horrible foul odor...nothing i have ever encountered in the many years since has ever come close
GunSlinger OIF II

strangelove wrote:

massive hog farms are up there, especially the ones with the huge open ponds of pig feces, before i got to the end of your story Cougar i was gonna ask you if you had lived in oklahoma, i did and do, my stories come from here as well
Where at in Oklahoma bro?  I come from the Ada area.  Also the chicken story was disgusting.  The vanilla pudding part made my stomach churn.  But i have on nastier than that....

This is actually a follow up to my last story.  After the mess from the dead truck had been cleaned up, the truck (which was apparantly the only one in the Tyson fleet for our area) was in the shop for repairs for about 2 weeks.  Unfortunatly for us a sow died two days after the truck flipped and we couldn't get rid of it.  We had drug the sow out in to one of the walkways that connect the barns and had left her there until the dead truck could come and get her with the forklift.  Mind you, this is July and the sow was in the sun for almost two weeks.  The dead truck finally comes and brings his little forklift over to pick her up.

Oblivious to us until the moment, the sow was behind a concrete wall about 4 feet tall on both sides and the forklift didn't have a way to get in (DOH!).  We devised a plan to where we would hook a snare up to the sows foot and then hook the other end to the forklift and lift her out.  By this time the sow had literally turned blue and purple and was really rank.  As the forklift lifted her out, the sows foot caught a wooden beam and it caused her body to slam into the wall.

And this my friends, is the number 1 most horrifying and disgusting thing I have ever seen in my entire life..

As soon as the sow hit the wall, her skin literally PEELED off and then the muscle a few seconds later, all the way down to the bone.  Her leg then (I shit you not) snapped in half, sending the body to the ground 4 feet below.  As soon as her body hit the concrete she split open right down the middle and all of her rotten guts spilled out onto the walkway and the death gas that had been building up in her for 2 weeks suddenly released into the air.  The guy in the forklift instantly vomited on himself (REMEMBER, HE DRIVES A TRUCK FULL OF DEAD PIGS AROUND FOR A LIVING), my uncle nearly vomited, and I just ran away as fast as I could.  There were two dogs standing near by that actually yelped and ran away. 

To make a long story short, they eventually manged to get the body into the truck, but there was still the matter of dead rotting flesh, guts and coagulated blood in the walkway.  And guess who had to clean that shit up, ME.  (I still haven't forgave my parents for making me do that)  I literally had to shovel 100 lbs of dead rotting pig meat and guts into a bucket and dump it in the lagoon.  But that wasn't what was so bad.  The bad thing was that while I was shoveling and throwing up on myself, I noticed that there were several DEAD BABY PIGS in the rancid pile of filth.  Thier bodies had turned into mush and when I tried to pick one up with a shovel he basically fell apart, thus spilling more guts on the walkway.  The body had been there so long that her guts had been infested with maggots and ..........



GunSlinger OIF II
seriously though....dont be the lowest ranking private and have your 1st sergeant find a peice of styrofoam in a 60 year old outhouse.   you gotta pick it out of the shit or the hose wont clean it
+305|6905|Cheshire. UK

11thdsv wrote:

a burnt body trust me you dont want that smell around!!
You got that matter what the environment cold....burning flesh cant get away from it....stays with you for days

Cool member
smelly feet, the ones which you get after doing exercise and wearing the same trainers u do everyweek. That smell lingers around the place and your socks all end up smelling the same even after washing them many times.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6981|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Burning Hair, Skin, or Amonia (all smell simular). Or my dog's (staff bull terrier) farts.

Fav smell: see my sig, no not the coke bit.

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