
Did you vote for Bush?

Yes no regrets30%30% - 61
Yes refund please7%7% - 15
No wish I had4%4% - 8
No, are you crazy?57%57% - 114
Total: 198
+255|6950|Westminster, California
I remember thinking that if liberals got into the white house they would spend us into the ash heap of history.  I remember  a promise of fiscal conservation.  I remember hope that Californians could own rifles again. I remember horror at the idea of John Kerry as president.

     I voted twice for this guy and I have been a life long gun owner and right winger.

     He will be remembered as the worst president in recent times ( and possibly of all times )  because:

    reckless non terror war related spending
    in-action on the border
    expansion of exectutive powers
    allowing oil profiteering during time of  "war for oil"
    failing to erradicate the Taliban in Afganistan
    failing to pursue the WMD's into Syria and Iran

    I mean, what the fuck is the American people doing tollerating a two party system when every four years we get a bad choice between two shitty parties? What a joke. I honesty think there would be little difference in whats happening right now if Al I invented the internets Gore had been president. What a shame, We have been suckered.
     I will renounce my membership to the Republican party and vote for Independant, whomever the christ it is, from now on.

Last edited by yerded (2006-05-06 16:11:00)


I honestly don't know how history books of the future will remember George W. because they haven't been written yet, but I seriously doubt they'll call him "the worst president of all time". However, the treasury department needs to put the US checkbook in a safe whenever he decides to visit any woe-ridden nation. Efforts to curry favor with the opposite political spectrum usually ends up alienating your voters.

yerded wrote:

I mean, what the fuck is the American people doing tollerating a two party system when every four years we get a bad choice between two shitty parties? What a joke. I honesty think there would be little difference in whats happening right now if Al I invented the internets Gore had been president. What a shame, We have been suckered.
     I will renounce my membership to the Republican party and vote for Independant, whomever the christ it is, from now on.
The two-party system is pretty much here to stay. I don't think anything short of a violent revolution could oust it, and I'd be suprised if I ever see a change by any means in my lifetime. Shift votes towards a liberal independant, and the Republican gets in. Shift votes towards the conservative independant, and you get a Democrat instead...

But think...if John Kerry was our current C&C, he'd be showing off his Purple Hearts to the Chinese.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-05-06 16:25:00)

+255|6950|Westminster, California

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

The two-party system is pretty much here to stay. I don't think anything short of a violent revolution could oust it, and I'd be suprised if I ever see a change by any means in my lifetime. Shift votes towards a liberal independant, and the Republican gets in. Shift votes towards the conservative independant, and you get a Democrat instead...

But think...if John Kerry was our current C&C, he'd be showing off his Purple Hearts to the Chinese.
You can sign me up for that revolution. But your point is well made.  I suppose thats why I voted for hime twice; I was afraid of the alternative.
Horseman 77
You have to admit this much.
His Legacy is not over Yet.
He is a President who Acted and was not afraid to do so and bare the Consequences of his decisions good or bad.
Inaction has been proved lethal to very many of our citizens.
He will not be forgotten.
I will say also say

This is the Toughest time to be president since They Fired on Fort Sumter.
Pearl Harbor at least showed Roosevelt a Clear path.
And no matter what set backs we faced During WWII the media was
Pro American not trying to hamstring him on Behalf of the Rejected Party.

No bias in that polling huh ? twit.

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-05-06 16:45:12)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida
I think we need some Street Fighting Man by the Rolling Stones

Ev'rywhere I hear the sound of marching, charging feet, boy
'Cause summer's here and the time is right for fighting in the street, boy
Well then what can a poor boy do
Except to sing for a rock 'n roll band
'Cause in sleepy London town
There's just no place for a street fighting man

Hey! Think the time is right for a palace revolution
'Cause where I live the game to play is compromise solution
Well then what can a poor boy do
Except to sing for a rock 'n' roll band
'Cause in sleepy London town
There's no place for a street fighting man
Get down

Hey! Said my name is called disturbance
I'll shout and scream, I'll kill the king, I'll rail at all his servants
Well, what can a poor boy do
Except to sing for a rock 'n' roll band
'Cause in sleepy London town
There's no place for a street fighting man
Get down
+2|7108|Chicago, IL, U. S. A.
When We vote its liek choosing the less of two evils. I woudl of voted for Ralph nader of the Green Party. But I voted for kerry because he was likely to get more votes than BUSH. The Republican party and teh Democratic party are to powerfull IMO we need atleast 1 more dominate party to provide real choice.
GunSlinger OIF II
the american indepedent party is also known as americas nazi party
+255|6950|Westminster, California

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

the american indepedent party is also known as americas nazi party
I just mean independant of the two evil parties. Nazis are just stupid.
GunSlinger OIF II

yerded wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

the american indepedent party is also known as americas nazi party
I just mean independant of the two evil parties. Nazis are just stupid.

Hmm. I would have to say that Americans are a bit better off when compared to some of the alternatives. Barring revolution, a non-Republican/Democrat will be in office the same election where one runs who people want to vote for.

That being said, my vote was simply "yes, no regrets."

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-05-06 18:16:04)

Mod Incarnate

yerded wrote:

Um, lilmike815 I can tell by your typing skills that you are of typical liberal intellect.
You misspelled responsibility and democrats, while we're on the topic of poor intellect. Perhaps you should spend more time proofreading and less time making sweeping generalizations about liberals.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS
I voted from them all - since I didn't vote :S.

As long as he leaves us the hell alone, I have no problem with him.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA
I myself am a Libertarian.  Unfortunately, I don't see the Libertarian party (or any other 3rd party for that matter) becoming viable in this country.  The current system is set up to prevent that from happening.
I voted Libertarian in 2000, but in 2004 I voted for Bush because I was afraid of what Kerry would do if elected (i.e. pull out of Iraq before the country was stable).
Horseman 77

yerded wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

the american indepedent party is also known as americas nazi party
I just mean independant of the two evil parties. Nazis are just stupid.
Two Evil parties? Snicker. The independent party are Nazi's ?, embarrassingly uninformed.

Nazis were Stupid? What does that say about those they vanquished?
They put up a long hard fight. Calling them Stupid belittles the Efforts of those who fought them. I would call them many things. Stupid would not be one of them.
+255|6950|Westminster, California
Horseman77, I shake my head at your...meanness....

Are you for real? People fought them because to not fight EVIL is stupid.
A stupid man can step on a babies head, but what does that say about the baby? That has got to be one of the lamest replies I have ever read. Or maybe I just don't F'ning get it.  Or maybe you'd care to elaborate.
     I bet you goose step around your house when no one is looking wishing you could have been there at the   trench as they were being filled with bodies. Is that some mastabortory fantasy you have?

Last edited by yerded (2006-05-07 13:50:38)

+557|7046|Oslo, Norway
not old enough or american Null Vote
Horseman 77

yerded wrote:

Horseman77, I shake my head at your...meanness....

Are you for real? People fought them because to not fight EVIL is stupid.
A stupid man can step on a babies head, but what does that say about the baby? That has got to be one of the lamest replies I have ever read. Or maybe I just don't F'ning get it.  Or maybe you'd care to elaborate.
     I bet you goose step around your house when no one is looking wishing you could have been there at the   trench as they were being filled with bodies. Is that some mastabortory fantasy you have?
I have No Idea what you are talking about but it seems niether do you,

The Two Evil parties  unnamednewbie13 Mentioned refered to The Republicans and Democrats.

I don't feel either is Evil and that doesn't make me mean.

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-05-07 17:15:12)

Flavius Aetius
+3|6983|Stalking Chuck Norris
i wonder how many non-americans took the time to vote in this poll
Dropped on request
I voted for neither. It was either vote for a christian who upholds christian beliefs, but is really dumb, or vote for a liberal christian, WTF(I'm not christian but I wouldn't vote for someone who makes a mockery of their religion)?? Quite frankly I didn't care which tard got into office because either way it was going to be a tard. There was a really good south park about this.
+255|6950|Westminster, California

Horseman 77 wrote:

yerded wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

the american indepedent party is also known as americas nazi party
I just mean independant of the two evil parties. Nazis are just stupid.
Two Evil parties? Snicker. The independent party are Nazi's ?, embarrassingly uninformed.

Nazis were Stupid? What does that say about those they vanquished?
They put up a long hard fight. Calling them Stupid belittles the Efforts of those who fought them. I would call them many things. Stupid would not be one of them.
The point is, you seem to have some admiration for nazis. I suggest nazis are stupid and you reply something like  if nazis are stupid the people they murdered are really stupid for being murdered. Did I miss something or are you just a nazis sympathizer?
Horseman 77

yerded wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

yerded wrote:

I just mean independant of the two evil parties. Nazis are just stupid.
Two Evil parties? Snicker. The independent party are Nazi's ?, embarrassingly uninformed.

Nazis were Stupid? What does that say about those they vanquished?
They put up a long hard fight. Calling them Stupid belittles the Efforts of those who fought them. I would call them many things. Stupid would not be one of them.
The point is, you seem to have some admiration for nazis. I suggest nazis are stupid and you reply something like  if nazis are stupid the people they murdered are really stupid for being murdered. Did I miss something or are you just a nazis sympathizer?
" I suggest nazis are stupid and you reply something like  if nazis are stupid the people they murdered are really stupid for being murdered "

I said nothing of the sort.

It is glaringly apparent to all where you so desperately want to go with this.

You should really step away from your line of reasoning.

Evil, devious, morally corrupt, heartless, short sighted, etc..and perhaps to a point gullible

To believe their own propaganda "the ones that did "

But stupid? What does this say of the Efforts of the People who took them down?

The real question is, what are these clumsy, stumbling and child like efforts to bait me about?

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-05-08 08:56:59)


yerded wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

yerded wrote:

I just mean independant of the two evil parties. Nazis are just stupid.
Two Evil parties? Snicker. The independent party are Nazi's ?, embarrassingly uninformed.

Nazis were Stupid? What does that say about those they vanquished?
They put up a long hard fight. Calling them Stupid belittles the Efforts of those who fought them. I would call them many things. Stupid would not be one of them.
The point is, you seem to have some admiration for nazis. I suggest nazis are stupid and you reply something like  if nazis are stupid the people they murdered are really stupid for being murdered. Did I miss something or are you just a nazis sympathizer?
I think you are reading too far into his statements. They were very evil, calculating, and precise. The fact they were as tough as they were, only speaks volumes about the cajones our boys had fighting and defeating them. It's more of a testament to our soldiers of days gone by having defeated a strong enemy, than a weak one.

Edited to answer the original question. Voted for Bush, but should've just stayed home that day. have since switched to Libertarian party.

Last edited by Erkut.hv (2006-05-08 08:55:57)

Horseman 77

Erkut.hv wrote:

yerded wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

Two Evil parties? Snicker. The independent party are Nazi's ?, embarrassingly uninformed.

Nazis were Stupid? What does that say about those they vanquished?
They put up a long hard fight. Calling them Stupid belittles the Efforts of those who fought them. I would call them many things. Stupid would not be one of them.
The point is, you seem to have some admiration for nazis. I suggest nazis are stupid and you reply something like  if nazis are stupid the people they murdered are really stupid for being murdered. Did I miss something or are you just a nazis sympathizer?
I think you are reading too far into his statements. They were very evil, calculating, and precise. The fact they were as tough as they were, only speaks volumes about the cajones our boys had fighting and defeating them. It's more of a testament to our soldiers of days gone by having defeated a strong enemy, than a weak one.

Edited to answer the original question. Voted for Bush, but should've just stayed home that day. have since switched to Libertarian party.
Why thank you ! dont we hate eachother in other posts ? What strange bedfellows politics produces
Ty just the same.

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-05-08 08:59:41)

PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7071|MA, USA
+1 to yerded for knowing that his party isn't always right just because it is his party.  I wish more Americans could look at their party and say, "These guys are crazy, I've had enough."

I have said it before; if every person who has said, "I would vote for a third party candidate, except they have no chance of winning..." actually proceeded to vote for a third party, the GOP and Dems would be in serious trouble.

I used to be a Republican also, but the fact of the matter is, these guys are all talk and double-talk, and no action.  When the biggest pork-barreller in the Senate is a Republican (see the Senator from AK), the party isn't living up to its ideals.  When flimsy evidence is blown out of proportion to justify foreign intervention, the GOP isn't living up to its ideals.  When the President ressurrects Agricultural subsidies that were supposed to be phased out, and creates steel tarrifs, to rescue non-competetive industries at taxpayer expense, the GOP isn't living up to its ideals.  When a Republican President's administration has spent more money (WITH Congress under the control of his own party!) than any since Lyndon Johnson (INCLUDING that of Bill Clinton), the party isn't living up to its ideals.  When the Republican President hasn't even threatened to veto a spending bill until halfway through his second term, the party is not living up to its ideals.  The GOP is a failure, fiscal Conservatives have no reason to continue supporting them.

I consider this President to be a gross failure because he has turned his back on everything for which the GOP supposedly stands.  One also can see that he is despised by the supporters of the other main party; who is left to like the guy other than those who refuse to abandon him simply because he belongs to 'their' party?  I suggest that he is a strong candidate for 'worst President in recent memory,' as his only remaining natural supporters (the Vocal Religious Right), represent the interests and views of a minority, whose primary concern seems to be restricting the personal behavior of the majority.  At least Clinton's own party wasn't betrayed (along with the rest of the country) by him.

Edit: To interject on the 'Nazi' discussion.  I would say that the German, WWII era Nazis were not stupid (they were evil and nasty, etc., but not stupid), but anyone who labels himself a Nazi in this day and age is absolutely idiotic.

Last edited by whittsend (2006-05-08 09:24:01)

+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA

whittsend wrote:

I have said it before; if every person who has said, "I would vote for a third party candidate, except they have no chance of winning..." actually proceeded to vote for a third party, the GOP and Dems would be in serious trouble.
I said almost the same thing in another thread.  It is the only way a 3rd party is going to get any credibility.  YOu would think that, with the way both the Republican and Democratic parties are going, a lot of more moderates would be jumping ship...

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