Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

Rellim83 wrote:

IronFerret wrote:

Mike_J wrote:

are you guys pretending that the fight against global terrorism isn't a war?  open your eyes..
and you pretend that figth a war against global terrorism (also "global" is just middle east), would be solve  occupying  every muslim nation in the world.. that just gonna make more terrorism... Iraq had no terrorism before ocupation and now.. look at media and open your eyes.

.......I iraq had no terrorism before.......ARE U SERIOUS!!!!!!
The guy (Sadam Hussein)  made a public announcement providing a safe haven to all terrorists against America right after the invasion of afghanistan

He consistently bombed and murdered political rivals in the north and south(thats why they had a no fly zone since desert storm)

He has used chemical and biological weapons in the past.  (Israel, Kuwait)

He ploted to assassinate a former president.  (Bush sr.)

Oh ya and their was that whole thing about refusing to let weapons inspectors into the country for like 6 years....ya he might not have had anything but how could anybody possibly believe that when he refused to let weapons inspectors into the country.

I absolutly agree that the occupation in iraq has many problems, but i completly support going to war. Saddam was a threat to America, his neighbors, and his own people.  Saddam was given ample time and many warnings refusing to comply with weapons inspectors, all he had to do was let them inspect his facilities. He was stupid enough to refuse and thats why we had to go to war with him.
I hate assholes like you, who don't even see through the Bush administrations bullshit.  Don't you KNOW how worse things are in Africa?  You claim that Bush got Suddam to 'liberate' the people (even though it was clear that our initial motive to invade was because he had WMD's), yet HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people are dying world wide every year, whether it's from starvation, political oppression, or just plain killing.

Iran is a much larger threat than Iraq ever was.  So is North Korea.

If Bush wanted to 'liberate' the world, he's doing a bad job at that, too.  Don't get me wrong, we completely destroyed a stable, yes, stable, but oppresive government.  Now, there is no government at all, and we are occupying a country with unstable and very different people, who have hated eachothers guts for thousands of years.  War is inevitable, in a country in Iraq, whether we are there occupying it or not.

In my view, it's a civil war.  Let THEM decide if they should remain one, unified, fucked up country, or split into 3 seperate countries of their own.  But forcing them into it won't work, simple as that.

WW3, are you kidding me?  That's a joke and a disgrace to EVERY veteran who has ever served in any war for the United States.  60 MILLION people died in World War 2, and  something around 15 in World War 1.  We, the United States alone, have lost about 5,000 in this 'world war 3'.  That's a joke.  Is he implying that this is only the first stage?  Does our president know what the fuck he's talking about?  Or is he using this as a gimmick to scare people into voting for a pro-war republican candidate for 2008?

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-05-07 16:26:48)

you realize the US has military personnel in almost every country on the planet doing something, however small it may be, to help against things like that?
Horseman 77

splixx wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

splixx wrote:

You are correct. For one we bomb the hell out of Falluja destroy most of a city(Example of one city)... Then people come back after the bombing.. They find there dead family... House turned to pebbles...They are offered $300 dollars to rebuild.... Let's think... Who did we just create? A new terrorist.

That is exactly what I would become if someone came destroyed my family and home. So everyone one so called terrorist in Iraq that is killed 100's are created... We will not win.
This War started when israel was created.  The US did not create israel alone. The US has been in this War for a long time. We will win.

The thing that is on our side is knowledge. Knowledge has a way of spreading. It is difficult to contain and spreads on its own as if it has a will to do so.
Knowledge can be twisted and subverted for sure but only for a while, but show me someone who has been lied to and manipulated by his leaders and I will show you a motivated enemy.

Note: We do not fall into this class you will notice. ( typing blather and insults here does not constitute "The good fight ! " Sorry but you knew that. )

The reason the War was accelerated ( by our Enemies ) was the Hold of total ignorance that our opponents had over their people is ebbing.
With access to world wide news sources the Internet, Relatives who immigrated here. Etc., these people wont be able to be whipped up into a Religious frenzy for much longer.
( 72 virgins ) how long will that really last? its almost Comical if it wasn't so Sad.
They know Now what we look like, how we think, that we don't follow or own leaders blindly, we question our leaders, prod them, goad them, insult them.
They know they cant. Or rather Couldn't. Now they can in Iraq. They know why we are there in their land if you don't. With half of the new Voters in Iraq being women (mothers) how will that effect the age old Ruling class that was till recently composed solely of men? These people aren't dumb. If our efforts there are clumsy or misguided, They all know some who was lowered feet first into a shredder when it was Business as usual. These people are not suckers and they don't fall for the Stupid propaganda 100% Though I am sure some do. As some still do here.
You can fool some of the people all the time all the people some of the Time

Further, This " I know it all" attitude is the First thing you lose when you really start to learn.
Show me someone, Anyone from any field who says " I know all there is to learn" and I will show you an intellectually stunted person.
I kind of chuckle when I hear how much superior we are then anyone else. Rome had it's day... I must say I would reply to all of this but there is not much need. The US used to be a super power but now our  leadership is all about greed and corruption. Our politicians have all but sold us all off to other countries... Wake up and the truth shall set you free.
Chuckle all you Want, Rome had more than a Day.

Nowhere in the entire post did it say or imply anything about being Superior or even Wrong or Right.
Nor was that anywhere near what my post was about.
So I know you didn't even bother to Read before you made your reply. It speaks volumes.
You can post any silly quip you want. It must be nice to have a corner on the Truth Market which is a neat trick considering you apparently don't bother to read or retain much.

The USA is not a Super Power ? OK. I only wish we had some way to Wager on a poll.
GunSlinger OIF II

Mike_J wrote:

IronFerret wrote:

Mike_J wrote:

are you guys pretending that the fight against global terrorism isn't a war?  open your eyes..
and you pretend that figth a war against global terrorism (also "global" is just middle east), would be solve  occupying  every muslim nation in the world.. that just gonna make more terrorism... Iraq had no terrorism before ocupation and now.. look at media and open your eyes.

also want to open your eyes.. this is how heroic iraq ocupation is:

"Philip Bloom, the American businessman at the center of a widening inquiry into corruption in Iraq, pleaded guilty Tuesday to federal charges of conspiracy, bribery, and money laundering for illegally obtaining millions of dollars in 2003 and 2004 that were meant for the reconstruction of Iraq."


A U.S. government audit found American-led occupation authorities squandered tens of millions of dollars that were supposed to be used to rebuild Iraq through undocumented spending and outright fraud.


    In one case, the Pentagon's own Defense Contract Audit Agency found that the leading U.S. contractor in Iraq, Halliburton subsidiary KBR, overcharged Iraq occupation authorities by $108 million for a task order to deliver fuel.

http://www.truthout.org/cgi-bin/artman/ … gi/37/9946

Urgent measures must be taken to prevent the reconstruction of Iraq from turning into the world's biggest corruption scandal in history, a respected anti-corruption watchdog has said.

http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/ … FCC58A.htm

In the United States, a former official has admitted stealing millions of dollars meant for the reconstruction of Iraq.
Robert Stein admitted to stealing $2m from reconstruction funds.
Some of that money, the court heard, was smuggled onto aircraft and flown back to the United States in suitcases.
The case is an ugly twist in the tale of post-war Iraq.

LOL!!  You think you can confindently tell me to open my eyes and realize there is no progress in Iraq?!?!  Likewise with your friend splixx?!?!  I'll remember those few instances you listed next time I have to help build a school or open a market in Mosul.  Yeah I guess your listed instances definately out weigh the thousands of projects we're doing over there to rebuild that nation.  Sorry, must've slipped my mind.  How narrow minded I must be.

Global terrorism really just means the "middle east???"  There's no way you or your friend here are adults.  Southeast Asia, South America, Africa, Europe, and North America certainly have experienced the effects of global terrorism within recent years.  Thus, the word "global."  But I guess to your standards bombings in Indonesia, Spain, England, guerilla fighters and corrupt governments in Africa, South America, and hijacked planes in the US don't count right?  I could go on and on if you'd like.  The fact is that terrorism globally is on the rise and the US and it's allied nations are fighting all over the world.  Don't know if you can't see it, but it's in the word "World War."  I guess you won't consider anything a war unless it affects you directly though.  Just doesn't count to you huh?  Next time I have to dodge sniper fire from an abondoned hotel across the street from my motor pool in Mosul I'll remember that people like you are pretending no war is going on.  Honestly I don't care what you think though.  You're too uninformed about worldly events.  Please, continue to sift through tons and tons of information and try to find the few things that undermine what me and my fellow comrades have accomplished in the past few years.

splixx wrote:

kessel! wrote:

the war on terrorism is not a war. it is a blackhole. terrorists will always exist in some way shape or form, so spending billions of dollars fighting them is like burning money. Terrorism is wrong, i know that, but the only reason the US started this "war" is a select few can benefit.
You are correct. For one we bomb the hell out of Falluja destroy most of a city(Example of one city)... Then people come back after the bombing.. They find there dead family... House turned to pebbles...They are offered $300 dollars to rebuild.... Let's think... Who did we just create? A new terrorist.

That is exactly what I would become if someone came destroyed my family and home. So everyone one so called terrorist in Iraq that is killed 100's are created... We will not win.
Yet again, more talk straight from people's asses.  Do you have any idea why Fallujah had some of the worst fighting?  Are you aware that we dropped leaflets and publically announced that we were going to roll through that city?  That city was the biggest terrorist safe haven in Iraq.  You realize that the reason we publically announced going into Fallujah was to warn innocent civilians to leave the city?  Many of them did pal.  If I can recall right, they were warned about 1 or 2 months before we even went in there.  Remember the reporters that went in there that were massacred and hung on the bridge entrance to the city?  That battle was actually very effective in killing and capturing massive amounts of terrorists, many of them from Iran, Syria, and Chechnya.

Btw, thanks for the negative karma with the "hasn't a clue" statement.  I'm glad that you think that watching a few stories on CNN or whatever makes you a political expert.  Just go do your chores, play your video games, and beat off in your room and I won't tell your mommy.  You know what that tells me?  It says that you obviously read my posts and have nothing to support your views.  In other words, you lose.  Thanks.
yes sir
Horseman 77

Spearhead wrote:

I hate assholes like you... .

Spearhead wrote:

In my view, ... split into 3 seperate countries of their own.....
Junglist Massive
I personally will count the first day of WWIII as the day when the first permanent member of the UN pulls out or declares war against another member.   

That is: China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States.

What do you think was/will be the start of WWIII, or do you agree with the Bush definition?
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

Horseman 77 wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

I hate assholes like you... .

Spearhead wrote:

In my view, ... split into 3 seperate countries of their own.....
Please use DIRECT, COMPLETE, quotes next time.

In my view, it's a civil war.  Let THEM decide if they should remain one, unified, fucked up country, or split into 3 seperate countries of their own.  But forcing them into it won't work, simple as that.

Iraq was drawn and quatered hundreds of years ago by colonists.  It was just like in Africa, the Europeans didn't know nor give a shit about what they were doing.  The only reason Iraq even EXISTED as a complete country was because of occupation/violent oppresion.  Iraq is in a state of civil war.

btw, misquoting people will not get you by in a courtroom.  Maybe in politics, but not in court.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-05-07 16:35:06)

this is a disgrace
what fucking gall a leader must have to say something so ridiculously irresponsible
does this man have the RIGHT to bring the rest of the world into a shitstorm?
exaclty what kind of freedom is this supposed to be an example of??
he's already broken the constitution with that bullshit act.  I think he's going to start war in Iran before his term completes, so he'll have reason to write a bill to break it even further and keep his stupid ass in power.
I have WAY more sympathy for the rest of the world.  WW3 who will be the enemies?  Anyone standing in the way of 'freedom'?  someone should tear down the statue of liberty because it IS OBSOLETE

Horseman 77 wrote:

splixx wrote:

kessel! wrote:

the war on terrorism is not a war. it is a blackhole. terrorists will always exist in some way shape or form, so spending billions of dollars fighting them is like burning money. Terrorism is wrong, i know that, but the only reason the US started this "war" is a select few can benefit.
You are correct. For one we bomb the hell out of Falluja destroy most of a city(Example of one city)... Then people come back after the bombing.. They find there dead family... House turned to pebbles...They are offered $300 dollars to rebuild.... Let's think... Who did we just create? A new terrorist.

That is exactly what I would become if someone came destroyed my family and home. So everyone one so called terrorist in Iraq that is killed 100's are created... We will not win.
This War started when israel was created.  The US did not create israel alone. The US has been in this War for a long time. We will win.

The thing that is on our side is knowledge. Knowledge has a way of spreading. It is difficult to contain and spreads on its own as if it has a will to do so.
Knowledge can be twisted and subverted for sure but only for a while, but show me someone who has been lied to and manipulated by his leaders and I will show you a motivated enemy.

Note: We do not fall into this class you will notice. ( typing blather and insults here does not constitute "The good fight ! " Sorry but you knew that. )

The reason the War was accelerated ( by our Enemies ) was the Hold of total ignorance that our opponents had over their people is ebbing.
With access to world wide news sources the Internet, Relatives who immigrated here. Etc., these people wont be able to be whipped up into a Religious frenzy for much longer.
( 72 virgins ) how long will that really last? its almost Comical if it wasn't so Sad.
They know Now what we look like, how we think, that we don't follow or own leaders blindly, we question our leaders, prod them, goad them, insult them.
They know they cant. Or rather Couldn't. Now they can in Iraq. They know why we are there in their land if you don't. With half of the new Voters in Iraq being women (mothers) how will that effect the age old Ruling class that was till recently composed solely of men? These people aren't dumb. If our efforts there are clumsy or misguided, They all know some who was lowered feet first into a shredder when it was Business as usual. These people are not suckers and they don't fall for the Stupid propaganda 100% Though I am sure some do. As some still do here.
You can fool some of the people all the time all the people some of the Time

Further, This " I know it all" attitude is the First thing you lose when you really start to learn.
Show me someone, Anyone from any field who says " I know all there is to learn" and I will show you an intellectually stunted person.
The US did NOT create israel.  In 1948 Israel declared independence and guess who REFUSED to help?  America..  Who helped?  The French.  When did America help?  As soon as Israel proved it had the capacity to fight and take land from the arab nations, all at the same time.  Who fought in this war?  Citizens and military.  Jewish people all over the world got the call.  Nobody helped them in their fight it was only after that they got aid
Horseman 77
The Rest of the World   is    in this shit storm wether they know it or not.

If you have a big problem with the Statue of Liberty you should tear it down yourself.

Spearhead wrote:

Rellim83 wrote:

IronFerret wrote:

and you pretend that figth a war against global terrorism (also "global" is just middle east), would be solve  occupying  every muslim nation in the world.. that just gonna make more terrorism... Iraq had no terrorism before ocupation and now.. look at media and open your eyes.

.......I iraq had no terrorism before.......ARE U SERIOUS!!!!!!
The guy (Sadam Hussein)  made a public announcement providing a safe haven to all terrorists against America right after the invasion of afghanistan

He consistently bombed and murdered political rivals in the north and south(thats why they had a no fly zone since desert storm)

He has used chemical and biological weapons in the past.  (Israel, Kuwait)

He ploted to assassinate a former president.  (Bush sr.)

Oh ya and their was that whole thing about refusing to let weapons inspectors into the country for like 6 years....ya he might not have had anything but how could anybody possibly believe that when he refused to let weapons inspectors into the country.

I absolutly agree that the occupation in iraq has many problems, but i completly support going to war. Saddam was a threat to America, his neighbors, and his own people.  Saddam was given ample time and many warnings refusing to comply with weapons inspectors, all he had to do was let them inspect his facilities. He was stupid enough to refuse and thats why we had to go to war with him.
I hate assholes like you, who don't even see through the Bush administrations bullshit.  Don't you KNOW how worse things are in Africa?  You claim that Bush got Suddam to 'liberate' the people (even though it was clear that our initial motive to invade was because he had WMD's), yet HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people are dying world wide every year, whether it's from starvation, political oppression, or just plain killing.

Iran is a much larger threat than Iraq ever was.  So is North Korea.

If Bush wanted to 'liberate' the world, he's doing a bad job at that, too.  Don't get me wrong, we completely destroyed a stable, yes, stable, but oppresive government.  Now, there is no government at all, and we are occupying a country with unstable and very different people, who have hated eachothers guts for thousands of years.  War is inevitable, in a country in Iraq, whether we are there occupying it or not.

In my view, it's a civil war.  Let THEM decide if they should remain one, unified, fucked up country, or split into 3 seperate countries of their own.  But forcing them into it won't work, simple as that.

WW3, are you kidding me?  That's a joke and a disgrace to EVERY veteran who has ever served in any war for the United States.  60 MILLION people died in World War 2, and  something around 15 in World War 1.  We, the United States alone, have lost about 5,000.  That's a joke.  Is he implying that this is only the first stage?  Does our president know what the fuck he's talking about?  Or is he using this as a gimmick to scare people into voting for a pro-war republican candidate for 2008?
I suggest everybody read about the situation in the SUDAN, where thousands die daily under terrorism and a corrupt militant government, and the US has done NOTHING.  WHY?  because U.S. ALREADY HAS SUDAN'S OIL


Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-05-07 16:40:20)

Junglist Massive

Horseman 77 wrote:

The Rest of the World   is    in this shit storm wether they know it or not.

If you have a big problem with the Statue of Liberty you should tear it down yourself.
Tearing her down is sooo last century:

A few nukes and its all solved. No war, just a big flash
Horseman 77

Spumantiii wrote:

The US did NOT create israel.
I am sorry you didn't read, I didn't say they did.

Spumantiii wrote:

In 1948 Israel declared independence and guess who REFUSED to help?  America
Ok, Where was the Population of ( israel 1948 ) in,  Oh lets say ...1943 ?

Spumantiii wrote:

Israel proved it had the capacity to fight and take land from the Arab nations,
We all know israel took land from Arab Nations, thats why we are all in a World War now.

Spumantiii wrote:

all at the same time.  Who fought in this war?  Citizens and military.  Jewish people all over the world got the call.  Nobody helped them in their fight it was only after that they got aid
Believe me anytime you want to Cancel the Billions in aid we give israel I am on board.
If we hadn't backed israel unilaterally we wouldn't be in this mess.
If we hadn't been f*cking over the Arab nations in israels name for the last half century they wouldn't hate us now.
further If we had given them the Extra ten billion plus per year in aid I bet they would be Loyal trust worthy allies,
But we will never know will we.
+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA

IronFerret wrote:

Mike_J wrote:

are you guys pretending that the fight against global terrorism isn't a war?  open your eyes..
and you pretend that figth a war against global terrorism (also "global" is just middle east), would be solve  occupying  every muslim nation in the world.. that just gonna make more terrorism... Iraq had no terrorism before ocupation and now.. look at media and open your eyes.

also want to open your eyes.. this is how heroic iraq ocupation is:

"Philip Bloom, the American businessman at the center of a widening inquiry into corruption in Iraq, pleaded guilty Tuesday to federal charges of conspiracy, bribery, and money laundering for illegally obtaining millions of dollars in 2003 and 2004 that were meant for the reconstruction of Iraq."


A U.S. government audit found American-led occupation authorities squandered tens of millions of dollars that were supposed to be used to rebuild Iraq through undocumented spending and outright fraud.


    In one case, the Pentagon's own Defense Contract Audit Agency found that the leading U.S. contractor in Iraq, Halliburton subsidiary KBR, overcharged Iraq occupation authorities by $108 million for a task order to deliver fuel.

http://www.truthout.org/cgi-bin/artman/ … gi/37/9946

Urgent measures must be taken to prevent the reconstruction of Iraq from turning into the world's biggest corruption scandal in history, a respected anti-corruption watchdog has said.

http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/ … FCC58A.htm

In the United States, a former official has admitted stealing millions of dollars meant for the reconstruction of Iraq.
Robert Stein admitted to stealing $2m from reconstruction funds.
Some of that money, the court heard, was smuggled onto aircraft and flown back to the United States in suitcases.
The case is an ugly twist in the tale of post-war Iraq.

Did you just copy and paste this from another thread?
At any rate, why don't you worry about the corruption in your own country (which BTW is much worse than that in the US from what I have heard) and let us worry about ours.
+156|6941|space command ur anus


Well if you fucking kids want ABDUL JIAHD ALLAH!! all over this country and live as sand niggers in a hole and have the rape pillage all of our cities? in your DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL EYE"S IM SURE U WOULDNT MIND... stop listning to your fucked up parents about the war. think what YOU think is right, dont follow the dumbasses who say this is not war.... look what hapend at 9/11.... just think..... 9/11.....they must ALL be terminated for what they did.... read tomclancy or dale brown.... it will open YOUR eye's... now please learn... we cant let them kill us .... we are americans... we are a gaming community... now let bush and the oval office sort this shit out.... i dont give a FUCK what the political people say.... all i want is the job DONE!!!
soo angry...Mr kkk
sad thing is is that many people's opinion/facts are based of the US's biased media, all we show are the soldiers and civilians dieing.  thats because the people who report our news are buisnesses.  they only want to make money, and the way to do that is to show things with shock value.  Do i think bush was right to call the war on terriorism a world war? No, becasue a world war implies that an entire nations facilities are focoused on winning said war.  However, thats not to say that the war on terrorism does not encompas the entire world. 

to whomever said that meant the middle east, you need to stop being an idiot, the middle east is the only place the united states has sent troops.  many countries in central and middle america are plauged by terrorism under the guise of a civil war, as well as the genocides that took place in Africa.  If you want to look at the war on terror as the third world war, go ahead, if you dont want to, go ahead and dont.  Either way i think what our country needs to do is back off a bit from president bush.  What he has done in Iraq is very similar to what FDR did with Pearl Harbor and what LBJ did with the gulf of tonkin.  both were later proved to have been either mis-represented to the united states people or allowed to happen with out an increase in alertness.  the only difference between them and bush is that bush is a conservitive, and they were both democrats.
+48|6970|Mexico City.
It woudl be nice that:

1.- do not asume what i am or what i do, and what i know. (stay in topic)
2.- do not give anger response to rational coments
3.- try open your mind go out of your country for a while an listen for a change what other people have to say.

what did i post corruption scandals in iraq, because they are the best argument to say that America Goverment, and Army dont give a shit about iraq and their people. They were there just for personal interest and make a big blow "terror" play to impress. Following their Imperial ambition.. funny, sadly and maybe luckly for the world the present administration has manage to make Iraq a wordwide joke.. i have beeing, work and study in the US (shor time periods), and i feel bad because theres lot of cool people there, i agree with Lewis H. Hapman "WE HAVE IN THE WHITE HOUS A THIEF WHO STEALS THE COUNTRY`S GOOD NAME AND REPUTATION FOR HIS PRIVATE INTEREST AND PERSONAL USE", impeach him*harpers magazine/march 2006

US popularity has decrease worldwide.. now your a symbol for injustice-unesesary violence, corporate abuse, consumism, ecological waste and imperalism.. In one thing your allright its not my desicion im not American and im not planing in becoming one, but its sad for your history legacy, tradition and good people there, having this administration. It only pleace the ones that found satisfaction showing nation power with violence (arguing patriotism) and have a mind crowed with paranoic ideas.
GunSlinger OIF II

dedelus wrote:

sad thing is is that many people's opinion/facts are based of the US's biased media, all we show are the soldiers and civilians dieing.  thats because the people who report our news are buisnesses.  they only want to make money, and the way to do that is to show things with shock value.
the insurgency knows this. that is why the majority of violent events in iraq happen in or near baghdad.  That is where all the major media outlets do their reporting from.
+27|7150|Dundas, ONT, Canada

Horseman 77 wrote:

Spumantiii wrote:

The US did NOT create israel.
I am sorry you didn't read, I didn't say they did.

Spumantiii wrote:

In 1948 Israel declared independence and guess who REFUSED to help?  America
Ok, Where was the Population of ( israel 1948 ) in,  Oh lets say ...1943 ?

Spumantiii wrote:

Israel proved it had the capacity to fight and take land from the Arab nations,
We all know israel took land from Arab Nations, thats why we are all in a World War now.

Spumantiii wrote:

all at the same time.  Who fought in this war?  Citizens and military.  Jewish people all over the world got the call.  Nobody helped them in their fight it was only after that they got aid
Believe me anytime you want to Cancel the Billions in aid we give israel I am on board.
If we hadn't backed israel unilaterally we wouldn't be in this mess.
If we hadn't been f*cking over the Arab nations in israels name for the last half century they wouldn't hate us now.
further If we had given them the Extra ten billion plus per year in aid I bet they would be Loyal trust worthy allies,
But we will never know will we.
Rigth balme the jews for wanting a contry of their own, in the land where they originataed and exiled thousands years ago. But what the hell they been blamed for everything what is wrong with this world.

Funny Bush goes after Sadam, not saying he did not deserved, but come on. ONe of the richest in Oil contriest in middle east. North Korea might have nukes, but no Let's get Iraq. Tell every one that they have "Veapons Of Mass Destaraction". Turn over whole county looking for it, don't find it and that say;"oups, our info was foulty, sorry for f***ing up you country." War is wrong, and the only people who profit from it are people who make monies on the missory of other people. But that just my thoughts on this subject.
GunSlinger OIF II

IronFerret wrote:

It woudl be nice that:

1.- do not asume what i am or what i do, and what i know. (stay in topic)
2.- do not give anger response to rational coments
3.- try open your mind go out of your country for a while an listen for a change what other people have to say.

what did i post corruption scandals in iraq, because they are the best argument to say that America Goverment, and Army dont give a shit about iraq and their people. They were there just for personal interest and make a big blow "terror" play to impress. Following their Imperial ambition.. funny, sadly and maybe luckly for the world the present administration has manage to make Iraq a wordwide joke.. i have beeing, work and study in the US (shor time periods), and i feel bad because theres lot of cool people there, i agree with Lewis H. Hapman "WE HAVE IN THE WHITE HOUS A THIEF WHO STEALS THE COUNTRY`S GOOD NAME AND REPUTATION FOR HIS PRIVATE INTEREST AND PERSONAL USE", impeach him*harpers magazine/march 2006

US popularity has decrease worldwide.. now your a symbol for injustice-unesesary violence, corporate abuse, consumism, ecological waste and imperalism.. In one thing your allright its not my desicion im not American and im not planing in becoming one, but its sad for your history legacy, tradition and good people there, having this administration. It only pleace the ones that found satisfaction showing nation power with violence (arguing patriotism) and have a mind crowed with paranoic ideas.
I take a personal offense whenever you slander the army's mission in iraq.  When you say the army dont give a shit about the iraqi people that is the exact opposite of a rational comment.  dont be a hippocrate
+116|6937|Cherry Pie
Could anyone in this post have done a better job at being president?  Do any of you even have a chance of being president?  Did any of you go to an ivy league school?  I think when you try to critisize someone who is at the level that our president is at, you need to take a look at yourself first... 

I am not a strong critic of a person who is the president, because it is not an easy job.  I am only being real...  Its easy for anyone to say, "Well, I would have done that differntly."...  Especially AFTER the outcome of that decision is apparent...  How about you people post some stuff you have done in life and let everyone critique that a little bit... 

And don't ask me to post anything, I never said the president was doing a bad job...
u gtta ask why the attacks happened in the 1st place, find out what went wrong with relations and why they felt they had to do it. yes political mumbo jumbo gets in the way, but im sure the act first think later approach isnt gnna get us anywhere. in fact possibly is the problem. people have been interfering with the east for sometime now and it may of been inevitable something would happen. i dont know.. why cant every1 get along?
+48|6970|Mexico City.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

I take a personal offense whenever you slander the army's mission in iraq.  When you say the army dont give a shit about the iraqi people that is the exact opposite of a rational comment.  dont be a hippocrate.
you seriusly think US High Army leaders care about iraq people??!? i dont think your that naif.. so dont be hippocrate.. i mean lets make a worldwide poll:

How much US high leaders care about iraq people?

mmm lets see: for example http://talkleft.com/new_archives/006972.html
colateral damage you know theres thousand of those articles..

dude honestly you think 90% of the world is wrong?!.. they are agains US lately foreing policy just because we are jealous.. come on!!..

I want to let clear something: I dont want to insult, or deaqualify the work of all regular US soldiers in iraq or anywere in the world.. theres shure some true heros that are there because they beleave in serving their country thats nice.. We are talking about the bunch of people abusing off that, mainly neoconservatives in power.

Last edited by IronFerret (2006-05-07 17:49:47)

+116|6937|Cherry Pie

IronFerret wrote:

It woudl be nice that:

1.- do not asume what i am or what i do, and what i know. (stay in topic)
2.- do not give anger response to rational coments
3.- try open your mind go out of your country for a while an listen for a change what other people have to say.

what did i post corruption scandals in iraq, because they are the best argument to say that America Goverment, and Army dont give a shit about iraq and their people. They were there just for personal interest and make a big blow "terror" play to impress. Following their Imperial ambition.. funny, sadly and maybe luckly for the world the present administration has manage to make Iraq a wordwide joke.. i have beeing, work and study in the US (shor time periods), and i feel bad because theres lot of cool people there, i agree with Lewis H. Hapman "WE HAVE IN THE WHITE HOUS A THIEF WHO STEALS THE COUNTRY`S GOOD NAME AND REPUTATION FOR HIS PRIVATE INTEREST AND PERSONAL USE", impeach him*harpers magazine/march 2006

US popularity has decrease worldwide.. now your a symbol for injustice-unesesary violence, corporate abuse, consumism, ecological waste and imperalism.. In one thing your allright its not my desicion im not American and im not planing in becoming one, but its sad for your history legacy, tradition and good people there, having this administration. It only pleace the ones that found satisfaction showing nation power with violence (arguing patriotism) and have a mind crowed with paranoic ideas.
I love how you say, "im not American and im not planning on becoming one..."...  WELL DUH!  None of you little illegal immigrants become Americans, you just come here to work so you can send the money home! 

AND how dare you even talk about the United States government!  The government in Mexico is so corrupt you guys have to hike across a desert and jump a fence to get a decent wage...  I don't even want to waste my time finding articles about your worthless government.

I do love Corona though...  Especially with a lime.

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