+48|7003|United States of America
141. Don't bother taking off in that chopper or jet, you will just get more teamkills.
Death StatPadder
+228|7079|Human Meat Shield
313. Standing on runway while a plane is taking off will not get you to the Essex faster.
314. Flagging a Jeep down for a ride will get you walking faster.
Touches Himself At Night.
144: The best way to avoid a guy lying down in front of your jet is to outwait him
145: While rule 144 is in progress you will ALWAYS be destroyed by the enemy jets
146: In reference to rule 144, people who lie down in front of jets are either a) plain retarded or b) a crap pilot, so if you let him have it he will crash upon take off.

Last edited by Sgt.Davi (2006-05-04 10:57:34)

Aeon Supreme commander
318. A vehicle being reparied will always run over its engineer
319. Not only is there Bullet Drop, there is Bullet Rise, Bullet teleport, and Bullet respawn in your weapon
320. Your TV guided missle will loose tracking 2 feet away from its target
321. Your computer will lag as your taking a shot with the shotgun, resulting in you missing and getting killed
322. When you're on a kill streak your first death will be from TK
323. THe number of deaths by TK is inversly porportional to your skill level
Touches Himself At Night.
153: If you have 2 generals, at least one of them is a statpadder
154: When you are on a team of 20 medics, you wont get revived when you die
155: In refenrence to 154, medics are to foolish to bring out the G36E (also know as the pwner) when running towards 3 enemies. Costing them 6 points, when attempting to get 2.
156: If you want ammo, support gunners never give it to you.
157: If you want a medic bag a medic will always give one to you. You will then die approximatly 5 seconds later
Touches Himself At Night.
158: When a tank starts killing you at your base everyone spawns as Medics, Supports and not Anti Tanks
159: Spec Ops who try destroying the tank with C4 will be killed by the APC behind the tank.
160: Tanks never expect SRAW/Eryx. Therefore you have the advantage of a surprise attack.
161: Whilst 158 and 159 are in motion, your friendly tank is pointing its turret at the spawnpoint
162: Jets are too busy killing J10s.
163: J10s are never around. Probably taunting the F35
Touches Himself At Night.
164: When you beat an admin to a plane/chopper/tank, your ping will be regarded as over the limit and will be kicked
BF2s Frat Brother
324: You spend hundreds of hours going for that special medal, or award,  only to have EA reduce the requirements.
BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

165: The only advantage of playing with friends / clanmates is the following: You'll never die alone.
166: When you spawn on your squadleader you'll be killed by artillery in the next moment.
167: Your tank is the only one that can be destroyed by artillery. And it will be desrtoyed by artillery.
168: Requesting repairs will call an engineer. Usually an enemy egineer who puts mines arround you.
169: Support troops always help themselves w/ ammo
170: The sniper rifle is VERY accurate and best used in long range situation. until the pkm comes along
171: Friendly fire kills more of your man than enemy fire
172: Friendly fire is more effective to the enemy, they just have to sit around and have a cup of tea.
173: Jets can barely kill choppers
174: If you can't remember . . . the claymore is probably pointed at you. 
175: The easy way generally gets you killed.
Death StatPadder
+228|7079|Human Meat Shield
We went from 323 to!! anyway:

176. When you see a freindly jeep coming toward you; you will die.
177. When you use C4; expect a 'is no more' after your name.
+167|6929|Manitowoc, WI
325. You can always reload an AK101 just by flipping the magazine around. but somehow you have finite ammo.
Death StatPadder
+228|7079|Human Meat Shield
326. After blowing up the commanders toys; you realize that they were yours.
+19|6894|European Battlefield Command
327. Your computer will lag when you fly under the bridge in Wake.
+167|6929|Manitowoc, WI
328.  When you are heroically dodging AA missiles and vehicle's gunfire and your gunner is hitting everything,  someone will IM you and you game will go to the desktop causing you to flip and crash.
Damn Command and Conquer Generals...
+62|7040|Rochester, NY
329. When you just got into the proning position with your PKM and press the trigger, the opponent you seek already killed you with his quicker hand or gun.

Last edited by BlackLegion42 (2006-06-13 18:00:57)

The Second Apostle Of Chuy
+78|7015|Flaming_Maniac = pwnd.

imdead wrote:

71. PKM can kill you in one shot 500 meters away.
Oh, yes indeed it does.
Death StatPadder
+228|7079|Human Meat Shield
330. When putting a map on your favorites; they will always change rotations.
331. When putting a map and posting as a 24/7 Harvest, no one will show.
Roger Lesboules
Ah ben tabarnak!
+316|6887|Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Québec!
332. People fear night map.
333. There is alway a jackass who dont read the rules and get kicked.
334. The same jackass will alway come back to complain till he is banished.
BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6937|Los Angeles, California, US.
Well, Sue me if this has already been done.

335. The Server will Crash as soon as you get an Award, Example, Expert Repair.
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
336. Even with friendly fire (claymores) on, your team will still carpet your last remaining spawn with them.
337. If you are on top of a roof of an enemy-held spawn, and you put a clay on your 6 for protection, 3 guys will get TK'ed by it and punish, even though you just told therm 3 times you put one there
Death StatPadder
+228|7079|Human Meat Shield
338. When you think you have the kill some sniper will get it instead
339. You favorite hiding spot is the enemies hiding spot
340. Claymores are better than rifles.
341. In the first 3 seconds you will be dodging grenades to live.
342. Consensus says that the grenade be your first weapon of choice.
343. Its not the sniper rifle that makes a sniper good; its the claymores.
344. Getting killed by RPG-7 is worse than being knifed.
345. Getting killed by RPG-7 while parachuting is worse than drinking spoiled milk AND getting knifed.
346. Claymores only go off on freindlies, even when FF is OFF.
347. The best sniper gun is the TV Missle.
348. The best Unlock should have been the TANK.
349. The best sniper isnt you.
Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6904|Las Vegas, NV USA
350.  You in a vehicle with a wall on one side.  Somehow you hop out, and get stuck between the vehicle and the wall in what is called "Player no more" land.
351.  Anytime that you absolutely need to zoom with your weapon, it'll do so for a fraction of a second, and then unzoom.
352.  You'll be flying in the exact airspace as the area that the commander has just used a UAV, resulting in a burning hulk of what used to be your aircraft.
353.  There will be 8 different "zones" that you can spawn in at a spawn point, and you'll miraculously spawn in with your back turned to the spawncamping PKM user 3 times in a row.
354.  You'll be having a spectacular game, and 10 tickets away from victory, the server crashes.
355.  After running your ammunition down to your last two pistol mags after killing over a dozen enemies, and having requested for ammunition several times, the commander will finally drop a supply box next to you that results in a friendly tank mad dashing for the box resulting in a death that your enemies couldn't give you (happened to me tonight).
356.  There's an 80% chance that your zipline will push you to your death.
Real Хорошо
+826|6829|Adelaide, South Australia

357: the C4/Det switch glitch will only happen when C4 is placed on a tank.
358: a TOW with a travel time of 20 secs is all it takes to ground the USMC Sharqi Airforce.
359: C4 is a team-magnet when placed on a Humvee.
360: whenever you ignore the crane, there will be a sniper.
361: whether the owner is dead or not, every set of stairs will have a claymore at the top.
362: that Supply Crate at the enemy Arty was put there for grenade practice for the commander.
363: if C4 is detonated the second its put down, you will die. if C4 isnt detonated the second its put down, you will die.
364: the only thing more deadly than a sniper on a tower is an AT on a tower.
365: Admin = God.
366: the most deadly thing in the air is the UAV drone, not the J-10.
367: the number of missiles needed to down a blackhawk is inversely proportional to the amount of people in it.
368: the only time you will need the Hook/Zip is when you dont have it.
369: Zip + Person = death.
370: looking at claymores will not detonate them. moving while looking at claymores will detonate them.
371: claymores dont exist until they are spotted.
372: enemy claymores are stored in the back of your Humvees.

Last edited by Fenris_GreyClaw (2006-09-15 06:52:06)

+2|6745|somewhere around europe
funny and all to true

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